Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Wow Trump resigns!

 Wow!!! Finally some good news for a change! Life just got better. That sly old snake (apologies to snakes) he was clever enough to run now when things are getting tough! Then he will say that he was the best and things only went bad after he left (barf). I'm not sure having Pence as President is any better. The world just keeps getting more nutty and I'm sure being April first has nothing to do with this story. Well if I did trick you, at least I gave you a few happy minutes. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.


  1. I don't hate you because you're beautiful, Steven. I hate you because you're warped! Actually, that's why I love you. I'm so confused!

    1. Deedles, it's okay Deedles, just drink a nice relaxing tea. There now, that's better.

  2. Replies
    1. Richard, I wanted you guys to be able to dream!!!

  3. Replies
    1. Bob, I think everyone that isn't insane or evil is wishing the same thing.

  4. Replies
    1. Debra... hahaha.. saw wee! I wanted something that would play a trick and make people feel happy!

  5. Replies
    1. Anne Marie, I especially had you in mind when I was thinking up this scheme! ; )

  6. Oh, and another thing, wouldn't it be more satisfying if instead of resigning someone would just say "you're fired" and then haul his orange ass to jail?

    1. Deedles I was applying the k.I.s.s model to this joke, making it too complicated would be a red flag too fast. Otherwise I could have said he was touring a Louisiana alligator farm and leaned over too far! Wait.. I'm just thinking what that would look like, hmmm actually I feel really sad at that image :(... awwww poor alligators, they would have upset tummies.

  7. God, that would be the cruelest April Fool's joke EVER if I had fallen for it! I would dance in the streets if Dump resigned. He never will, I'm afraid. We're going to have to do our best to vote the bastard out!

    1. Jennifer, lol I do try my best!

      Yes I agree, he would never resign, his ego has him believing that he is the best president ever.

  8. I did do a double take, then I realized you had to be pulling my leg (well, not really) because there was no Hallelujah Chorus blaring in the background.

    1. Dave, a double take is good enough!!! Hahaha and you would miss him so much... not!!!

  9. Hahahahaha
    Silly goose!
    I was like, wtf! And then I remembered how twisted you can be. You deserve to be spanked. I’ll call Maddie.


    1. Sixpence, is that a Canada goose? Lol
      I'm really twisted sister! ;)

  10. Lol! You had me in high spirits for 5 seconds. I’m not sure wether to hate you or praise you. I think I’ll go with praise for bringing a little hope to my world.

    1. HuntleyBiGuy, well as long as I made you happy! Dare to dream my friend!

  11. I'd spank you for this post, but I won't because you just might enjoy it.

  12. If only this April Fool's Joke would be true, then Pence for some reason couldn't be president. Then we'd have Nancy Pelosi!

  13. Michael, well I was trying to bring some joy into your lives. Lol
