Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Christmas post, 2019.

 I had a good day today, I enjoyed myself. I wanted to start off by saying that so that people won't worry about the things I'm about to say. I woke up with my alarm this morning, I actually slept through it for a little while. I opened my eyes and thought, "ugh, got to get up". Who ever saw that coming when a child, usually I was wide awake by five as a kid. It's unbelievable to me that I woke up in the house on Christmas morning and there are no decorations, no gifts, no tree and no turkey  to be roasted in the oven, even worse, there is no one else in the house either.

 Where those memories even real? I walk down stairs and go to the room where a tree would normally be. I never saw this coming as a child, it was never part of my imagination when daydreaming about Christmas when I would become an adult. Unbelievable to some extent... but one year leads to another and then another, things constantly change and you end up alone in a big old farm house on Christmas morning.

 I went down to my sister's place and we had a nice Christmas, after I went to see mom. She was in good spirits but couldn't grasp that it was Christmas day. She had dinner and after I gave mom, her gifts. It took a lot of encouragement to get her to open her gift. She then wanted to sit and talk with a friend. I left to head home.

 Almost over for another year. I think I'm going to watch movies tonight.... and absolutely no... I don't do boxing day shopping.


  1. I'm glad you had a good day. See? You did have some family for Christmas after all. It just wasn't family at the farm.

    I think one's enjoyment of Christmas is directly correlated to anticipation.

    I had a pretty bad day but at least I got some lumps of coal out of it. Yay fossil fuels!

    1. Lurkey, I don't know what you are really like in the real world because I never know when you are serious or pulling our leg. However you can't be a porcupine and expect hugs. Also Santa knows, no coal for me or I'm using it to melt the north pole! Let's just see if that sleigh of his can float as well as fly!

  2. You had a very nice day. Mine was even more quiet, that is nice. My Mom had dementia, too. Christmas meant she had lots of visitors, nieces, nephews, cousins, all of whom she'd forget five minutes after they left. On the other hand, my dogs got lots of toys, but like my Mom they quickly forget. Old or new, doesn't make a difference. Like everything else, holidays evolve. Nice days are very good presents.

    1. Dave, yes things change. I run on a two year cycle, I'm only excited every second year, lol.

  3. quiet day at my house. lasagna & wine. naps. movies. modest gifts. cats purring. a good day.

    1. Anne Marie, actually that sounds like an awesome Christmas day!!!

  4. I am glad you had a good day. Holidays do evolve, just like we do. Happy New Year!

    1. Michael, evolve... is that a nicer way of saying we're getting "up there"? Lol

  5. I’m glad you weren’t alone for Christmas. And others have said, our lives evolve. When my parents were alive everyone got together on Christmas Day. Now that they are gone, the brothers do the day with their families, and then we get together usually the Saturday after Christmas, sometimes New Year’s. Took some time to get used to, but it’s the new normal.

    1. HuntleyBiGuy, I think that's a problem for gay men especially, we have less opportunities to form our own families. Happily it's different for younger gay men, I see many gay couples and gay dads with the younger gay generation. I see many gay high school and college sweethearts together now.

  6. I'm glad you spent time with your Mom and sister! Christmas becomes what it becomes but it really just exists in our memories and hearts.

    1. Debra, I like that thought, "it really exists in our memories and hearts". I think also our memories make past Christmases a lot better than what actually took place.

  7. I also woke up alone in a house without holiday decorations. Like you, I had a good day spent with friends. 2020 will bring a cornucopia of opportunities for you.

    1. Richard, with me it's just the contrast with how Christmas morning looked like here Wednesday morning compared to my childhood days. Also makes me really appreciate all the effort my mother and maternal grandmother put into Christmas.

  8. Most of the time I am being serious AND pulling your leg. I did not get any real coal but I did have a bad day.

    Porcupines might not get hugs but some of them get laid from time to time. (But not many, apparently. The males have to fight each other for access to a female. So maybe your analogy is pretty apt.)

  9. Lurkey, there are just too many childish dirty jokes I could make about porcupine sex. I'm really sorry to hear you had a bad day, I wish it went better for you, we banter back and forth but I'm truly always behind whoever Mr Lurker is and wish the best for him.
