Sunday, September 1, 2019

Weddings and empty wishes.

 September first, I have to accept it, I thought if I tried stapling all the calendars to August, then maybe it would stay summer longer. The frost on the deck roof this morning said otherwise. Fortunately it didn't affect anything in the gardens. Well... I will make myself enjoy the month, I actually do enjoy fall, I just have to remind myself that I do.

 Actually September first does hold a special day for our family, without it... I wouldn't be here. This is my parents wedding anniversary. September was a popular month to get married, cool enough to dress up but warm enough not to have to wear extra clothes. I was thinking about visiting mom and wishing her a happy anniversary but there is no point now, she has no memory of being married, she no longer recognises my dad in photos, he has been gone too long. I know she would say "thank you" but only to be polite. It would be a hollow wish on my part.
 I decided instead to look through the wedding album. Some pictures made me tear up a little... now seeing them as young people just starting a life together, made me feel proud of them. I miss that couple so much. I'm not going to be sad about it, I'm happy to be reminded of the adventure they were about to begin. I used to come home for the long weekend and babysit the farm while they celebrated their anniversary. They would leave Friday morning and go to a weekend music festival. Around this time Sunday evening (9:00 pm) I would see the lights of their car and know they had returned home. I had a dream of them coming home the other night, the lights pulling into the driveway. No one came in however and I eventually woke up. I had forgotten that memory, odd that it shows up at this moment in time.

 Today there was another perk to this month, I needed to do some work outside and even though it was sunny, I needed a heavy shirt, it's so much nicer trying to work in cool weather and best of all, noooo bugs. I was trying to think of a theme picture for September, the leaves on the trees are still green, so it would be a little cliche to try and put up fall colors. I didn't sow pumpkin this year and an onion just doesn't say "it's September" so I will have to work on that one.

 Another September perk, my dinner was almost completely from my garden, the only exception was bread and some mayonnaise. It was yummy-licious, nothing beats fresh vegetables, I will see how long I can make this last. In 2018 I had tomatoes right into December. If you can keep green ones coming up until October, they will ripen on your counter top and still taste better than the store bought ones.

 I watched cars going back and forth, back and forth all day while I was working outside, it's a holiday and yet everyone seems so busy, life no longer let's people relax. That's really sad because most people don't realize how precious time is until they are running out of it.

 Happy anniversary mom and dad, I love and miss you. :,(


  1. While your conscious memory may have forgotten that old memory, clearly your unconscious Deep Memory Banks still had it stored away to bring up when you needed it.

    1. Debra, I guess on some level something was trying to remind me of what the weekend meant once upon a time.

  2. Well, you MIGHT have been here even if your parents had not married. Have you ever heard of "shacking up"? Apparently it is very popular with the kids these days.

    This is a sweet story but your parents should have gotten a better wedding photographer. The photographer missed your parents's heads entirely! If the focus was supposed to be the hands, the photographer didn't even get that right!

    1. Shacking up hadn't been invented yet and trust me... no one would have even suggested it to them.
      You would almost think I was trying to keep you from seeing that picture.

  3. that was a lovely tender tribute; thank you for sharing.

    1. Dr Spo, you are most welcome and thank you for the kind words.

  4. I think you are so sweet!
    Even if your mum doesn’t remember the man she once married, you, as her son is the one who can do something like this post: memorializing their life together is the best anniversary gift ever.

    1. Sixpence, why thank you and yes to be honest I'm adorably sweet.. not to mention extremely humble.

  5. YOU remember.
    That's an important fact.

    1. Bob, yes I remember and I feel lucky that I was part of that story.

  6. The good thing is that you still think of these things. With the coming of fall, I tend to think of things like this more. Maybe it is because there are major weather changes coming. As I am typing this I am eating pumpkin spice Special K cereal. Good grief!

    1. Michael.. good grief is right lol! First I'm excited to not be the only one who says "good grief"! I don't think we can get that here (thankfully) but I make awesome treats out of regular Special K. Fall also makes me melancholy now, must be an age thing. Maybe fall is a metaphor for our place in life now.

  7. I love a man who is fluent in veggie, and onion in particular. Brings a tear to my eye.
    @Michael- What the ever lovin' frack? Pumpkin spice Special K? Pumpkin spice doesn't even taste good in pumpkin let alone cereal, or coffee or anything else for that matter! BLURGH!

    By way, Stevie, this is a very sweet post, in spite of Lurkster and me.

    1. Deedles, oh dear Lord did you ever have me laughing when I read this. One of your best works. "Pumpkin spice doesn't even taste good in pumpkin" :D Hahaha! It's funny... because it's true!

  8. I concur with Spo. Frost this early? Summer is over for you.

  9. Frost in the morning? I'm a bit envious, the way cooler temps crisp your breath into a little cloud.

    I have lots of old pictures, but I rarely look at them. I come from a dysfunctional family.

  10. Dave, sorry to hear that. My family had a lot of flaws as well but there were a lot of good times also.

  11. You remembered your parents lovingly on the day, and you told us about it too. That’s a loving memory - and a generous thing to do.

  12. JP, thank you. I was afraid you had retired. Lol
