Saturday, September 28, 2019

Me is good!

 My internet at the farm is spotty this weekend plus I'm up to some other things so all is good, I didn't fall into a case of the gloomies because of my last post. :D Hi Lurky sweetie, you really do care... lol.

 Ugh.... October first this coming week, fall is definitely a runaway train now! I don't really have time to blog so since it's almost October, here is a Halloween joke, I have to tell it or I will forget it.

 A ghost walks into a bar and sits down. The bartender says, "What? Are you here to try and scare me?"
The ghost answers back, "no, no don't worry friend, I'm just here for the boos."

 Blame Debra, she started it! XD


  1. Thank you for posting this, sweetie! I was going to ask but Lurkster beat me to it and I didn't want to pile on. He can be really rather sweet.
    I walked into Walmart to pick up my meds. There, right in the garden area entrance, were Christmas trees and decorations! Only the music was missing. I guess they're waiting for October first for that. Sheesh! I don't celebrate any of it, but we're getting bombarded with this crap earlier and earlier. Sweet pea, at the rate things are going, summer will be back in no time. Take it easy, sugar.

    1. Deedles, last week I walked into a store and boy did that ever hurt! Sorry couldn't resist. Anyway I walked into a store and to my absolute horror... they were selling fruitcake!!! Now don't get me wrong, I love homemade fruitcake but the store bought stuff should only be used to clean up oil spills on a beach somewhere and nothing else!

  2. Replies
    1. John, too late. An English man walks into a Welsh pub and asks, "do you serve gay men here?" The bartender answers in a friendly tone, "why yes we do." The English man says, "great I'll take mine to go....."

  3. Humbug. What do I care whether you blog or not?

    1. Lurker, awww you're so cute when you're not being honest with yourself! :)

  4. The dogs and I love Fall. Crisp morning walks, later morning bike rides, raking leaves, planting bulbs. October this year means quiet evens with a mug of Chai tea killing aliens in The Outer Worlds! What's not to like?

    1. Dave, I love relaxing with a cup of tea on a cool fall evening. I'm just going to pretend I didn't read that last part and hope you are talking about a video game. O.O

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Oops sorry Debra!!! I was deleting that spam garbage and accidentally hit your last comment! You're comments are totally welcomed and enjoyed by me!!!!

  6. A ghost walked into the bar but was ejected as they don't serve spirits.

  7. Haha
    That’s such a dad joke. And Fall is right here. I don’t know if I should be happy or dread that pumpkin latte onslaught.


  8. Sixpence, I'm looking at the news reports on how our western provinces have been shut down by snow. Nooooooo! Hopefully we will be spared another month or two or three or...

  9. Steven, honey, you really should try harder to resist! As for fruitcake, I love the stuff. My father was a mailman and the people on his route would give him those things every year. They were tasty and made excellent weapons when a sibling was getting obnoxious :)

  10. Deedles, sometimes I mention about my friend's brother who passed away when we were in our thirties. Anyway he had this funny Christmas theory, that there was only actually one or two Christmas cakes in every city and everyone just kept passing the same one around as an unwanted gift!
