Thursday, July 4, 2019

Sweet July!

 One of the things about July first (Canada day) is that it also signals the beginning of strawberry season around here. The real strawberries, red all the way through, juicy with tons of that strawberry flavor! I love fresh strawberries, I'm actually not a fan of them most other ways. Mom used to make something called "freezer jam" and it was pretty good. Like the name says, it was a jam but you had to store it in the freezer. When you needed jam, take it out of the freezer, let thaw and you had that fresh strawberry taste in the middle of winter. It was also good on vanilla ice cream or plain frozen yogurt.

 Tonight I couldn't stop eating them. I guess that I'm really going to have the "runs"  tomorrow... sorry TMI.
I want to make a cool dessert with whipped cream or something along those lines and freeze the rest. We used to grow our own strawberries, they are not that difficult to grow but there are a few tricks to it. At the time strawberries were so inexpensive that we stopped growing them and just bought what we needed. Big mistake... berries became really popular with millennials and prices went way up.
 When I was a child, there were so many wild strawberries that we usually didn't buy them, we just picked them in the fields. They are a lot smaller than the domestic version but have a lot of taste. We used to get small pails full of them, now I'm not sure what has happened, I see the wild plants growing but it's rare to find fruit on them.

 I love fresh fruit, it's so hard to get these days, everything is always picked too early and has no flavor or is dry. A coworker came back from a trip and brought fresh ripe mango, wow was that ever good, mango already tastes good but I never had it that good before, it was like sex for my taste buds!


  1. "freezer jam" - never heard of that; wonder how it's put together? nothing like REAL fresh fruit!

    1. Anne Marie, I love fresh fruit too, "you are what you eat" so true in my case! Lol

  2. Ohh strawberries and cream!
    Now you make me wanna have strawberries. If you say they’re like sex.....


    1. Sixpence, ah ha! Caught you just skimming over my blog, I didn't say the strawberries were like sex. Now comes the spanking! ;P

  3. Fresh strawberries are dee-lish! And with cream? Oy. I'm dying over here!

  4. I just can't get myself to walk into a grocery store to buy strawberries anymore. I buy most of my produce now from the farmer's market on the square downtown. everything is so much fresher. But I do love strawberries on my scones.

    1. Leanna, same here, I bought these at a little farmers market, well not that the farmers were little. Lol

  5. There is a farm here that I go to pick strawberries or if no time the market. They have been exceptionally good this season. I love them and my other favorite.....blueberries. I can over dose of them. Once married, wait till I show you my trck using strawberries, cream, whipped cream, a half banana and my hands baby.

    1. Maddie, oooh I love fresh blueberries as well, have you ever had a blueberry peach pie? It's out of this world.

      I have seen your banana in your hands and it's no half banana! More like a zucchini! ;)

  6. I love freezer jam! I knew an old couple in Saskatchewan who used to make it all the time and it was delicious!

    1. Debra, I hope the recipe is here somewhere, maybe I can try making it. When I was a teenager, I asked mom to only make it that way.

  7. I've made strawberry jam but it wasn't freezer jam. I'll have to google it.

    1. Richard, my hidden camera shows you buying smuckers and transferring it to mason jars! Hahaha!

  8. It's weird, but I like strawberry flavored anything, but not so much the actual fruit. I have to have them sprinkled with sugar or mixed with a sweet fruit to eat them fresh. It's the exact opposite with cherries and watermelon.

    1. Deedles weedles bo beedles! That all sounds good by me ! :D

      Home grown watermelon is amazing, I didn't do it this year but yummm!

  9. This? This is how you commemorate the independence of the greatest country in the world? By posting pictures of your misshapen, undersized strawberries? Being Canadian is no excuse. Even Debra had enough decency to post shirtless Captain America memes on her blog.

    As for your ugly Canadian berries, you'll never catch the President of America eating them. His berries are grown in America. Those are the best strawberries in the world. They are huge, uniform(ed) and white inside.

    1. Lurker, someone couldn't wait and ate all the really big and juicy ones... umm not sure who.

  10. Hey, hey, HEY, Old Lurker . . . MY Captain America memes are all fully and modestly attired. It's that sex maniac, Sixpence Notthewiser, who posted the half-nekkid Captain America image. I'm just telling you this so you'll know WHOSE blog to return to later, LOL!

  11. Sorry, Debra. It is tricky to tell the two of you apart sometimes.

    1. Old Lurker, well Sixpence is an outie and Debra is an innie!

  12. Fun fact: both strawberries and mangos (as well as kiwi fruits and some others) all contain proteins similar to those in latex rubber. I know this because one of my acquaintances suffers from a latex allergy that could literally kill her. Sixpence may still deserve a spanking, but his reading comprehension might be more accurate than you think.

  13. I wonder if that is why so many people are allergic to strawberries. Even worse, never put a condom on a strawberry, that's what bananas are for.

  14. You're not sure who ate all those big juicy strawberries? Why don't you blame it on millenials? They are your scapegoat for everything else.

    Fun fact: apparently Latex allergies are the second most common type of food-related allergy, after peanuts.

  15. Lurker, you must have bumped your head again, I don't pick on millennials. I do know who ate the berries, I'm just not saying who.

  16. Lovely! Fresh berries are the best part of summer. my favorite are the blue berries.

    1. Dr Spo, I prefer blue berries and raspberries over strawberries but fresh strawberries means the beginning of summer traditionally around here.
