Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Steve's restaurant review.

 Yesterday I was hoodwinked! A certain adorably cute guy that I recently met, tricked me into going to a fast-food restaurant. We went to the American chain called Popeye's, they have only recently opened in Canada. I'm not a fan of the KFC type of chicken places, I haven't gone in years. I was told that Popeye's is not like that. Actually it's not... it's much much worse!

 The entire experience was horrible, from the staff that want the paycheck but don't care about customer service, to the restaurant, to the food that's barely edible, complete garbage. I could even detect the slight scent of live chickens off the meat. I give it the official review rating of "YUCK"! What is it with American restaurant chains, that concentrate only on profits and absolutely nothing towards quality of food. They would love to serve you blobs of salted sugar, fried in grease if they could get away with it... disgusting!

 Afterwards, in order to walk off the grease clogging up our arteries, we went into a large furniture store and walked around. Seriously the merchandise was so hideous, that I think every gay gene in my body fainted simultaneously! It was like an Ikea store had sex with a Tupperware factory and had a secret love child. A certain new friend, asked me what I thought of a couple of items, I would just give him a firm "NO".

Him: "But wouldn't this look good in my..."
Me: "No!"
Him: "Well it is my house after all".
Me: "Still no!"
Him: "Is this how it's going to be, geez we just met!"
Me: "I said no, put it down!"
Him: "Nahww, kinda bossy".
Me: "Sorry but my secret interior decorator won't allow you to buy that, I'm trying to save you." Lol


  1. I LOVE Popeyes! It is the gay alternative to Chick Fel A.

    Ok, poor taste in home furnishing, #1. (I'm keeping a list of why you'll dump him.)

    1. Jimmy, "no", you are banned from Popeye's, I'm serious, end of discussion!

      Jimmy, maybe he just needs a boyfriend to help guide him? Clever don't you think?

  2. It was the same here when Carl Jr's finally came on the scene. So much hype! The food is way below mediocre, even for fast food. So thanks for the heads up about Popeye's.

    1. Debra, I'm not familiar with that restaurant... so thank you as well.

  3. I love Popeye's. Just the chicken, tho, not the sides. Different strokes, and all that. I think Jimmy is channeling Lurkster.

    1. Deedles, the crispy coating I think tastes better than KFC but the actual chicken itself seemed to be a lesser quality. The sides were gross and they got my order wrong... even though there were only two of us in the store. Maybe they did it on purpose since we disturbed them from sitting around talking.

      Yeah... what's got into Jimmy, I was thinking the exact same thing! My theory that they are clones is starting to take shape. Maybe he owns stocks in Popeye's.

  4. we don't have popeye's nearby, nor carl's jr.

    we do have a h8-fil-ahole, but we do not patronize it.

    do I smell trouble in paradise already?

    1. Anne Marie, you don't support chickfullohate because of the anti gay crap and that's why I just fucking love you!!! Hahaha!

      No no don't worry, there is no trouble in paradise, it's just bratty me being bratty me lol. Just playful banter between us, I was chewing cherry gum at the time and let's just say he enjoyed the flavor in the car after.

  5. Popeye's was develop and its home office before some big conglomerate brought them, was headquartered in Louisiana.

  6. Tommy, so this is your fault!!! Just joking, yes I'm aware of that and I thought maybe there would be something different about the flavor but I was disappointed. I totally understand the draw back of being taken over by a conglomerate. Canada's much loved Tim Horton was taken over and went from fresh made donuts and baked goods or coffee... to stale factory made donuts and coffee that tastes like watered down instant coffee. Even their sandwiches now taste like plastic, and they are always out of everything.

  7. Popeyes!!!!!!!!Popeyes!!!!!!!! Whatttttttt! Did he say POPEYES!!!!!! I may need a gin with a bromide in it.

    This is not the time to be cutting corners dear. You need to be wined and dined and pampered and sold lambchop!!!!!

    And any interior questions ask me. That's my degree dear. You have me shuttering with just what object de' art he was considering. That you said no means you've learned some gay card moves.

    But POPEYES?!?!?!?!?!? Thank God you two weren't wearing cro...... I may pass out...wheres Sixspense to catch me.........

