Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Sticking to my resolution!

 January is half over tomorrow... wow how did that happen? Christmas will be three weeks past, or did it actually happen, seems like a dream now. How long until the new year isn't new anymore? I'm still being asked if I made any new year resolutions. The answer is always nnoooooo! Actually I made one a long time ago, I made the resolution that I was never going to make new year resolutions... and I have stuck with that one faithfully! Lol.

 I agree with master Yoda, he makes sense. If you need some special day to declare to the world that you are turning your life around, you're probably going to fail. Either do it or don't do it but I don't want to hear about it, call me when I can see results! I do have a list of things that I try to work on, everyone can improve something about themselves.

 I'm always trying to eat better, I used to be really good at eating healthy, I have fallen off the wagon for many years now. In fairness to me, I still eat healthy compared with a lot of people. I'm slowly cutting back on sugar, I have reached some goals that I set regarding that. No sugar in my coffee and no more drinking pop of any kind. At one time I could go for years without drinking pop. When it comes to snacks, I have a "don't buy it" policy because if there is a box of cookies around, then later there is an empty box around.

 I'm trying to eat more green veggies, I'm actually pleased with how I am following that. I'm eating what I buy, instead of letting it turn brown and throwing it out. Eat lots of broccoli, it has a lot of good chemicals in it, I also like spinach. I'm also eating a lot more fruit (I am what I eat :D) and I find the trick is to wash it immediately and if possible leave it out on the counter because if I see it, then I eat it.  Also a lot of fruit has a better taste at room temperature.

 More sex, yes you read that correctly, I spent my life not having it and I regret that. I'm trying to incorporate more into my life before everything falls off or quits working. It's a fun way to connect with new friends and it's good for mental health. Also in the plans is for me to socialize more with other gay people. The holidays actually slowed that down, as people went to be with family but everyone is getting back into routine. There is winter Pride coming up during Winterlude, that is similar to a winter carnival for the entire city. I know a lot more gay people now and many take part in these events. It will be more fun to go with  people than to stand there feeling alone. I'm doing a lot better than I thought I would regarding this. I haven't been able to attend my gay bowling or gay forty plus groups yet but that's been due to weather and not me chickening out. Well.... once you have taken your clothes off in front of about twenty guys, everything seems easier after that.

 Read more... meh.. well at this I suck... I have to admit that. I bought myself a book for Christmas and still haven't started reading it shame on me! Seriously I am not joking when I say that I feel the internet has made me stupid, well at least more stupid than I was. I also find I can't concentrate on anything, I want all the information in five seconds or less. Imagination, day dreaming, what are those?

 I'm listening and enjoying music again, that's healthy. I'm thinking that I need more culture in my life, I have some ideas and again I either do or do not, hopefully I do! Speaking of healthy, I'm sitting way too much I have realized, at a desk at work, in my car to and from work, at the computer at home. Not good, very bad health wise. It's moments like this where I think it would be good to have a dog.

 These are life things that we all struggle with, some things I will succeed in... others I will fail at. However I am just going to live my life day to day doing the best I can... no matter what the date is.


  1. And that’s all we can ever hope for. To so the best we can. And hopefully today was a little better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be even better.

    I completely understand how you feel about wanting information NOW, dammit. Everything comes in snippets now. And everything is BREAKING NEWS! I still like to read my news online and I still get a newspaper a couple days a week to help support journalists.

    So continue to do and you will continue to improve. Step by step.

    1. HuntleyBiGuy, yes I think that's the best thing we can do, improve step by step and hopefully we get to be one of the lucky ones.

  2. At your age, you better get on the stick with the sex thing. Perhaps hang a shingle, or a flashing neon sign visible from the road.

    I take it you are out at work????

    1. Umm thanks Jimmy? At my age neon keeps me up at night.

  3. Of course he is not out at work, Jimmy. Let's not be ridiculous. He has some lame-o excuse for why it is completely appropriate to remain closeted, which he will renounce when (knowing him, probably two days before his retirement) he comes out and realizes what a relief it is.

    Steven: for somebody who doesn't believe in resolutions, you sure have made a lot of them. But you are wrong in your analysis. Resolutions are actually a good idea if you are serious about them, because resolutions come with deadlines. If you are going to quit being a chicken and get out to (summer) Pride, you have to do so by Pride. That motivates you to get your pert behind in gear. Similarly, you are hearing that ticking clock, and you fully realize you don't have forever to accomplish what you want.

    Remember that Dr Spo advises us to make SMART resolutions: Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. New Years can be a good reminder to get on those and change our lives.

    Also, you had better get on your book reading or Debra will chastise you and maybe take you to court.

    1. Are you finished with your essay? You do remember that you have your own neglected blog right?

  4. More music, more sex and more veggies!
    I think that’s perfect. It’s something that we all could use in abundance. I’ve hit a dry spell and I’m focusing on the veggies and the music but hopefully sex will follow!
    Oh and book reading!


    1. Sixpence, you could read a book while having sex and eating veggies, all at the same time. That would also cover socializing and exercising as well.

  5. My resolution is just happiness.
    That's all.
    Everything else is surface.

  6. I should ream more too. I sit in front of laptops all day for work so the last thing I want to do is to sit down to read. I'm now reading a book when I go bed.

    1. Richard, you made a spelling error that had me in stitches. Read in bed is the best!

  7. I don't make resolutions either. I hope to wake up on this side of the grass each morning.

    1. Anne Marie, that's a good plan, the alternative really screws up your weekends!!!

  8. No resolutions here either. I have long said eating right, exercise, getting enough sleep, and lots of good sex is the best thing for health and being happy. Does wonders.

  9. Cali Boi... now you tell me!!! Hahaha! Joking, yes I agree with you.

  10. Good news, as you get older nothing falls off and everything continues to work.

  11. My blog sucks. I wish I had never started it. Your blog is where all the cool kids go to party. Nice dodge of the workplace issue, by the way.

  12. Lurker, I thought it was slick of me! The answer is both yes and no but it's too complicated to get into.

    Your blog is awesome... what silliness are you spouting, we have the same readers you Lurky head! I'm glad you started it, we see you in a different light, a much less grumpy, scary, nutty light.

  13. I don't think it's slick at all. Devious is a more like it.

  14. More sex and more gay socializing -- THE BEST RESOLUTION OF ALL! That's more important than reading books!

  15. Debra, well to be honest it's more fun. Lol.

  16. I'm sticking to my no resolutions policy. I'm certainly not going to listen to Yoda! If I'm going to take advice from a little green Muppet, it will be from Oscar the Grouch. We are muy simpatico! That smutty (for a Canadian) picture is adorable.

  17. Deedles.... never mess with Yoda! I am also sticking to a no resolution policy. Although yesterday I committed a sin, while in the grocery store they marked down all the baked goods so I became weak and bought some store bakery made peanut butter cookies.
    Yes I love that pic of two guys snuggling.
