Sunday, August 11, 2019

What does the label say?

  This is an adult only post, warning strong language and sexual content will follow. You should probably click away if you are not comfortable with this topic. There, I warned the innocent people, just in case. These are some of my rambling thoughts, while reading items regarding LGBTQ issues. You must however agree with everything I say.. everything. Just kidding.

 Straight is the new gay... sorry, no it's not. I find it almost comical how a lot of the younger guys insist that they are straight, while at the same time it's difficult to understand what they are saying with a penis in their mouth. I guess a gay or bisexual man, is still a second class man in their eyes, why else reject the label. They still see it as a weakness I assume. When I talk to actual straight guys about this, they just shake their heads and laugh.

 For straight men, their goal is to have sex with women, they said even if they are having a dry spell, they would be inclined to find an older woman or a less attractive woman, it's just not in their mind to think about being with another guy. Most said if worse came to worse, they might try an escort but never another guy. Real straight guys don't tense up from these questions because real straight guys are not hiding something or in denial about something. They usually just shrug their shoulders and say, "nothing against gay people, it's just not how I am". For the gay men into the fantasy of being with a "straight" guy, before you jump on me, think in reverse, many of you have a close female friend that would sleep with you, how often have you done that? I know personally I couldn't, it never crosses my mind when I'm thinking about sex. Anyway, youth is short, call yourself what ever you want and have fun with each other, don't worry about labels... but you're not straight.. ha!

 I find that the younger generation is so worried about not being a label, that they have hyper labeled themselves. When I read about local LGBTQ events, I get confused by the person's identity. On one hand they start lecturing people about labels and then they proceed to put a multitude of labels on themselves. I find I'm doing a google search half the time to understand what they identify themselves as.

 Stop the bi-phobia, there has always been a mistrust towards bisexual people and a dismissive attitude towards them on both the homosexual and heterosexual sides of society. I have heard people say, "pick a side". I'm always disappointed with gay people, if anyone, we should be more understanding. It's basically saying that you are either a damaged straight person or damaged gay person and you should get back to your group. I have met a few bisexual men and they certainly were not confused, they like both and have always know it. There is a movement to wipe out the bisexual label apparently, they want everyone to be called pansexual. The way I understand it, some people look down on bisexual people because many are attracted to the stereotypical male and female, where pansexuals are attracted to the typical male and female types, plus everything in between the spectrum. They feel bisexual people are discriminatory in choosing a partner because they may not be attracted to transgender or non binary people.

 I find this completely ridiculous, your sexuality is your sexuality, that would be like saying I'm discriminating against women because I'm gay and only attracted to men or I'm discriminating against transgender people because I am not attracted to MTF people. I have written about being attracted to FTM transgender people, it's not something I chose on purpose to be more accepting or politically correct, it's just the way my sexuality works, I have no control over it. I can't help who I'm attracted to, neither can bisexual people. It seems like the younger generation is so worried about being tolerant that they have become intolerant. It's becoming a joke, let's celebrate diversity as long as everyone's diversity is exactly like mine.


  1. Hi Stevie! Thinking again, are we? Strong language? You Canadians! I like a lot of points here. Hyper-labeling, good point. I thought pansexuals had a thing for cooking implements. Silly me!

  2. Deedles, no you're thinking of potsexuals.. who are not to be confused with weedsexuals.. who are not to be confused with plantsexuals. See all very confusing. Welcome back to civilization, I've missed your wacky comments! :D

  3. Well, I'm not going to judge anyone on their orientation. I personally love a good fork.

  4. A SPOON?!!!! GASP!! YOU KINKY PERVERT!!!! *Giggle*, this has been fun :)

  5. Deedles, it's a gay joke about gay marriage. There are cartoons where a fork and knife couple ask a pair of spoons, "so which one of you is the fork"?

  6. It is a shame I am prohibited from reading this post because I will comment on it anyways.

    Yes, straight guys do have the goal of having sex with women, but many will resort to homosexual behaviors when alternative outlets are not available. Where do you think all those porny tropes about sailors and prisons come from?

    You are in fact discriminating against women because you are gay, and you have made many women very sad because of it. I think that you have identified a prominent tension in gay land. There are definitely some people who believe that your attractions are a choice, and that you are an oppressor for making the wrong choice. Figuring the boundaries out around this are tough. Just take the sentence Sixpence most loves to read in dating profiles. Is "No fats, no femmes, no Asians" okay if it is a genuine preference? Is it okay to state that preference out loud?

    Also: Hi Deedles! Did you have a good time camping? Did you see any wildlife? Bears? Otters? Silver Foxes?

  7. Old Lurker, there is a difference between preferences and sexuality. Still I don't think a person needs to be so negative as to say no fats etc, that's just being cruel. It's better to say something like, interested in slim/slender men etc, etc. I think prison more about power and rape than sex and seamen... I think are bisexual to some degree if they are having sex with men. Real straight guys don't even stand close to each other at the urinals if they can help it, so I can't see those same guys engaging in oral sex suddenly.

  8. Hi Lurkster! It wasn't that kind of camping. It was more like a trailer park with a lot of kids and dogs. Balder Half and I were the only wild life, sad to say. BH just needed to get away from it all. Too bad we were parked right across the way from the dog park. Nobody seemed to pick up their mutts' poop. When the wind changed we got a snoutful of summer heated doggy droppings. Sort of takes the fun out of trailer sex, but that's another story.

    Steven, I know the joke. I was making a play on the word fork. :)

  9. Deedles, you're not supposed to play with food!
    Good thing you and Lurker are around, looks like I made everyone else speechless!

  10. Well, it isn't as if you gave people much time to respond after writing that entry. Have you been on the computer all day again? Also if you label your posts as adult-only then you will scare your readership away. I guess we know who the actual adults are who read your blog (namely: Deedles).

    I agree that some aspects of prison sex are about power, although I am not sure there is as much rape as we all expect. But all sex everywhere is about power! Another environment in which gay sex often occurs is at all-boy boarding schools. It is a cliche that teenaged boys segregated from teenaged girls fool around with each other before becoming upstanding straight men.

    Preferences vs sexuality? I am not sure I see the distinction as clearly as you do. In some sense our sexuality is just a preference. If you had to lie back and think of England in order to produce an heir, I bet you could do it.

  11. Steven, you are being deliberately obtuse, so I'm just going to say with all of the love in my heart, FORK YOU! That is all :)

  12. A bisexual man would have 99.8% more chances to hit it than a masc for masc idiotic gay man. Seriously.
    And it’s not because I’m not only a label (the masc for masc usually slaps the fem, fat or Asian sticker pretty liberally) preferences stated as a no-no are prejudice. If I’m on a hookup app, I’d just tell the person I’m not really interested after saying hi. No biggie.
    And Lurkie, baby. I could not be able to lay back and think of England to produce an heir, so I guess it’s not a preference?


    1. Sixpence, wow hey I just realized you are gay mascaphobic! Stop the h8! Just stop it!
      I'm very inclusive, my profile reads, "Still breathing? Then I'm the boyfriend for you"!

  13. Exodus.. is that one of those kinky leather harnesses?

  14. Oops sorry Lurker, missed the one about all boys school. Over the last year there has been a lot about an all boys school in Toronto. Boys were gang raping other boys, it was about brutality and not about sex. They were using broom handles and other things to rape with. That's insane.
