Sunday, December 31, 2023

Wait, the year is over?

 I will start off by saying, that I hope all of you have a good year in 2024. I can't believe I just typed that, seems unbelievable to me that it's been twenty four years since the Y2K bug was going to erase modern society. 

 The truth is that some of us will have a good year and some of us will not, that's just life and there's not much we can do about it. Now that I'm past age 45.. well past 45 (yikes), I think I have learned to just go with the flow, it's the only way to keep my sanity, lol.

Me and the Mrs (he hates it when I call him "the Mrs") are not going out tonight, we're the boring gays and there will be no dancing, dressing up and having fun. We will probably eat chips and watch a movie. Plus we have to rest up, we are actually going away to a sunny beach location the following day.

 I just wanted to get in one last post for 2023 before time runs out. It was mostly a good year for me with the exception of losing mom, however we had already said goodbye to mom years ago and we actually felt that she was at peace now. I did some traveling this year and met a lot of great people, work was good and my partner and I rescued a dog. These experiences make me wish I had been more adventurous and outgoing when I was younger but I can't change the past, I can only continue on forward.

Have a Happy New Year everyone. πŸ₯‚πŸΎπŸŽ‡


  1. Happy New Year! I hope 2024 is fab for you and the Mrs!

  2. So I’m late to the party
    Tell me more about the hubby

  3. Wow I was just thinking of you! and Lo! You have a post!
    This made my New Years Eve.
    May 2024 be marvelous for you and please keep in touch you are important to me.

  4. May 2024 be your happiest year so far!
    Sorry you lost your mom. Im looking after my 90 year old dad and as an only child, aged 64 with two bulging discs and a bad leg, it's not easy.
    No one has the perfect life, steven. Just appreciate the good times and roll with the bad. Xx

  5. Oh my goodness? A post from Steven AND a post from John Michael? It is a Christmas miracle. All we need is a post from JP to complete the hat trick.

    I hope when you post next (in what? 2 months? 3 months?) you share a picture of your new dog. Michael54 got a dog this year and he is giddy with happiness.

    Don't tell anybody I said this, but I am glad that things turned out okay for you and that you eventually found a Mrs.

  6. Cheers to you and "the Mrs." in 2024!

  7. Wishing you and the Mrs a very happy and prosperous new year!

  8. Happy New Year! 45 isn't bad at all. I'm 52 and remember 45 fondly. Funny how when were young we want to be old and when were older we want to be young. Kind of like the weather, were just never happy! :) Aw a dog, that's nice. I got my cats in 2023 that was the best thing that happened to me but I just wouldn't realize it until much later in the year. Your get away to a sunny beach location sounds nice. Y2K yeah I remember that and glad it was a non-event. Here's hoping the best is yet to come!

  9. I'm very happy for you, and your "Mrs".

  10. Happy New Year! I am a bit late to this post! I hope 2024 will be a good year for you. You adopted a dog! So did I! I love her to pieces.

  11. Happy New Year, babes!
    Hope the vacation was awesome and you had tons of fun!


    P.S. I was also one of the boring gays and stayed home, played charades and watched the NYs on TV!!
