Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Blogging, it's a numbers game.

 Some days I feel that I have been neglecting my blog; however when I check it out, I have usually blogged within the last day or two. I try to keep it active, I think some readers get into a routine of following certain bloggers and like to see that there is a new post. I am the same way, I have a routine of who I check out and enjoy reading. I'm not sure about how the stats work but I seem to have doubled my readers lately, I don't know if those are actual numbers because the people who comment are my usual blog buddies, that hasn't changed much.

 My feeling of neglect towards the blog is unfounded, just out of my own curiosity I looked at my past numbers of posts per year. This year actually had the highest number of posts at 270, I think maybe I had a goal of 300 but I don't want to be posting just to reach a silly goal. I was surprised when I looked back, with the exception of last year at 221 posts, most other years I didn't even reach a hundred posts.

 Sometimes the numbers tell their own story. In 2007 I started my blog, I was already friends with bloggers by then and wanted to give blogging a try. It was a really big deal back then, especially for gay people supporting each other through the coming out process. I started late that August but wrote 67 posts that year, it was a great way to express my thoughts. The following year 2008 was my big year, I met Dan and people followed me through my first real full on relationship with 134 posts. Suddenly I saw that number drop to 32 posts in 2009... and of course sadly that was when dad became ill and later died. The following year was one post and I wish I had been able to blog for the following four years. Things were crazy with mom, I had a terrible job but even worse, things between Dan and I went south, I really could have used some advice or a shoulder to lean on.

 I started a better job in 2014 and attempted to blog again but at 8 posts... meh not a come back story. The following year I went up to 71 posts. Again I noticed a sudden drop in 2016 at only 45 posts. There were a lot of issues that year that I didn't feel I could share and so I kept them to myself, I really struggled with overwhelming sadness that year. The following year post numbers came back up as I worked through my problems.

 I just realized that I never was a very dedicated blogger, I only imagined that I was, so I don't have to feel guilty about not posting, apparently I've always been a blog slacker. My overall numbers are only 940 published posts with four sitting in draft. I think Dr Spo celebrated something like three or four thousand posts recently, I haven't even reach one thousand!

 I have to be honest and say that I no longer use this blog to get my thoughts out, I don't feel comfortable anymore saying what is bothering me or weighing on my mind. A lot of it is just too serious, too personal and even too dark at times. I think that I have shifted the blog more towards the social side of blogging and I'm okay with that for now. I think I'm going to post less this year but we will see, every time I think I will take a break, I post more. I guess my muse feel less pressure and become chatty Cathys.


  1. I hear ya. You've been blogging a long time! Even when sporadic you have still stuck with it. I don't always get very serious on my blog I just post whatever might be an interesting going on at the farm or in town. If you move to less serious matters, food is always popular with people, ha. But remember, in the end it's your blog and you do what you feel like doing. Sometimes it can be therapy to blog about the serious stuff. Just know that there are those of us out here that enjoy you and we'll be here no matter what you feel like writing about. Cyberhugs from Texas!

    1. Ist man. Yes I'm 87 in blog years! I like your Friday poll questions.

  2. I'm a blog slacker.Im not cut out to blog...too many other things I work on.I doubt I'll have mine much longer. I read my male blogs...but I guess my age growing up, I'm on Facebook and Instagram way more. Many bloggers I read, or use to are now vacated blogs, and many more seem to be dropping like flies.

    1. Cali Boi, you are my gateway to smutt... haha. I use your blog list to read the naughty blogs. Sickoricko, Penis Soliloquy and Whack attack are my favorites. BTW, I get special emails from a certain hot person as well! ;)

  3. Oh noes. Only 940 posts?? Showoff.

    If you don't blog about the serious/personal/dark stuff, how will we gather information about your vulnerabilities and weak spots that we can subsequently use against you? You should share it all. Be like a millennial and overshare, even.

    (Seriously, though, it makes me sad that you do not feel comfortable blogging what is on your mind.)

  4. I have 625 posts since 2012.

    I don't blog for the numbers, nor do I give five fat flying fucks about stats.

    1. Anne Marie, I don't care about numbers, I was just surprised by how little I post. I'm blog lazy.. meh who cares. Lol

  5. Haha your Muse is a Chatty Cathy? Love it.
    And blogging is very personal. I think we should use it for whatever reason we want/need to use it: to clear the cobwebs in our heads, to overshare, to express our opinions and point of view, or just for fun. The blogging community is super fun, non judgmental and a tribe I really enjoy belonging to.
    I agree with Lurkie. If you don't share what's on your mind, be it funny or not, what's the use? We come to read you because we like what you have to say....


    1. Sixpence, I'm glad you feel that way, tomorrow I'm blogging about why people should stop reading your blog.... tehehe! :D Kidding!
      Yes the minute I think I'm taking a break, then a bunch of stuff comes into my mind.

