Saturday, July 6, 2019

That sounds gay!

 Last night I was bothered by something and it's something that I shouldn't be worried about but I am. I sometimes make recordings of french phrases from a tape to my phone. It's a way to brush up on my language skills and keep from forgetting words. I then repeat the phrase and record myself saying it back in English and french.

 When I hear the playback, I always think, "geesh, is that what I really sound like"? When I am speaking I don't notice any difference from any other guy but when I hear my voice recorded... it sounds sooo gay! I half expect to hear myself start saying things like, "oh no you didn't gurlfriend" or "which one of you bitches borrowed my good heels". I know it's wrong but it bothers me. I wonder if people hear that when they talk to me. I have had gay friends say they suspected I was gay by my voice while others say no, they didn't hear it.

 I wonder what people who meet me for the first time think. On the flip side there are many straight guys at work that have a very stereotypical gay sounding voice, this makes me wonder however if this is something created by Hollywood? Maybe it got the best laughs to have a character with that type of voice, camp it up with some extra hand movements and then it stuck, just like every gay man is supposed to be a hairdresser or fashion designer. No way could he be a truck driver, lines man, football player or soldier. Fortunately society is starting to know better now and maybe as far as voices go, some guys have one type of voice while others have a different type of voice and it doesn't matter gay or straight.

 Anyway it shouldn't bother me what I sound like, not at this stage in life anyway, plus there's nothing I can do about it. I mean it would be silly of me to try and make recordings of myself using a deeper voice and pronouncing my words more masculine-ish... because that's a waste of time and doesn't work... and would be a little sad and maybe a little self-homophobic if I attempted to do something like that... alright, alright I tried it and it didn't work, there you happy now!


  1. I think most people are surprised by how they sound when they hear their recorded voices.

    1. Richard, true and I actually watch a show about the topic but with me, I find there is more than just sounding higher.

  2. Also, while in the service, one guy I knew, straight and masculine, shocked. Real feminine voice. But he was by far the a brut. He could lay anyone out flat.

  3. Everyone hates the way their voice sounds. Hell, I hate my voice because I sound like my mom. I can hear my voice when I talk to my brother on the phone. He always puts me on speaker so he can do stuff while I talk with him. I can hear my voice because there is an echo on speakerphone. I even asked him if I sounded like mom and he said, unfortunately, yes I do. It's sad.

    1. Leanna,oh no not your mother! I tease my sister sometimes about that. There are a couple of guys at work that could be in radio with their deep clear voices.

  4. It's your voice, own it! I've been called "sir" to my face more than once. Twice while wearing lipstick and a dress! Did they think I was a an apprentice drag queen and not getting the hang of fabulousness? Who knows? Going by the voice and not really looking can get a person in trouble. I just laugh when they realize I be a big, baritone girl. I have also been mistaken for a gay man on the phone. I guess I sound like a man, but phrase like a girl. This also makes me laugh. I personally think that I sound like a hick duck. Own it I say!

    1. Deedles, own my voice, ok yes sir that's good advice! See what I did there? :D

  5. I hate the sound of my voice. i don't sound "gay" whatever that means, but it irks me.
    And, really, though, who cares? Have you ever disliked someone because of the sound of their voice?
    I mean, other than _____?

    1. Bob, if you don't know what sounding gay sounds like... then how do you know that you don't sound gay??? Hahaha! Anyway you are awesome so it doesn't matter. I'm just trying to shame myself for thinking this way.

  6. Richard is right
    but Cali has a point
    you spent too much time worrying and not enough time doing xxx

    1. John, yes that's a good point, sort of a habit for me!

  7. Ok, one of my most fun things to do; on the occasion that I answer the phone and realize it is a telemarketer, I say to them "You have the nicest sounding gay voice.". I know I shouldn't do it, but the reactions are priceless! Especially when I tell a woman she sounds like a lesbian.

    Get over yourself, Steven. Another reason to come out at work. (I'm keeping a list)

    1. Jimmy, lol... you are awful! Plus isn't that slightly homophobic-ish! Sometimes I think you are trying to take away old Lurker's title of official blog brat!
      Get over myself? Ouch how dare... yeah you're right. :(

  8. Replies
    1. Anitia Moorecock, funny but Maddie says the same thing. Did you get left taking care of the place because that would be cold of

  9. Replies
    1. Jennifer, made me snicker as well, felt guilty about it but I imagined the startled silence. :)

  10. Look at everybody picking on poor Steven now that Maddie is away. I approve wholeheartedly, except that I obsess over how gay my voice sounds too. There is a pretty good documentary on this: Do I Sound Gay?

    I think you should post some recordings of your voice so that we can judge for ourselves. Also you should prepare the spare room because Cali-Boi is coming by to correct you.

  11. CB, yeah you're right, I do worry about it too much, people probably don't care much either way.
    Dude, you're like ten inches or something, no way I'm letting you anywhere near my back side!

  12. CB, interesting about the tough guy with a feminine voice but then just look at Mike Tyson, nobody is going to make fun of his voice!

  13. Old Lurker, I didn't know about this doc.. lol, so looks like I'm not the only one, thanks for the info. I did see something on the Stephen Fry series, they were saying in Hollywood there are vocal coaches to train young gay actors how to move and sound straight.

  14. Deedles, oh you brat!!! I theee what you're doing! Hahaha! :D

  15. No, not homophobic at all! I had to set someone on the right path after he assumed I was straight at the mechanics shop. The nerve of some people!

  16. LOLOLOL. No. I'm often called 'mam' on the phone and at the drive thru at MacDonalds. I just own it !

  17. Jimmy, lol... I once answered the phone with a female sounding voice on purpose and after getting called mam I made my voice deeper to embarrass the person. Haha!

  18. Steven,
    I have never liked the sound of my voice either. I hate it actually. But it is what it is...I cannot change it.

  19. Michael, I wonder how many people feel that way about themselves. Maybe we are a little extra paranoid because of being gay.

  20. I think we are extra paranoid about it...

  21. I think you are right... actually in my case I know you are right. You just made me misty eyed on your blog lol.

  22. That was a good video. Nothing fake about it.

  23. Michael, yes and as a gay man, do I ever feel the tension and totally inability to say the words. I have a few favorite coming out videos that I may share one day.

  24. Some of those coming out videos are inspiring to me and give me the courage to keep moving forward!

  25. Michael, it would have been funny if your son had video taped when he came out to you.

  26. And that's something he'd do....!
