Thursday, December 12, 2019

Oh no, another music video?

 I don't listen very much to pop music, it's not my thing. If I have no choice but to listen to a pop station while driving, I find for every song I like, there are about twenty five that I can't stand. Lately I kept hearing a rather pretty song, a sad song about lost love, anyone who has been through a heartbreaking relationship, will feel the words. Finally I had to google the song and... oh no... no no it can't be... it's a Selena Gomez song.

 I used to think she was riding our good Canadian boy Justin Bieber's coattails to fame. Now that he looks like he needs a bath and attitude adjustment, I'm no longer team Justin, I'm team Selena, for reals as we kids say. She is turning out to be a beautiful, mature professional young woman. Justin has become a joke... like Lindsay Lohan or Kanye West. Anyway sorry but this is stuck in my head now. It really is pretty.
 Oh yeah ...and screw you, little white trash bitch Bieber! Selena all the way! Hahaha!


  1. No choice but to listen to pop stations? Maybe in another decade or two you will discover the wonder of portable music players. Maybe in another two or three decades will discover podcasts or audiobooks.

  2. Lurker, I was thinking this could be imbedded in your computer. At least it's not that horrible horrible song you unleashed on us!!! Why invest in all that tech when I have a perfectly good radio!

  3. Why invest? Because 96% of the songs you listen to on pop radio are not worth listening to?

  4. Haha
    I sometimes do listen to the radio but I usually listen to my playlists or whatever Pandora throws my way.
    Selena is ok. There are not many pop singers that catch my attention nowadays. Justin Bieber is overrated and does need a bath.


  5. I never listen to the radio because most of it is shit. While driving, I listen to the music I've downloaded into my phone and listen to what I like.

    1. Dave, I think you probably described most pop music perfectly.

  6. I knew of Selena but didn't know her music. Thanks.

  7. I haven't listened to a radio in years, and I used to live for the escapism of it. I don't have good reception. I, however, do own a whole lot of cds. A have a lot of "The Best of...." and I am happy without all of the new fangled ways of getting music. I am happy blasting out Convoy and singing at the top of my lungs while headed to various doctor appointments. I never understood the Justin Bieber thing, even before he needed a bath. Too old, I guess.

  8. Debra, thanks for the support. It makes me feel the pain when I broke up with Dan. I love the passion at the end.

  9. Ten four good buddy, that's the song.

  10. I grew up in the country so we used to sing that on the bus going to school.... and the rodeo song too!!!!
