Friday, January 3, 2020

Steve's DVD movie review. (Arrival)

 In past posts, I have spoken about movies that I have watched on DVD. The movie could be recent, it could be five or more years old. I was supposed to, at one point make it a feature but I don't really watch that many movies, so that type of post would become a sparse theme. The other issue as well would be that I don't have any understanding of the artistry that goes into telling a story. The only review I could sincerely give is that of my opinion alone.

 Past movies I enjoyed for example that I only saw in the last year or so include Sea Biscuit and The Big Short. This holiday season as I was picking up some stuff, I was going through a bin and saw some movies for only $5, a good deal if you can find something that you think might appeal to you. I saw the movie "Arrival" starring Amy Adams and I thought I might enjoy it, although I was hesitant because I heard many people didn't like it.

 Right away I felt that this was a good find. I have to say that I really, really enjoyed the film. I think the bad reviews were from people hoping there was going to be a space war with aliens and couldn't understand what the film was trying to say. I felt that the reaction in the film of the general public and the non western nations was sadly probably exactly how things would play out. Even with the current US government, the words "take me to your leader" could spell doom for mankind.

 There was a second movie and theme within the film. I suddenly realized what was about to happen at the end and that was an interesting twist, I am not going to mention it, in case someone wants to check the film out. There is the question at the end, if you could see your whole life ahead of you, would you change anything, not go back in time and change it but right from the beginning. That always cuts me deeply because I feel that I haven't lived, that I threw my life away. I would change a lot (hopefully)  but then again it's easy to see what is truly important now that I have life experience, back in my 20s and 30s I saw "important" as something completely different.

 I love a movie that moves me emotionally, makes me think, makes me question and this film did. I also see why I'm hearing the name Amy Adams over and over lately. Especially the scene where she is going to enter the ship and meet the visitors for the first time, she captured the incredible overwhelming feeling of numbing fear a real person would experience if something like this actually happened. This is a film that I'm going to want to watch again in a year or two.


  1. I've never seen this movie. I saw one with a similar title starring Charlie Sheen before he went nuts. I wondered if this one was a remake. I loved Amy Adams in Enchanted! She was perfect.

    1. Deedles, lol Sheen. No I don't think this was a remake, it was based on a book but they changed the title for the movie.

  2. I enjoyed Arrival immensely. I thought it so true to form that some humans believe they could attack an alien species with the scientific know-how to build a ship that could attain light speed. Sounds a lot like our president, doesn't it?

    1. Dave yes exactly and the people freaking out especially religious nuts and rightwing talk radio hosts!

  3. I have never seen the film. I am afraid I don't watch too many movies! I got a lot of free movie tickets from my students this year, so maybe I should go to some current films playing. I just don't like the action adventure kind of movie that seems popular now.

    1. Michael if you get a chance to be alone, I think you would like this movie. It says a lot about humanity. It also made me realize why intelligent life will never contact us.

  4. No space war? No thanks. I'll bet this is one of those movies where people keep their clothes on for most of the film, too. Aren't you highbrow?

    1. Lurker, not highbrow but esoteric. It's a bit far reaching at times but Hollywood always did love a good shark jump!

  5. I too love the Arrival. Very well done and a good message. Too many are used to fighting and things blowing up and wars scenes...very violent. Probably why nobody like it.

    But Sea Biscuits and The Big Short. I'm not familiar with those porns. Were they are good?

    I'm outta here for a month to take a break. Try and get naked more will ya.


    1. Maddie, okay I'm gonna miss ya! Those were excellent porns and you must watch them lol. Happy to hear my future hubby liked the film.

  6. Have a good time off, Maddie. If you go to Montreal with Daddy Warbucks make sure you tell Steven to come and see you.

  7. if you want to talk to the Mistress, she has a blog!

  8. I never saw arrival. I'll have to check it out.

    1. Richard, you are a manly man but you're also artsy, I'm thinking you might like this movie.

  9. I can't post to Maddie's blog very easily.

  10. Ah ha! My evil spell worked and you are mine now Lurkey... all Miiiiine.. Muahahaha!!!
    You should watch this too Lurks, part of you will hate it but that other part will like it! ;)
