Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Adventures of Steve. *Sigh*

 Today I go for my first haircut, I'm excited and not scared anymore. It's a local person and so far there has been no virus in this area. Also happily even the larger cities have been steadily going down. It's been a long time since I had a haircut, March the ninth! I would have gotten one sooner but the lady who usually cuts my hair from this area, fell and broke her fingers on one hand. This lady was recommended to me but since she is the only one that cuts hair in the area now, she was really booked up.

 Wow.. March ninth, that just shows how totally blind to this virus we were. I remember I was going to head home and people were talking about a possible shut down for a week or two on the radio. I was going to wait but then I thought to myself that it was a nice night, I still had time so I went and had it cut. Never did I imagine that we would be hiding out for the next four months.

 I'm a little worried about it actually happening, just because of my luck, I fear some disaster will happen and my appointment will be cancelled. I mean you know... Mr Bean (me) goes for a haircut.

 I was able to see my mom on Tuesday, I was a little worried that I would become emotional, I haven't seen her since the end of February. I had missed one visit and I didn't think that much of it. The homes decided as a precaution to stop all visitors, we were told it would be for a couple of weeks, that was back in March. I was a little surprised by her appearance, she has lost a lot of weight. Part of her dementia is that food tastes bad to her so she has no appetite. Her hair was more grey and she seemed weaker but she was still getting around. She always wants to help, she feels bad for the people in wheelchairs and so takes them up and down the halls.

 At first she didn't recognize me, unfortunately I have to wear a mask. She was even afraid of me. After about ten minutes it started to sink in who I was and I could tell that she knew me. She actually said, "I didn't know where you were, I waited a long time for you". I never know if she is just saying that or if somewhere deep down she understands that I haven't been around for a while. Still the coincidence of her saying that is interesting. The visit went as well as could be expected.

 Of course the day couldn't just end on an okay note, not for Mr Bean. I decided to head to a local store nearby and as I was driving, I saw a piece of metal on the road. As I avoided running over it, I heard a loud thump and then hisss, obviously there was a second piece hiding on the road. Within seconds my tire was flat. I can change my own tires pretty quick. It was especially tricky since I was on a fast moving highway. Four nuts off within seconds... however the fifth nut... no way it wasn't coming off. No matter what I did. Two guys came to help, one guy was a pretty solid guy, even standing on the bar, the nut wouldn't move.

 Turns out he has heavy equipment and a lot of tools. He got me to slowly drive into his yard. Still nothing would work, finally we gave up and called a tow truck. The garage couldn't get it off. In fact a heavenly being appeared before us and tried... but nothing. He/she said, "I'm-ith so sorry-ith, I created all the world before you but I can't move that #!&$ nut! Anyway eventually they had to cut it off. It was an entire afternoon adventure, $50 for the towing, $120 for the removal and I haven't paid for the replacement tire, nut and stub yet... but you know, another adventure for Steve. No wonder my nerves get shot! What should have been a few minutes turned into four hours.

 Apparently Ford has stopped making the focus, just as well because I would not recommend the latest versions. They put tin caps on the tire nuts, so you have to be really careful. If you apply too much pressure, the corners will smooth out and instead of a nut, you now have a round pipe and your tire iron has nothing to grasp.

 Finally I had to limp home using that tiny spare tire they give you. The piece of metal had sliced a good chunk of my tire so it couldn't be patched. I'm waiting to hear back from the guys when my new tire comes in. Hopefully I get to my appointment today... but stay tuned. *Sign*


  1. Whoa what?
    Four months chillin' and then suddenly all this happens? And a Ford Focus? And we are going to need pics of the new haircut. For research purposes, of course.
    So glad you got to see your mum. It's been awhile, but protecting the most vulnerable is our job.


  2. Sixpence, yes I certainly poked the safety bubble on Tuesday, I was around a lot of people, makes me uneasy. Yes a focus because the cars are not expensive and are easy on gas, I travel far to work. These focuses are not as user-friendly as the first Focuses.

  3. I have to admit,...that was a bitch of a day. I dislike machinery intensely.

  4. I'm glad you got to visit your Mom, but bummer about that tire. Enjoy your haircut today!

    1. Debra, getting it cut meant one more normal thing happening. It really lifted my spirits. The young woman was super nice as well.

  5. At least the visit with your mom went well.

    1. Richard, yes and at least I didn't start crying.

  6. Focus--see what I did there--on the good had a nice visit with your Mom which I know meant a lot to you.
    Tires are tires;focus--oops, I did it again--on the solid guys.

    1. Bob yes I was focused on the men, they were cute in their shorts and t-shirts.

  7. I have noticed how men can get quite cranky when they can't get a nut off. I am so very happy that you were able to see your mom.
    We have always kept clippers in our house. No need for a barber. Different hair, I suppose. You take care, Mr. Bean.

    1. Deedles, you always just hover over Santa's naughty list don't you! ;)

  8. Another thing we have in common. I can change tires too. Hey, are your shocked? .My mother has a Ford Focus also. She loves hers...granted if she puts more than 300 miles a year on, I'd be shocked. She walks to work.

    Oh tell Canada if they are smart like Europe, they will close their borders too. You know the citizens here don't listen. Otherwise you'll all be back in lock down with us.

    1. Maddie, yes we are asking our leaders to keep the bridges closed! I heard yesterday that they could possibly be closed for a year.

  9. Oh my, what an Adventure you're had during Pandemic Lock Down! AS IF dealing with a Plague isn't enough, right? Hope your hair appointment doesn't cancel, glad the visit with Mom went well and it is interesting that she realized it had been a long time between visits. My Mom had Dementia and actually was more coherent than Staff realized, which is why she got so cross with them, they treated her as if she was invisible and just sometimes couldn't remember English {her 2nd language} and they thought Welsh was 'babble' and not a real language at the Nursing Home, so communication broke down and angered her. Canada is Wise is they shut down the border from allowing Americans in, our Country clearly couldn't handle this crisis and it's showing... even without the Lunatic in Chief we apparently have a lot of stupid Citizenry with no discipline and believe bullshit over Science and Medical Advice during a Global Health Crisis. I think it will thin the Herds of Stupid considerably before this is all over... which is kind of a Public Service really, a harsh one, but Mother Nature can be such a Bitch, can't she? *Winks*

    1. Bohemian, there have been no cases of covid in my area and our numbers are getting better. However I was trying to stay as safe as possible.

  10. Ok, let's see if I got this... you went to get a haircut, after that you went to see your Mom who did remember you, drove over a piece of metal and got a flat tire, and then tried to pick up 2 guys? Is that how it happened?

    1. Dave, no I got the haircut today and everything went smoothly. That just means something wicked is about to happen.

  11. What a busy boy you were. Glad you got to see your mom. I’m sure it did your heart good. And did I hear you got a couple of guys’ numbers? Now if you can get your haircut and come out with both ears in tact then it will have been a great adventure!

    And did you say you’re joining the Illuminati?

  12. HuntleyBiGuy, nope no accidents.. I still have all three ears just like everyone else.

  13. I too am glad to read you are busy and got to see Mum.
