Sunday, March 1, 2020


 Friday I received a card in the mail, I was trying to think if there was a special occasion coming up. When I opened the envelope it was a thank you card from the family of the older neighbour who had passed away.

 I thought that was sweet of them, inside to my surprise was a full letter of appreciation for the help I provided to the family. A very touching letter to be honest. Touching because I felt that they noticed what I was trying to do, to help give a sweet woman a deserving send off.

 My dad did the same thing for years, I have been helping out for the last ten years. The truth is I'm not doing it for the church, it means nothing to me. Priests come and go, bishops come and go but the people are my friends, family and neighbors. Sometimes neighbors are more like family than actual family in small towns. The elderly people I feel have earned the right to have a beautiful send off and I do it for them. It's not because I think they are watching me and are pleased, I'm actually an atheist for the most part, so I believe they are gone, really gone and can't possibly know that I helped at all. Without saying then, I also don't believe angels are taking note of my good deed that day. Also I feel the family shouldn't have to worry about problems, they should be just concentrating on comforting each other. People did these same good deeds for us when dad died.

 Besides just the simple things like opening church doors etc during the procession, the grave site needs to be prepared and carefully marked out. What a disaster if something was out of line and some sort of mix up happened. Not terribly difficult, just a little attention to detail; however nobody wants to do it.

 The sad truth is there are no younger people helping out, they don't want to be bothered. I felt compelled to step in. However once the older people who contributed greatly when they were young are all gone, I will be finished. I'm not the only one who quietly gives up their free time to help, there are a few of us and sadly the key word is few.

 As I was saying, I don't do it for any other reason than it just feels like the right thing to do. My way of saying goodbye to people who gave me cookies, pretended to steal my nose, smiled broadly when they saw me coming, pony rides, car rides, funny stories and my whole life were always around, until one day they weren't. I don't do it for praise but the touching Thank You meant a lot to me. It was totally unexpected; however not trying to sound like I'm looking for a compliment, I feel that is completely wrong, I just realized that over the last ten years of helping out families, this is the first time anyone has ever sent a note to say "thank you".


  1. Rest assured, you get what you give. You are a good human.

  2. A handwritten thank you note is one of the most precious things one can receive in this current climate of emails and texts.

  3. I believe a handwritten thank you note remains the height of good manners and breeding.
    Only a few lines are needed to make someone's day and make you look a god.

    1. Dr Spo, yes just a few lines can make someone's day, very observant.

  4. I agree with the first two. When ever I receive any kind of special gift or surprise I'm a huge thank you letter person, and I still send hand written note cards to family and friends.

    Stationary is one of my guilty pleasures.

    1. Maddie, yes I know you cheer people up with thoughtful cards and we love you for it! ; )

  5. on my street, we help the neighbours on either side of us. and they respond in return. it's the least we can do for a fellow human being.

    1. Anne Marie, great that builds community within the city.

  6. It's so important to thank people if they do something for you, whatever it is.
    I always thank people for holding a door open, taking a parcel in or for a gift. I made sure my children did the same. I always bought a pack of thank you cards at Christmas and for the children, writing them was normal. It's what you do.

    Sadly, people seem so busy there's not always time for the niceties which is sad.

    I'm glad you got an acknowledgment of your kindness.
    You come across as a kind and considerate person, Steven.

    1. Christina, nope I'm a low down dirty rotten scoundrel! Hahaha!
      Yes unfortunately everyone is too busy for everything.

  7. Love, love... love this story!

    So much love and appreciation from just one single letter. Glad it happened. And, glad you shared it with all of us. So, thanks from me as ewll, Steven! :)

    - Fit Studs

    1. Hello "Hot guys", welcome. Thank you for your kind words!

  8. Steven, you were brought up right. During the winter when we have snow that requires the breaking out the snowblower, I do the walks of my neighbors on either side of me, even though they are much younger. I don’t do it for thanks or recognition, it just seems the right thing to do.

    It was lovely of the family to recognize your contributions. They were showing their appreciation for your comforting them in their time of need.

    1. HuntleyBiGuy, when I lived in the city I used to shovel the lane way next door because they were in their 80s.

  9. I am so pleased that they sent this, and to read how much you appreciated it. They must be a very nice family.
    You deserve a lot of credit for what you do. We volunteer quite a lot but nothing too difficult, I don't push myself to do things I don't want to do. We try to be the neighbors we would like to live close to!

    1. Thank you JanF, that's what I believe as well, be the neighbor you would like to have next to you.
