Monday, March 16, 2020

Canada: Sorry We're Closed!

 Today at noon our Prime Minister announced that we will no longer be accepting visitors to Canada. The exception being American citizens. I think that was a political move and is a mistake. However there's no point in tourists coming here. They are asking businesses to shut down and close their doors. Basically no special events, no theatre, no concerts, no restaurants, casinos or any type of tradeshows. Unless your dream vacation is sitting in a hotel room eating takeout, I suggest you cancel your travel plans if you are coming here. Prime Minister Trudeau called for all Canadians to "come home now" he said it's time to return home before it's too late and people get stuck in a foreign country, (you just know there's going to be idiots crying on the news in a week or two about this).

The idea is to slow down the spread of the virus so as not to overwhelm the healthcare system. I have to admit that I'm a little spooked. I have an issue where every cold or flu I get, eventually ends up in my lungs and instead of two or three weeks being sick, my illnesses, end up lasting weeks. It loves going after people 50 and other. We had been lucky so far but unfortunately it entered a long term care facility for the elderly and the death toll has hit four already. A staff member accidentally brought it in.

 My mother's residence has banned visitors, I totally understand and agree with that decision, it was actually the provincial government that enacted this. Mom is physically very strong, I worry however as she likes to walk around touching everything and then often puts her hands in her mouth.

 People are thinking this is only for a couple of weeks and then all is good. Unfortunately they don't realize until there is a vaccine, this will go on for months. I wonder how the anti vaccination crowd is feeling at the moment, this is what life would be like without vaccines.


  1. I haven't stocked enough alcohol for this! Six counties, mine included, are basically shutting down as of midnight. You take care of yourself Steve. BH suffers from lung stuff that goes along with his allergies and asthma. I've been having coughing stuff going on for a couple of weeks now. Probably allergies, since there is no fever. Since I have two periodontal appointments in April, I'm counting this as a bonus. There is no such thing as emergency scaling and planing. Gyms and nail salons will be closed (oh darn).

    1. Deedles, yes no going to the gym! Seriously however take care of yourself and BH!!!

  2. I hear you So this is me.... down here its everybody is staying put.. inside.. not on our porches ... its going to be an unusual Spring.. and hopefully we will all get through it... Best of Luck Mr. Man

    1. Tommy, I get to go outside because I'm isolated here. It feels unreal at times. I haven't spoken to a real person I know in days.

  3. Yes, these are still early days yet. We've got a loooooooong way to go before things will get back to normal. So far I personally know 2 gay guys with the coronavirus -- friends of a friend -- and it kind of drives it home.

    1. Debra, I don't know anyone yet thankfully. I guess that will change. There are things that I didn't think of, like friends going through chemotherapy, they are in such a dangerous situation right now.

  4. Ha! I'm already living my dream vacation. We live in the "hot spot" of Florida. Thirty eight cases as of this morning that they know of.

    But remember, Trump gave himself a perfect 10 for going from "hoax" to "bad". What a Fuck wad!

  5. Calm down.
    Wash your hands.
    Don't touch your face.
    Practice social distancing.
    Stay home.

    And not necessarily in that order.

    1. Bob, in other words, "keep calm and don't carry on"?

  6. Oh I absolutely agree with your mom's residence banning visits. Its essential for their survival.
    And we need to chill and be aware that it's an emergency. Your advantage is that you can learn from the stupidity of IMPOTUS here in America and not make the same mistakes.

    Be safe!


  7. Dave, yes that's what I have been seeing, I think politicians should be honest, most people are a excited to help, they think it's going to be a two week holiday and then back to normal. There is no normal for maybe a year. Even if we "flatten the curve" it's still deadly to the elderly in two, four, six months from now.

  8. Sixpence, we have been lucky in that the government has been preparing us for a lock down. Many places had already started shutting down and people were already not going to events.

  9. Dr Spo, we should have closed for visitors from the US, it makes no sense! If you come here you have to isolate yourself in your hotel room for two weeks. Then even if you stay that long... absolutely everything is closed including parks and wilderness trails! There is no point in having tourists come here!
