Wednesday, April 22, 2020

No Heavy Lifting.

 Today I want to focus on the positives of this negative situation. Like this morning for example, people were asking me around ten a.m. if I "just got up". Ummm no, I didn't just wake up at ten... which is totally true but maybe they are not asking the right question, there is a difference between waking up and getting out of bed. Seriously it's suddenly cold, dark and rainy every day, who are they, the sleep police? Speaking of weather, around here it's normal for it to be really windy this time of year but I just wish that we could have one day where the wind doesn't sound like a dinosaur is trying to hump the house. Actually yesterday sleet was spraying against the windows, so that paints a visual to go with the humping dinosaur.

 As for routines being ignored, this morning I had cookies for breakfast, I can justify that in my head because they were oatmeal cookies, not just any cookies but homemade oatmeal cookies so that's just like eating porridge or granola bars (work with me). Probably shouldn't mention the butterscotch chips I added in but in fairness to me, I only added in half a bag so that makes my cookies half the fat.

 There are bonuses to this social distancing, yesterday for example, I suddenly felt my kitchen was untidy looking, not just dishes that needed washing but some floor scrubbing is likely needed. Then I realized, no one is going to see it, actually no one is going to come to the house let alone want to come in. Same with laundry, doesn't matter if I run out of clean clothes. I have closets full of old shabby clothes, no one is going to see me dressed like a hobo (instead of a homo). I can make a fashion statement that says Wal-Mart threw up on Kmart. Also I confess, all those memes about people wearing lounge pants and sweat shirts 24/7, that's me. All those memes about people not taking a shower every day... hey it's earth day, I'm saving the planet by saving water and energy. It has nothing to do with my deodorant usually lasting 48 hours or not being motivated. Also a warning, if you go out wearing only lounge pants in a cold wind, make sure the fly is buttoned, you don't want a blast of cold air freezing the plumbing.

 Exercise? Well I was walking every day but unfortunately the weather changed for the worse. Rule of thumb, if it feels like cold water is being poured down my shirt no matter what I do, I'm staying in.

 Another bonus is I'm connecting with people again. People I haven't heard from in a long time are calling me out of boredom The really nice thing about this, is if I realize there was a reason I let the friendship slip away in the first place, I don't have to worry about a surprise visit or being invited out for an awkward meal! It's win win!

 I need a haircut, I need a shave, again that brings to mind earth day, I'm going for the earthy look or maybe that's the wild man look (caveman look)? Be kind to mother earth, I think she's a little angry with us right now and you know that saying, "if mother's not happy, then nobody's happy"!


  1. You sound HAWT! I love the trucker, and blue collar look.

    1. Jimmy, thank you for describing scruffy mutty me as hot!

  2. I second Jimmy! Cookies with coffee is one of my favorite breakfasts. Even the dreaded granola bars go well with coffee. I do try to shower at least every other day, otherwise the dogs start sniffing around for the hidden corpse. Balder Half ain't too thrilled either. I shaved my 'stache and beardlet awhile back. They were getting itchy! You have nowhere to go, the weather is bad, lay down and nap, or read, or watch movies, all guilt free!

    1. Deedles, cookies and guilt free, can't asked for more!

  3. I'm a sweatpants, sweatshirt kind of guy. You're right, I think people are reaching out, which is a good thing. I do shower at least once a day, twice when I ride. My dogs would judge me if I didn't. And I did cut my hair today. It's important to note that without my glasses on, everything is a blur.

    1. Dave, I'm thinking about shaving my head, might be the easiest way.
      Well you have to work with the public so showering is probably a good thing... although that would teach anyone a lesson for not giving you six feet of distance!

  4. Hey, rough trade is always welcome. I, with jimmy and falling for the discreet charm of the blue collar man.
    As for a routine, I’ve tried to create one because otherwise I would never get anything done.
    I still get up at the same time and do the same things I used to do except driving. Breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time. I do watch more tv tho. And check blogs more during the day, too.
    I’m glad people are getting in touch, even if it’s out of boredom!
    And you’ve just given me an idea for a post!


    1. Sixpence, I imagine you painstakingly choosing the proper outfit and cologne for each day regardless if anyone would see you or not! ;)

  5. My big excitement for today is going to be: having a shower, cleaning out the fridge, taking out the garbage and picking up my mail. Oh look, it's 1:30 pm. Guess I better get started. Right after I finish surfing the net some more.

    1. Debra, clean fridge! Darn it, something I was trying to forget!

  6. I'm taking a nap every afternoon. and spouse and I barely dress; he's currently working from home in a pair of tighty whities, I'm wearing a t-shirt. I made a loaf of oatmeal molasses bread today; the house smells great.

    1. Anne Marie, I wish I had a man hanging around in tighy whities!

  7. I was in pajamas all day yesterday until Carlos gave me a dirty look.
    So, I went to bed.
    Problem solved.

    1. Bob, hahaha, problem solved! I'm surprised however that you didn't play some mean trick on him and pretend it was pajamas day or something along those lines! Lol

  8. I just filled up my car today for the first time in a month. I only shower when I have to...same thing with shaving. What's the point I say!?

    1. Michael, I can't remember the last time I bought gas. What's the point exactly until I can't stand myself lol.

  9. @Michael- Hear, hear! I found that the flies are okay with the not showering, however, if the maggots are gagging, it's time to jump in the tub!

  10. All great observations especially the advice on open files on a windy day. Thanks for the smile!

    1. You are most welcome krayolakris! Yes cold drafts are only good as beer, well if you drink beer that is.

  11. Unfortunately I find myself working more now that I don’t have a commute. I do get to sleep an hour later, but the pets need to be fed. Then a little me time before I get to work. Lots of online meetings. Eat lunch while checking email. So there are some pluses like not spending money on gas. But I seem more tired at the end of the day because I spend the time I would commute working.

    So you’re a little scruffy. Maybe a little ripe, the house is a little messy. You’ve got no one to impress right now. Enjoy this time.

  12. HuntleyBiGuy, I'm enjoying some of the time but not being able to see my bf is torture.

  13. I dress for work every day even though I work from home. I never know when I have to be on a video call.

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