Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mom. A day to pause.

 Every now and then a song comes on the radio and it instantly makes me think of mom. It's called Somebody's daughter, a song about a homeless woman and the singer is reminding us that the woman is someone's daughter, sister or was someone's best friend once. That's one of the  many life lessons mom left me with, to treat homeless people with respect, to never make fun of less fortunate people because we don't know their story.

 Today is mother's day, unfortunately I am not able to see mom. Actually.. it's okay because she wouldn't grasp the meaning of the day and it only makes me feel lonely to be honest. However I can reflect back over the years and think about the solid wall behind me called "mom".

 I realize now how lucky I was, of course mom wasn't perfect, she was human and made mistakes like every person does. I just took it for granted that all mothers were devoted like her and like my grandmothers. My eyes were really opened when I moved to the city. Many of my friends were partly messed up because of having a parent that was a complete failure. I can't imagine having to go through life worrying that the person you should be trusting the most, is actually trying to take advantage of you or is indifferent to how you are doing in life.

 Lucky me, I won the mom lottery, when it came to her children, she was a lioness, there was no mistake about that. I'm very proud of my mother, she was a very decent person, very strong willed, intelligent and very independent. This is the reason I find it so hard to see her like she is now with dementia. I credit mom and also my sister for my positive view of women. I have always thought of women as equal to men, I was actually surprised when I started to learn some men think of women as being second class to men. I know some men would say there are women who are not as independent as mom was... but I can also show you plenty of men that need a guiding hand and many times that guiding hand is a caring woman.

 Everything I do to this day, I hear her voice either in approval, disapproval or a warning. I have always understood that no matter how strict she could be, it was for my own good. I also learned early on that not much could get past her, one of her beliefs in life was that we understood about making the right decisions when she wasn't around as much as when she was around.

 Maybe I can't be with mom today for her own safety, "thinking of others" another life lesson by mom, at least I can use mother's day to pause and thank my lucky stars I had someone like her in my corner.

 If you're a mom reading this, I hope you have a happy mother's day.


  1. A wonderful tribute to your Mother! May she remain safe and healthy.

  2. That was a lovely tender prose. Yours remain a good read.

  3. How beautiful. Best to her and to you.

  4. My mom had some serious emotional issues, so being the realist, I've always thought of today as being a faux holiday created by Hallmark. I wasn't always keen on father's day, either, in case you're wondering... and my dad was a nice guy.

    1. Dave, you're probably right but it still makes a person stop and think about the sacrifices most moms make for their children.

  5. So beautifully written.
    If one of my children had written this about me, I would feel very honoured indeed.

    Hope you are staying safe and well, Steven. Take care..x

    1. Christina, very kind of you, thank you. Just wait, as they get older and wiser they will start to appreciate you more and more.

  6. Aww
    That was really touching, Steven. And you know not many people get the 'perfect' mom. After all, mothers are just human beings. All we get is what they taught us (be it good or bad). And we learn from that.


  7. Sixpence, thank you. Yes no one is perfect and there comes a day when we realize that and appreciate our parents, flaws and all.

  8. Such a moving read. She done good. You are right that she always has your best interests in mind. And the distance and circumstances bring it all home, doesn’t it? I hope you and your family stay well.

  9. HuntleyBiGuy, thank you and I hope you're safe also.

  10. I do wish that blogspot had a "like" or "love" button. I don't have anything of value to add but do often "like".

  11. Willym, you commenting adds value to my blog every time. :D

  12. A little late reading your blog, but thank you I did have a happy mother's day. What an insightful and interesting blog you write. I greatly admire blog writers who really give of themselves.

  13. Rose thank you that's very kind of you.
