Monday, March 21, 2022

Non comedian.

The roommate and I had our first argument three weeks ago. Apparently I'm not as funny as I think I am. Also I believe it to be a cultural difference, he is Mexican and I'm Smarty Pantsican. My humour can be a bit sarcastic and I like picking at people, one day I crossed the line and "POOF" hurt feelings. It was also revealed to me that it had been building for a long time. Well anyway it's been smoothed over and I will be a little more cautious with what I say regarding how he may interpret things. He can be a jerk at times but he also does a lot of nice things for me. I on the other hand am a perfect roommate and he needs to realize that. Just to be clear, we are just friends. We did get together a year ago but he didn't want anything serious so we became friends. I was worried about living together as he has an online temper, so as a test-run we went away for a few days together to Montreal.I had a great time with him, I decided to take him up on his offer and rent a bedroom. It turn out to be exactly what I needed, winter seemed to fly by and it's spring already. We made it!


  1. I am also not as funny as I think I am.

    Oh! Is this the cute Latino who is a decade younger than you? The one you wrote about in your 2021 post? If so I hope you cut him some slack -- guys in their early 20s can be touchy about these things. I am sure he will realize how perfect you are sooner or later.

    1. Hi Lurks, I can't tell you how shocked I am by this revelation of yours, regarding not being funny. Teasing! Actually one thing that sticks in my mind, when I was in a dark place summer of 2020, how kind you were to me. I see you differently now.

  2. Yeah, people sometimes don't realize how perfect I am either. It sucks. Sooooo misunderstood, LOL!

    1. Lol! I know Debra right? People just don't appreciate talent!

  3. Well, there may be some cultural differences as well as character (and age, according to Lurkie). But I'm glad you guys smoothed it over. There's always going to be some bumps here and there (especially if there is not a romantic link to help soften the realization that we are not perfect) and you'll have to realize that not everybody gets your sense of humor, dahhlink. I think the best thing is to each keep his space and then mingle in the common areas every so often.
    It's worked wonders for me in the past.


    1. Six, yes we talked about boundaries etc and I need to give him space. I also have to retire the class clown act I put on.

  4. Same here! I can piss more people off not knowing it. Ask Sixpence. But, that Machismo thing is very cultural and multi faceted.

    The only thing going through my mind is; a ginger and a latino. HAWT!

    I'm so glad you are in our world again.

    1. Jimmy, yes some negotiations are needed in all relationships, for the most part we have gotten along. As for the ginger/Latino thing, we're adults and I'm going to be honest, best sex I ever had. The contrast was hot as well, he is dark skinned and very dark below. Our chemistry was pretty awesome and I probably shouldn't say this but... every once in a while, we reconnect because it actually brings us closer together.

  5. Being a Smart Assian myself, I feel your pain. I'm also a Socially Gauchean on my mother's side, so, double whammy! One find's one's coping mechanisms. Sometimes they work, sometimes not so much. Hang in there, pumpkin.

    1. Deedles, I love you, such a sweetie pie. Anyway I'm actually an awkward person, probably why I started writing; however I'm at the age now where I think.. meh.. don't care what people think.


  6. You sarcastic? I can't believe it.

    1. Richard, hahaha! Why do I feel you're being sarcastic!

  7. It always leaves you with a bad taste

    1. Hello John, yes it was awkward for a few days but we moved past.

  8. I enjoy Smartassery but a lot of folks are allergic to it.

    1. Bob, yes lol, I cause adverse reactions! Just ask my sister!

  9. Happy to see you back, living in the big city now, good for you. So the rumour that you had been kidnapped by some big burly trucker are not true.

    1. Hello Laurent! Yes big city living for me. No I was taken by some inbred trucker with his MAGA hat on too tight, I stayed away completely. It affected driving around Ottawa for weeks even after.

  10. Replies
    1. Hello Michael, hope things are going well. I haven't read any blogs, I think I'm afraid to if I'm being honest, everything seems so bad these days.

  11. I'm loving you being back. Your comments always made me chuckle with your sense of humor.

  12. I am glad to see how many comments are happening here; you a loved and missed.

  13. There’s bound to be issues from time to time. I’m glad you addressed it and now can move on. It sucks when things build up and we’re clueless as to what happened. And I’m surprised someone doesn’t get your humor.

  14. I'm glad you can be friends!! The world needs more friends.