  8. Maddie..hahaha! No word of a lie.. when I walked into the furniture store, I swear I pictured you fainting onto one of the turquoise leopard print chaise lounges! It was you that I was channeling the strong "no" from. Plus bad news, good news. The bad news is the "furniture store" had a giant bin full of crocs that they were selling!!! Wait Maddie... here comes the good news, my new friend pointed to the bin and said "umm no, never in a million years"! I was thinking wow, he would be Maddie approved! Yay! Hahaha!

    1. Might be...we will see my mon Cherie....BUT TURQUOISE LEOPARD PRINT!!!!!!!! BIN FULL OF CROC.....You two are BANNED from ever going in there again....I think I may pas.....


    2. Wake up Maddie, slap slap (((SLAP)))! Oops sorry, that last slap was a little hard (tehehe), Moorecock put me up to it!
      I'm not going back that's for sure! Now for your French lesson, don't say "my mon Cherie" just say "mon Cherie" because "mon is the French word for "my" so it would be like saying my my dear. Comprendre mon petit Chou? :D

    3. Not to pile on, but that didn’t feel right to me, either. And I only too high school German. 😜

    4. HuntleyBiGuy, German always sounds like they are angry with each other.

  9. I'm not a fan of Popeye's either. I try to avoid chain restaurants.

    The man, who admits to shopping at Sears, is giving interior design advice?

    How does your new man dress?

    1. Richard, ouch! There's nothing wrong with Sears! Hahaha! This stuff was hideous I'm telling you HIDEOUS! I have to protect my man from making bad choices! We have never really had to dress up yet so both of us have been dressing casual around each other.

  10. Popeye's... dear me, triple fried chicken, right.
    And I don't give anybody advice on decorating. The last thing I want is to tell him it looks good, have him buy it, and then have someone else say "really?"

  11. Dave, I generally don't give advice but if I feel someone is making a mistake while asking my opinion, I give it to them straight. It's all in fun however, I'm not serious.

  12. Monsieur Steven- Tu deviens un nouvel avare??? Oui, je comprends, mais j’utilise toujours ma chère!

  13. Carlos and I have similar tastes, once I tell him what his is, but we never agree on lamps. Until last week when I found a couple of new lamps for the bedroom and he agreed.
    Nineteen years later and we have lamp accord.
    It CAN happen.

  14. Bob, I'm approaching the age where I prefer no lamps in the bedroom, let me pretend to have my thirty year old body.

  15. maddie et steven: ils parlez francais! kisskisskiss

    yes, I do not buy h8-fil-aholes due to their gay discrimination. and your new friend "popped your cherry" as it were in the car.

    1. Anne Marie, aaaah! Hahaha! You're going to give me a bad reputation! No just smooching in the car, I'm a good boy!

  16. Oh good grief! It's getting all Pepe Le Pew up in here!

  17. Deedles, mais oui oui, Pepe is a lover not a fighter just like me... well actually I'm probably more like Elmer Fudd, huhuhuh!

  18. j'aime mes crocs! Oh no you better don't! Your cute, but I will cut your ass!

    NO CROC...NO CRO...Well you know no CroCS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Et maintenant Steven et le groupe, je vous souhaite à tous une bonne soirée.💋

    1. Maddie.. :( but they're so comfy womfy, couldn't I just glue some rainbow sparkles on them and pretend they are trendy?

  19. Steven, are you dissing IKEA? That’s Sixpence’s cathedral. Careful where you tread.

    I’ve only been to Popeye’s once. That was to try their much ballyhooed chicken sandwich after it returned from being sold out shortly after its introduction. The breading was nicely seasoned, but that’s about all I can say for it.

    And I love the back and forth with the “adorably cute guy.”

  20. HuntleyBiGuy, really? He likes Ikea? I didn't see that coming! This place was like Ikea's poor tacky cousin.

  21. How dare you?
    If it weren't for IKEA I had nothing in my humble abode!
    And Popeye's is an acquired taste. You also need a strong stomach.


  22. Sixpence, Ikea! Ikea! I would never... okay, okay, I confess, I have some furniture from Ikea and... and.. I actually love love love putting the stuff together, makes me feel like a real carpenter, I do it naked just wearing a tool belt!!!

  23. Haha, HutleyBiGuy said it well...

    "Pictures or it didn’t happen", lol!

    I use that pretty often, myself. Sassy! :)

  24. Hotguys, lol now don't encourage him! If I had the body... maybe but I don't so I wouldn't wait for pictures.
