Saturday, December 14, 2019

Good for the soul.

 After the lunch I had Friday, I went to do some Solstice shopping, Christmas shopping, all inclusive Holiday Season shopping? Later while having a snack, I text my childhood friend Andrew, to talk about our lunch earlier with our mutual friend Chris.

 It's an odd feeling, I spent most of my early years with these guys, so they almost feel like family and yet at the same time, I don't know them as adults. I had heard that Chris turned out to be a really nice guy and it was completely true. Nice is not a descriptive enough word for him. He also had this natural, gently flowing comical side that kept things positive during our conversation. Both Andrew and I have had a lot of sadness in our lives, Chris didn't have it easy growing up either. Yet he somehow kept us from going down a dark path when talking about tragedy. It was like he kept picking us up, dusting us off and sending us on our way. I can't remember ever enjoying a lunch between friends as much as I did yesterday. There is also the added connection of having the same experiences in school, living in the area we did and now facing life in the same age bracket.

 I sent a text to Andrew saying how much I enjoyed the lunch, and I said, "lol, Chris was so funny, such a happy guy"! Andrew text back, "and is always like that, very positive". I text back, "he's good for the soul"!

 I really mean that, "good for the soul" it wasn't just a lunch, it was a positive experience. Just like there are people who can bring you down, there are also people who lift you up, maybe not as many unfortunately but they are there, we need to have more of these people in our lives, we need to surround ourselves with people like this. My wish for you is to find the people who will lift you up. Let your goal be that interactions between people who are supposed to care for you, be positive experiences, it shouldn't feel like just spending time together, it should be a connection. I really believe you should come away from being with someone, feeling like you want to relive that moment over and over. I want you to be able to walk away smiling and thinking, "that person is good for me".


  1. Good grief, we are having a snow storm and it's made the internet whacky!

  2. I was about to say. It was nice that you had a good lunch, but did you have to post about it eight times in a row?

    I compare Steven now with Steven from six months ago, and there is a world of difference. Steven six months ago would have been coming up with all kinds of nonsense excuses about why it was better for him to remain in the closet and not burden his friends with his sexuality. It is worth coming out to people even if you are not naked with them.

  3. Yes you are right buddy, I see it too. I feel it too. I didn't think it made a difference but it did. Now I'm really getting professional at spilling the beans. Aww come on, I went to one little nudist Halloween party and you're never going to let me live that down. Big deal I made some friends there and now we're supposed to go bowling... with clothes and rented shoes on.

  4. My life is filled with friends who enrich my life. In recent history, I've had to end friendship with people who were toxic to my life. The same goes for relationships. I'm not going to be with someone just to be in a relationship. They have to make my life better as I will make their life better.

    1. Richard, I completely agree, I had friends that I suddenly realized one day, caused nothing but negative feelings and worse... constant drama. I felt it healthier to end the friendship and I have never once regretted that move. Same with my ex, once he started to treat me with disrespect, it was over.

  5. Live what down? You went to one little nudist Halloween party and met your new crush (or should I say B O Y F R I E N D?) there. No big deal.

    On that topic: did you make plans to meet up with your new crush yet?

  6. You are off topic! Now banning people might make you nervous... but I would miss my silly Lurky so you can relax, we're good! :D

  7. Sounds like a nice lunch with good friends. It's a shame we couldn't have been who we are now, back when we were younger. oh well, i guess there are lessons to learn.

    I have a handful of good friends to count upon, and that doesn't include Carlos who is a category all his own, and most of us have been in one another;s lives for twenty+ years; that's a nice feeling. We've been there through relationships beginning and ending,births and deaths, laughter and tears. It's nice.

    And I realize it sounds like a Hall mark movie.
    Dear goddess.

    1. Bob, there's a reason why Hallmark does well, we want to be happy ever after like a Hallmark movie and there's nothing wrong with that if you can get it.

  8. Interesting, though a 2 hour lunch in no remote way gives you the chance to evaluate a person's character. Have lunch with your friends twice a week for five or six years, then you might know something about them.

    1. Dave, you're kind of a hardass about things... and I respect you for that. Yes but in my situation, I am around people who have been with me for a lifetime. When people I trust tell me that I'm seeing the real personality of my friends, then I know for certain that I can believe them. In a small town, if someone is an ass, you will know about it fast and that opinion is hard to change.

  9. all my blog buddies are special to me

    I divorced my ex and my blood relatives; too toxic and negative for me. I also dropped a few blog buddies whose posts were noting but constant drama whine fests.

    1. Anne Marie I have been a fan of you long before you started reading my blog. I love your no bull attitude... always have! ;)

  10. Those are exactly the kind of people we all need in our lives!

  11. Debra, agreed and it just makes life that much better. You're another blogger that I was tickled pink about following me! :)

  12. I regularly counsel people to make sure they associate themselves with positive people not debbie downers. It helps.

  13. Dr Spo, so... are you saying I should charge my readers for the advice in this post? Lol :D

    Plus I'm comfortable with myself now... so I would totally strip naked with you!!!