  6. I’m a relative newbie to your blog. I check every day to see if there’s something new. I like your point of view and your humor. But ultimately this is your blog and YOU decide what to post. You can share as much or as little as you please.

    You shouldn’t feel pressured to hit some magical number, like Anne Marie said. If you feel the need to purge what’s on your mind or in your heart, I think the followers I’ve seen on here will support you and lend a sympathetic ear.

    1. HuntleyBiGuy, that's really kind of you, thank you.

  7. Your blog should be what you want it to be. For me, blogging has lost its appeal. I'm not sure how much longer I will continue.

    1. RJ, that's sad to hear but it's very common in blog land.

  8. Sweetie, do you enjoy it? Blogging, I mean you perv! I know nothing about it, myself. It seems to be a lot like long time married sex. It's enjoyable as long as it doesn't feel like a duty. Of course, duty sex can be fun when it's owed to the right person, but I digress (shocker!). It also doesn't have to be indulged in as often as when it was new. We love you, Steven, and you can share what you want. Have a sandwich (you know what kind), it'll make you feel better. If you get bogged down emotionally and have no one too talk to, come here, share. We may not be able to solve your problems but as Huntley said, we can support you and lend a sympathetic ear. Or Lurkster and I will just tell you to shut up and mop a floor (somebody told me that once, she is no longer a friend. I will shut up, but I don't mop!) This is YOUR BLOG, not a penance. If you want to post bunny pictures, do so. You'll still get grandma hugs from me. Here's one now ((((Steven))))

    1. Deedles, it's comments like these that keeps me blogging.

  9. I moved from 'forums' to blogging in the early 2000's (I think). My first blog had a purpose and was meant to have an end, which it did. But I met so many nice interesting people that I did a second one which ended up having me banned in the UK and parts of Canada. (lol) So, since I like so many people on this thingy and the interesting lives they lead, I do more like Anne Marie and just have a "base" and then flit around and comment. I do spend time on FB but I stick to the groups of interest, again like a forum.
    Steven, you have great wit and the banter you create between some of those who comment is well worth the dime. Keep going! Smooches on you head.

    1. Holy cow Jimmy, I would have loved to have read those posts that had you banned!

  10. And yet, Cali-Boi is not on your blogroll. Neither is poor Jimmy:

    1. I never put men on my blog roll that give me an erection.
      I have a lot of sweet little old ladies stop by this blog, Cali knows he's my bud but I can't have some classy lady like Anne Marie accidentally stumble onto his blog and faint. As for Jimmy he has been banned in two countries.

  11. What do you wonder? You can always just ask. (Asking does not mean I will answer, but I might...)

  12. Lurker I gave up trying to connect with you long ago.

  13. Steven, your blog should be what you want it to be, and no worries about anything else. I always enjoy reading your posts, and I have enjoyed getting to know you through your blog.

  14. You never put men on your blog roll that give you an erection? Thank goodness Maddie is in hibernation right now, or you would be in big trouble.

    1. I thought about that the second I hit post Lurker, hopefully he stays away or I'm in big doodoo!

  15. Old Lurker; "Poor Jimmy" LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

    Steven, you probably did and didn't realize it was me. I'm really a sweet person.

  16. Jimmy, maybe I did, I used to read a lot of blogs. Yes you seem to be sweet, that's what shocked me about you getting banned.

  17. What's more important is that I read your bloggy because YOU are sweet person. You also attract very smart, interesting people here, because you are so sincere and decent. At least I hope you are. One can never tell unless you've lived with them. :)

  18. Jimmy are you asking to move in with me??? :D
    All my friends describe me as a nice guy, lol I'm okay with that, probably a kind way of saying I'm a little boring. This blog is pretty much who I am... also remember it started as a way to work through my internal homophobia, so that would be an odd way to start things twelve years ago to try and scam people lol.

  19. Don't let the comments get to you. None of us have walked in your shoes.

    BTW. Lurkie isn't a follower on my blog. So Don't let him get to you and throw shade for not doing so.

  20. Jimmy, Lurkey is evil but in a nice way... if that makes sense. Your on my roll, that actually means I own you now! Lol. I had been meaning to add you but I'm lazy at dealing with blogger and its templates. I actually didn't realize you were blogging, you only allow one post, interesting idea.

  21. Jimmy is correct that I do not have him (yet) in my blogroll. I will fix that, but lately I have just been reading Steven's blogroll instead.

    Steven: don't get ideas from Jimmy. Your archives are very useful!

  22. I agree with Ole Lurkie. Your archives are fun.

  23. I enjoyed reading the 'stat report'
    I remain glad you blog; even the so-called 'meh' posts are fun reading for me.

  24. Thank you Dr Spo, wait until you see my monkey sex post! Actually I just realized that a bunch of monkeys have a better sex life than me! :D
