Sunday, April 12, 2020

Thoughts on Easter.

 Although I was raised Catholic, church on Sundays, altar boy etc etc, I'm no longer religious. I'm not going to make fun of someone's beliefs on this special day for them, that would be thoughtless of me. I will say this however; when you think about the story behind Easter, it's so typically human that it's sickening. A man begins going from town to town claiming he has the true message from god. He asks people to see everyone as an equal, to understand everyone has value and worth. That looking out for one another is a strength that adds to society and is not a weakness. That those in power should use that power to make life better for the people they are in charge of. That people in the religious hierarchy should be the most concerned with this goal and not concerned with worldly possessions. He gave ordinary people hope, he made them feel that someone cared... and so we twisted his words and killed him in the most horrible way possible for those times. Oh humanity, you're such a dick!


  1. Not all of us, in this country is mostly the Republicans.

  2. And “Christians” believe they hear the word of god and it is commanding them to persecute all those that do not follow their brand. That and encourage their sheep to give more than they can afford.

    1. HuntleyBiGuy, I always took note that during mass, the sheep were considered good, sheep went to heaven. The goats were bad, they were always separated out and went to hell. Anyone who grew up around these animals knows that sheep are as stupid as a house plant while goats are intelligent and want to experience everything. I always found that interesting. Thinking and intelligence are considered bad by the church.

  3. Well, he was killed cause he was dangerous: he united people. It was a political move.
    They took his words and created a cult. That's sad.


    1. Yes a nutty cult and we are expected to follow their instructions.

  4. I was raided Catholic but no longer practice.

  5. Richard, I heard that there was a crack of thunder every time you entered a church. Lol
