Sunday, May 31, 2020

Heat wave? What happened?

 Oh the insanity of our weather. We had been roasting all last week, 35 Celsius or 95 Fahrenheit one day for example. Yesterday it cooled down, last night was freezing, no I don't mean freezing as in "I'm cold" I mean freezing as in frost on the roof, possibly ice in places. Crazy town if you are trying to grow a garden. Cold again tonight and then hopefully it will return to normal.


  1. I would love it to cool down like that; lucky you !

    1. Dr Spo, it was too hot but now it went below freezing last night, many plants and fruit trees are ruined.

  2. Oh, it's been crazy.
    The temperature here is going up and down, but mostly up. It's going to be a non-Spring, as it was a non-Winter. Ugh.


    1. Sixpence, it just keeps going down here, really upsetting after having July weather.

  3. but there ain't no such thing as climate change...YEAH RIGHT!

  4. Anne Marie, yeah right for sure! That's the problem people don't understand, they think we will be able to start growing bananas in Canada. It will just be more unstable, maybe summer weather in April but winter weather returns in May and maybe into June, destroying the crops and wildlife.
