Saturday, October 26, 2019

Bump... in the night.

Well it's almost here, this week Halloween will arrive. I feel it marks the end of fall and a beginning of an odd pre-winter time of year for us. I don't take part in Halloween but I think it's a fun event for those that do.

 In honor of the spirit of Halloween (or spirits) I want to ask you to recall something odd that happened to you. It can be anything, something strange that you can't explain. I will give an example that has followed me for years.

 When I was about six, one afternoon I lay down on the couch and fell asleep for a while. I had a headache and sometimes a nap cured it. When I woke up, I immediately started to look for my sister, there were just the two of us and I usually followed her everywhere.

 I asked my mom where my sister was and she said that she didn't know. I called her name and she didn't answer me. Then I heard her upstairs walking through the hallway. If you are standing in the kitchen and you look up towards the stairs, the midday sun shining through the upstairs  window, will create a perfect shadow of anyone walking through the upstairs hallway, there is no way to hide or avoid it. I saw what I thought was my sister, a short shadow walked from my bedroom across the hallway towards her bedroom. I heard her footsteps as well.

 I went to the bottom of the stairs and called her name a few times but she didn't answer. My mother suddenly said from the kitchen, "oh there she is outside with your father". I walked over to the door and looked out, to my surprise I saw Dad was fixing something and my sister was holding it for him. I asked mom who was upstairs, she looked at me with a puzzled expression on her face and said no one.

 I went outside and once my sister was finished helping dad, I told her what I saw. We went upstairs to investigate, of course there was nothing there. To this day I have no clue what that was but my memory of it is still clear. I saw and heard something walk through the upstairs hall. Being somewhat of an atheist and a skeptic, my only explanation is that I was some how still in a partial dream after my nap. That's my explanation and I'm sticking to that one.

 What about you, was there ever something that you just filed away because it was too nutty to think about. You can either mention it in the comments or take it as a blog string and post about it on your own blog.


  1. that last pix = mistress maddie in the kitchen; LOOK OUT!

    1. Anne Marie, that guy beat an egg right in my kitchen! Lol

  2. Nope. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just call me boring.

  3. Just caught up
    The previous post
    Quite lovely xx

  4. Just caught up
    The previous post
    Quite lovely xx

    1. John, you must have a ghost story, all the old houses and swamps over there, how can you sleep at night!

  5. The most inexplicable story in my life is that I got through university.

    For once I am trying to take your prompt seriously, but I am having trouble recalling any spooooky events. I think I'll have to defer to Dr Spo on this one.

    1. Old Lurker, scary things don't have scary stories. Ouch :)

      It's okay buddy, seems to be a theme... hahaha! Now excuse me while I put out the Bigfoot repellent, if those things get into the garden it's such a mess!

  6. Such a befitting handsome man in the photo!!!!

  7. I was by my mother's side in her last days, and in the room when she passed, but this happened a few days before she died.

    She was asleep on the couch--we'd been told that she was close to dying--and then suddenly she smiled. We asked why she was smiling, and she said,"Because of them."

    We asked who she meant, and she pointed toward the window and said, "Mother and Daddy are out there; Dad's mother, too. Waiting for me."

    She mentioned several other relatives and family members, all of whom had passed away, and said they were waiting for her outside.

    She died the next day.

    1. My sister-in-law related a similar story about my mother-in-law in her last days. She would talk to her brother and other relatives who had passed.

    2. Bob, thanks for rescuing me! That was a great story, one that often makes people wonder about an after life.

    3. HuntleyBiGuy, yes I have heard similar stories as well.

  8. Honey, the only things that go bump in the night around these parts are uglies! This happens around blue moon time. Heh.

    1. Deedles, when you decide to make sandwiches... that can be scary! Aaaaaah!

  9. When I was in my late teens I was working as a security guard watching over an empty office building. I was the only person in the building over night. It was cool in the building so I was wearing a navy blue v-neck sweater over my white shirt. I had to make hourly patrols. Many of the offices had glass windows looking out to the corridor.

    Since there was minimal lighting, I would walk through the area cautiously. At one point I turned the corner and saw a floating head looking back at me. It scared the hell out of me. It took me a few seconds to realize I was seeing my own reflection in an office window. The dark sweater and white shirt worked perfectly. That got the old ticker racing.

    1. Lol!!! Great story HuntleyBiGuy, I really enjoyed it! I have also startled myself with my own reflection or shadow as well.

  10. You lead a marvelous life you know. I enjoyed this.

    1. Dr Spo, says the man that actually believes there is a ghost in his house! BOO!

  11. Huntley's hilarious story reminded me of the time I was at some stadium event or other, and went to the parking lot to get in my car and leave. I put my hand on the roof of the car and started screaming bloody murder at the black spider sitting on my wrist (deathly afraid of spiders). When it didn't fly off with my wrist flinging, I remembered that I had been bored a few hours earlier and drew a face with black ink on top of my ganglion cyst. At least I didn't wet myself, as others did while laughing their collective asses off!

    1. Deedles, there now see.... that wasn't so bad and a cute story too. Being spider loving challenged, I totally get where you are coming from, so I'm laughing with you and not at you!

  12. To long to write here, but where I live now, was haunted. Weird things would happen with lights, stereo coming on, things would be moved, not where we placed them, doors would open... A friend of mind who deals with things of this nature said it was the spirit of a young child, who probably didn't know they'd passed on. All of a sudden one day it just stopped.

    Another time when I live in Harrisburg still, I was very, very close to my grandmother. So when she passed I took it very hard. Weeks later, I dreamt of her like she was there, telling me it time to let go. When I woke I could smell her perfume she always wore, and their was a indentation in the bed where she sat and talked to me. It was eerie, but I wasn't afraid, comforted rather.

    1. Maddie, that's a great story, thank you for sharing about your grandmother. I dreamt of dad about a week after his death, in the dream he was telling my sister and I he understood we did everything we could for him and was trying to comfort us to stop crying. When I woke up... I kind of lost it because it seemed so real, his voice, expressions etc.
      Your other story is a good Halloween story, one that would make me move lol!

  13. And Anne Marie...even I don't wear make up that heavy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Maddie, bring back that picture of you as a witch on your blog. It's from a few years ago and it's one of my favs!

  15. My mum had been sick when I was away in college. I had no idea how sick she was because my sister told me everything was under control,
    One day I suddenly woke up at five thirty in the morning, feeling like someone had called my name. I asked my boyfriend and he said it was probably people Down in the street. That day I stayed in bed for a few minutes, feeling totally at peace and kind of not wanting to get up. But I did and I went to work,
    That morning, at around ten, my brother in law called my house, trying to find me but I was out. My partner relayed the message that they needed me and I called them at around two in the afternoon.
    My BIL told me my mom had passes that morning. At five thirty. I still get chills.


  16. Sixpence, yes that gave me chills but in a good way. We don't know everything there is to know, some would say coincident... maybe. Thank you for sharing that and a special little hug from me.
