Saturday, April 4, 2020

Say that one more time and I will...!

 I'm feeling less bleak about the future today. The reason is not that things won't be that bad, (because they will be bad), no my reason for feeling less bleak is because this is what we have been given, all the whining and moaning in the world won't change that. When I woke up this morning, the little voice in the back of my mind said, "get over yourself"! There is a way around every obstacle and I might as well focus my energy there. Also being here on the farm isolated, is the safest place in the world for me right now, plus I'm not shut in like most people, I have a lot of personal freedom that many do not.

 Yesterday I got mail, normally I get excited about getting mail but not anymore. Now I dread getting mail because I imagine it to be crawling with the virus. It's especially frustrating when it's useless junk. Usually I handle it like toxic waste, if it's not important, then it goes straight to the recycling bin outdoors. If I have to open it, I open it outside now and toss the envelope into the recycling.

 The letters I received made me a little frustrated. The first one was a pamphlet telling me to wash my hands, cough into my elbow and stay two meters (six feet) away from people.  The second letter was from my mother's nursing home, it was telling me to wash my hands, cough into my elbow and keep away from people 2 meters. Really? Like I haven't heard this before!!! Almost every letter I have received in the past three weeks has had one of these pamphlets inside, every commercial, every politician, every radio host, every news paper story, every level of government, every doctor, every health care worker, has been telling us to wash our hands!

 I don't think the people who are getting sick now, are sick because of them not washing their hands. There are still tough decisions to be made that are not being made! We are told to take this serious and I think 95% of Canadians are taking it seriously. Crack down on the 5% stupid people. Why should the rest of us suffer because they don't want to be inconvenienced. This could mostly be over in a matter of weeks except for the few that don't want to pull their weight. I'm ready to do my part but they have to as well.

 Sure keep reminding people to be cautious, that's helpful, but I feel like duct taping the next freaking person who tells me to wash my hands! If I wasn't washing them by now, I'm probably not going to wash them no matter what someone says. Mostly, stop sending me letters in the mail telling me to wash my hands (about five weeks too late)... because wouldn't it be tragically ironic if a bunch of people caught C19 from pamphlets warning them about C19!


  1. I assume you wash your hands after handling the mail? Sorry, lol, had to ask!

    1. Debra, oh you are SO in big trouble now!!!
      Actually yes, I wash my hands, I then wash the bar of soap and then wash my hands again. I'm trying to form a barrier from anything entering the house.

  2. Well I just hope you've been washing your hands? (ducks to avoid toxic junk mail flung his way). Trouble with washing your hands so frequently is that they dry out - or at least mine do - and the skin starts cracking which is painful. I'd use hand cream but I'm not sure how good that is as protection. And anything alcohol based is also drying. It's difficult to keep your beauty at a time like this.

    1. Willym, I have a box of latex gloves so that helps. I'm good for food for a long long time so I never go out. The only thing that enters my world is the mail right now, so it's annoying to get a letter telling me to social distance when that's what I have been doing for almost four weeks.
      Wash your hands Will!

  3. Hey Steven. Wash your hands.

    Especially after you step away from what you were just doing!!!!!!!!

    1. Hey Maddie, you better wash your hands too! Actually come to think of it, maybe you better have a complete shower! ; )

  4. I don't have a problem with washing my hands (Balder Half reminds me to) but I am a face toucher and nail biter. Suicide by nail biting, what a way to go! Brains, brains, brains!

  5. Wash hands.
    Stay the fuck back.

    Words to seriously live by,

  6. Deedles, oh boy me too... face toucher!!! I'm always touching my face and worse... I have a little beard now and constantly want to touch it! For my own safety I'm going to have to shave it off.

  7.'s tough to reach those certain places living alone.....😉

  8. Bob, yes stay from people! Easy for me to do but a friend in the city was telling me about using his umbrella to force a person away from him.

  9. Oh Maddie, I've spent most of my life alone, you would have been shocked the places I could go when younger! Lol

  10. Actually Steven, your situation on the farm sounds like heaven to me. Be sure to start your car and keep the battery charged.

  11. Jimmy, regarding the car, yes good idea and here because of salt they have to be used every few days or they start to seize up. Because of my long commute to work, I keep a small battery booster with me.
    If my boyfriend was off work and came to stay with me, I would be more than happy to be isolated here with him.

  12. I tired of the news too. I listen once a day. It changing everything up.I'm bummed also, I had to cancel my trip to Philly for a spring visit to see Maddie in April. Between work from home, and fitness, I'm keeping busy. I'm sure my dating will be over. My bf is not happy I won't let him over. That's too much too fast for me. I always wanted to play guitar as a child, so I have one and am teaching myself.

    Now who is going to help Maddie scrub his back and bits.?

    I almost forgot. Wash your hands.

  13. Cali Boi... you brat, wash your own hands... and same goes for you as Maddie, I can guess where those hands have been!
    Actually sorry to hear you are bummed out buddy, I have a feeling you are a very social person and this will be hell for you. I'm more introverted so it only affects me to a smaller degree. You're still very young, this will just be a blip on your radar soon enough, just keep that in mind, you're on an awesome path.
    My boyfriend wasn't taking this that seriously at first and I found that upsetting but he's totally on board now and constantly reassures me.
    Maybe our special friend will get bored and send you pics! Lol.

  14. There are those who take it very seriously and those who don't, down here we call them Republicans. I'm upset about it all. I wanted to go part - time at my job and now for the next month or so, I am. Fine with me. And the repetitious washing your hands is an attempt to drum wisdom into the heads of the stupid. I can tell you, there are men who use our restrooms and don't go near a sink as they leave. They too are Republicans.

    1. Dave we had some guys at work that would never wash their hands. That's disgusting, I feel it's my duty to make sure no one shakes hands with them.

  15. I'm so happy to see you write "My boyfriend".

    1. Jimmy, it feels awesome to be able to write that and say that again!

  16. It's good to know you're in a better place today.

    1. Richard, thank you. To be honest I was really upset yesterday.

  17. Just think, Steven, when this is all over you and the BF will be washing hands together. And helping Maddie with the other bits. Like Jimmy said, good to see the term boyfriend and we can dispense with “Mr. X.” Keep your chin up (and other parts) and keep your eye on the horizon for better things to come.

  18. HuntleyBiGuy, well for now it's Mr X lol. I actually think that's a cute pet name for the blog lol, sounds mysterious!

  19. Stevie, I hate to burst your bubble, but Mr.X sounds like a Vincent Price character from a schlocky old movie!

  20. Deedles yes but many of my readers were adults when JR Ewing was shot so I was trying to relate to you people!

  21. It turns out we get sick because thems with the virus can transmit it for a time long before it becomes obvious.
    All the same I am glad you are washing your hands.

    1. Dr Spo, frighteningly.. it's turning out that a large number of people are getting ill well past the 14 days quarantine time period and also there are many people who have it but never show symptoms and are walking around shedding the virus!
