Monday, August 19, 2019

Chihuahua sized Rottweiler.

 In this dawning age of the "bully", I'm beginning to feel like a kid in high school again. I have been watching how there has been an increase in homophobic incidents over the last couple of years, it's beginning to feel even more uncomfortable out there. I hate the feeling of being helpless, I hate the fact that nature seems to under equip many gay people for the oncoming battle. Fight or flight, I learned at a young age to back down, not only was I not aggressive like most boys, I was always half the size of my friends for that age. I was even a target for younger children, they knew that they could bully me and if I fought back, well I was considered acting shameful for hurting a younger person.

 Sixpence has been running some great posts regarding negative attitudes towards the LGBTQ community. I half jokingly commented to him, that I often feel like a Rottweiler in the body of a Chihuahua. I'm still a lot smaller than the average man. I remember being intimidated while watching hockey players come out on the ice after I was finished curling, one day last winter. These guys were huge, they were strong and they were very aggressive towards each other, if one decided to attack me, there would be no way to defend myself and I hate that feeling.

 Yesterday, here in Ottawa (of all places), there was a fun day planned for families with small children, it was story time, children's books read out loud to them by... wait for it.. drag queens! I thought that was hilarious! Many young families brought their children out to teach them about diversity. Over a hundred people show up and everyone was having a great time until a Christian group stood up and started yelling and protesting the event. They said it was perverted and child abuse. Now who would know better about sexually abusing children than a Christian church.

 This infuriated me, I have been feeling so angry inside and helpless at the same time because if I was there, what could I do. It's upsetting also when you realize that in the Ottawa area, these people are mobilizing, they are starting to show up at LGBTQ events. That's not homophobia, that's just raw hatred, targeted towards us. Maybe Anne Coulter was right when she said, "we should kill their leaders and convert them", only in this case it would be convert them to atheism and apply it to all right-wing religions. I'm tired of them trying to shove their hocus pocus on the rest of us. Enough with trying to play along with their make believe stories. We don't go to their church and start screaming about child abuse.

 I used to say that I respect people's religious beliefs, well I don't anymore, frankly I think most are stupid and they  better respect me enough to keep it out of my face. I'm going to end this here before I say something that I will regret.


  1. Religion is the opium of the masses, someone once said and very true in my opinion. It's a way of controlling people.
    I'm glad to be a free thinker and able to be rational.
    It makes me angry and sad reading your post, Steven.
    Sending a hug. Xx

    1. Christina, as I get older, it looks like it was always about controlling people and not about devotion. The only truly religious people were the ones they were controlling.

  2. For those interested, Steven is probably writing about this incident:

    I have said it before, and I'll say it again; if there is one things Christians love, it is being fed to lions. The protesters at this group can now point to the facts that (a) the protester in the picture is non-white and is being surrounded by a white drag queen and white parents, (b) the proclamations of diversity at the event do not include them and (c) they received news coverage that portrayed them negatively as evidence that they are persecuted by broader society for being righteous, and that the supposed progressives are not nearly as tolerant as they say. It was a good day for them, and we never tire of playing into their narrative. There is a reason they were the ones videotaping the exchange.

    1. Old Lurker, yes they are trying to play the victim, it's a new trick they've learned.

  3. Here is some additional coverage: . From this coverage it seems that Adrianna Exposee did a reasonably good job of handling the disruption.

    1. Old Lurker, the ironic thing is the support for the LGBTQ community that this has sparked.

  4. I agree with AnneMarie: tax the churches!
    And the xtianists always try to stall,progress and acceptance. It’s their daily bread. That’s why I attend the drop of a (gay) hat. By showing support for lgbtq related causes, I contribute to fighting the bigots.
    And I feel you about being a Rottweiler in a Chihuahua body. I’m not a big guy either but my bite is worse then my bark. I go for the balls.


    1. Sixpence, good for you in participating, I think too many gay people have become complacent about how well we are or are not accepted.

  5. People are fearful of what they don't understand and so they attack it. They cannot get past the idea of the sex act in a gay relationship and realize it's just two people doing what they want to do.
    Love is love, and if you are a person of faith, God is love,so how do you think your god feels about your hate of LGBTQ people?

    1. Bob, you can't argue with these people, they feel that they are representatives of god and think they know what he wants.

  6. On the bright side though, the Mayor of Ottawa finally came out after 40 years in the closet. Good for him!

    1. Debra, the shocking thing is that most people thought he was already out... lol.. they thought he was just being low-key about it. Good for him, I like Jim Watson.

  7. I have always firmly believed reglion is just organized hate. I don't believe in any of them. And Ann was half right. Just wipe them out, don't convert them.

    1. Cap Chasen, I think they like to use scapegoats as an enemy, sort of like mob team building!

  8. just one more reason to go to pride. when our numbers in attendance go down, they will think they won. GO!

    1. Anitia, I plan on going and throwing skittles at any religious protesters.

  9. We heard this on the news here, as we're on vacation in Montreal and Quebec. What a shame. But leave it yet again, to a queen to stand up to the thugs. You should go to pride also I say. You may even meet Adrianna Exposee...hell, he is hot, I'd think you'd like that!

    1. Cali Boi, it would be fun to meet her now, drag queens are my heroes!
      I hope you had a chance to go to Montreal's pride, it was usually pretty good. There used to be a lot of good clubs and things there. I haven't been there in about eight years so I don't know what it's like anymore.

  10. You and I were cut from the same cloth....

    1. Michael, I think they made me out of the scraps left over! Lol

  11. Anne Marie, gaymen sister! Preach it! :)
