Friday, August 9, 2019

Wait August, slow down!

 One of the signs that summer is coming to a close for us, is a heavy dew at night. I noticed it this morning along with the other usual signs of nature preparing for the big sleep.

 Tomorrow will be the tenth of August already! Slow down August! To be honest, I found July went by slowly so I didn't feel like summer was whizzing past, until now that is. I see it's still dark at five in the morning, the birds stopped singing in the morning as well. At night it's silent, no frogs, no tree toads just silence. I imagine the crickets will take over soon. Last night I walked outside barefoot and was surprised by how cold the ground felt. Lately the ground has been warm, even hot in some places. The inevitable is coming, no use denying it.

 I have been reading about the events happening at pride. I suddenly feel too old to be gay lol, everything seems geared towards youth. In fairness, they are much more likely to come and take part. Most of the older gay people I know who are forty plus, don't bother going anymore. I can understand the reasons but I feel this year maybe people better speak out again because the bigots have found their voices!

 I was going to try and get James to go with me but I changed my mind, I think it would be like taking a grandparent with me. He has lived thirty minutes from the parade all his life and never went once, it's not my duty to make him go. Nobody I know is going, that's upsetting because nothing is worse than standing there alone. I'm thinking of putting a sign on my back, "husband wanted" if nothing else, it will sure get attention. This is so typical of me to show up alone, I've been doing this my whole life. There are some people that would probably go with me but they're boring. I can just hear them, "oh that music is too loud" or "oh no I never dance", "I'm not interested in seeing drag Queens, watching gay dj's spin records, sitting around all day waiting for a parade, having fun, oh heavens no... I'm totally against that", so I will probably end up going alone. However I am not so shy anymore, I will speak to strangers, maybe I will meet people. I'm also interested in seeing if anyone from work will be there, that would be funny, I have a whole string of smart ass comments to use. My strange life however will be the following, I will go and see hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of total strangers... but that's ok, I'm used to it.


  1. Go and have fun. You never know who you may meet.

  2. I agree, go! Going alone is better than being with someone who will stop you enjoying it.

    1. Hello JanF! I agree with you, what's why I'm not going to ask my friend to come along.

  3. I believe the overall consensus of 3 is to Go..... ... Go... .....

    Also, a note on your blog.... I really like the tone and move toward the Seasons and how you speak of the Seasons..

    1. Tommy, thank you but just wait until winter comes, I don't speak highly of winter.. lol.

  4. Just go! We hardly ever regret doing things but nearly always regret not doing them! 😀

    1. Christina, that is so true, I mostly regret all the things I didn't do.

  5. Invite James if you want. Give him the choice of whether to skip out or not. Also, you have other gay friends (supposedly) and you could ask your sister and her social circle. But as for you, young man, you are going to go. No excuses this year!

    Don't you have a "Mr Right Now" shirt you could wear?

    1. Old Lurker, like me, the "Mr Right" t-shirt is faded and old. My sister only knows lesbians and she has given up on them.

  6. Isn't the whole idea of the parade is to have fun, relax and enjoy? I would think so. Lurker is right, ask James to go with you. Just remember to have fun and live for the moment.

    1. Leanna, only me could become stressed over having fun, lol! Poor James is from the 1920's I think.

  7. I don’t see anything weird about showing up alone. I’ve done it.
    But if you want to go with a group, try going with James, like Lurkie suggested. Plan B would be to get in touch with a local lgbtq organization and see if they’re going.
    And I just wanted to let you know that if I lived closer, I’d go with you. And we would have a fucking blast.


    1. Sixpence, going alone allows me to see what I want so I don't mind doing it. It was nice when I had a boyfriend and little gang.

  8. GO GO GO! I like the idea of a sign on your back; it will get people to talk to you.

    1. Anne Marie, lol it will either make me look creative or crazy!

  9. 1- GO! I will personally come harass your ass if you don't go. Pinch your nipples but good! Scratch all that...this will just make you stay home. It's is more important that ever to go, where ever we are. Even if it's only an hour or two. If we aren't out in number, they will think they have us beat. And I know the Mistress will lock nut your balls but good if he finds out you didn't go. You don't want his wrath. He may take it out on you orally.

    2- It's always summer here. I don't know how you live with cold and dark and winter that long. Seems to me, you don't have much spring summer at all? Just how far up in Canada are you?

    1. Cali Boi, you know me too well now, you would be in danger around me. Lol.
      I'm not that far north but it's Canada so it's north of anyplace warm and sunny. : )

  10. Maybe one of those strangers will turn out to be Mr. Right. You will never know it you don't go. Good luck!

    1. Hello Peter! Yes you are right, I'm never going to meet people by staying at home.

  11. I agree with Peter. There might be someone out there who is in to old ginger farmers who aren't out at work. :)

    1. Jimmy, "old ginger farmer" maybe I should let you write my profile on a dating app! :D Hahaha!

  12. Time for you to get another T-shirt, then. Maybe this one?

    There's nothing saying you can't have fun with old lesbians, or even with James. Have you even asked anybody, or have you just presumed they would be unwilling to have fun with you?

  13. Those t-shirt are funny, maybe I need one of those.
    I hinted at going but I have gotten to know him, I know what he likes and doesn't like. It's not his scene; however he has found some pride events that he might like to attend, I will go with him if he wants.

  14. Screw summer - bring on Halloween
    I wish you would come visit.

  15. Dr Spo, now you see why you were barred from entering Canada! After Halloween is the time we dare not speak of.
