Tuesday, October 1, 2019

October first, eeek!

 As far as October firsts go, this was a warm one so not too, too bad. We had a few baby thunderstorms go through but nothing bad. The host of a morning radio show was saying that typically today is the last day we will have days of 20° Celsius (70 Fahrenheit) or warmer, that from now on around the Ottawa area, the days will be cooler, whaaa!

 I went to see mom yesterday and she made me laugh. Most days she is unable to carry on any type of normal conversation now. Usually she says things that make no sense and I just agree with her. We were sitting on some couches by the main entrance and she said to me, "you know it's such a shame, they have these big beautiful doors and the only ones who use them are all the Jehovah's witnesses that come and go through here". I was startled, I laughed and said, "excuse me, what did you just say mom"? I though maybe I heard wrong. She said, "you know, all those Jehovah's witnesses that go back and forth through here... and they are always preaching about their.. their papers" and then she was gone again. I laughed, where did that come from? Even if one spoke to her during the day, she wouldn't understand what they were talking about, plus she would forget as soon as they walked away. The home wouldn't allow something like that either. It's funny the things our mind stores.


  1. It sounds like a nice moment,and memory,with your Mom. Cherish it.

  2. Bob, it certainly was a "different" sort of moment!

  3. Hell, we're back in the 90's here. I'm not complaining

    1. Don't complain Maddie, it was only a day time high here of 13° Celsius, that's brrrrrr in Fahrenheit!

  4. Whaaa!

    Such a shame that nobody uses those front doors. I presume that you have to use the servant entrance when you visit?

    1. Lurker, I crawl through the windows, there is a code to get out, once you are no longer able to figure it out, you have to stay there!

  5. It’s so hot and humid here in the Midwest I’m almost wishing for cold weather already.
    That’s so funny your mom came up with that story! At least she was THERE.


  6. 98 degrees in Virginia today. I would love some weather in the 70s! Glad your mom gave you a chuckle.

    1. Michael, it's ffffrrreezing here right now! Even the mosquitoes are huddled around little fires in soup cans.

  7. My Mom lived in a world of her own creation for about 2 years. She could talk about what was going on in that world, but she couldn't really have a conversation. She might ask how my brother or sister were doing, but that's about it. She did make up quite a lot of things. It was explained to me this way: dementia is a dream world where people got to slowly forget.

  8. Dave, yes it's definitely like a dream for her now. I think the confusion must be torture sometimes.
