Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Leave Kelly alone!

 Is it just me or is anyone else getting sick of hearing that Kelly McGillis is too ugly to appear in the Top Gun remake? I wasn't going to blog about this but if I see, hear or smell one more story about this I'm going to scream! She fits into my theme so I decided to post, she was married to both, two different men and a woman, not all at once, lol. Plus like me, she is getting older.

 I heard her in an interview saying that she no longer fits the Hollywood mold, she said, "I'm old, I'm fat and I look age appropriate". I thought good for her, she didn't seem upset and I think that was a shot back to the facelift crowd. The thing is, she is one of us now (O_O.. one.. of.. us) most people don't fit the Hollywood mold. In fact it's ironic that most of the people making fun of her, should look in the mirror, it's like the sugar calling the flour white!

It's sad that after being in films, becoming a mom and all the other things she probably did during her lifetime, this is her story now, something she didn't ask for. Seriously what is wrong with people, the movie came out in 1986, she was 29 or 30, that's 33 years ago, she's a 62 year-old women now for Pete's sake, it's not like she became a Nazi and looks this way because of that! She aged, like all of us are doing. I wonder how those reporters would feel when they turn sixty two and suddenly there are all kinds of stories about how ugly they have become.

 I don't know anything about Kelly McGillis, I have no clue whether she was a nice person or a diva, I actually didn't know her name until this age shaming started. It's just that this irritated me, if she had been in a bad accident that changed her appearance, would they make fun of that? Apparently Val Kilmer is not so hot either, he can't be in the movie because his character was killed off, I have seen some negative stories regarding him; however I don't see the constant stories about him getting older like with Kelly, a bit sexist I think.  She got older, it's not a crime, get over it people! Hollywood is fake and shallow, it always was, now we know that it was sick and creepy as well. In a place like that, there is certainly no room for someone who looks like a real person.


  1. I've been moldy for quite a few years now. Practically a petri dish for growing penicillin. That's beside the point. I remember going to the movies to see Top Gun. Didn't like it. Kelly Mcgillis wasn't so hot then either. Just my personal opinion. She seemed way too old for Tom (ick) Cruise, and she's only five years older. I must say, I think she aged very well and looks better now. As for Val Kilmer, he got a lot of flack for getting really fat. It may have been health problems. His character didn't die in that movie. Did they kill him off screen for the new one? These are pressing questions that need to be answered! Hollywood doesn't seem to have a problem paring ancient men with barely out of puberty girls, but the reverse seldom happens. I don't care for either, myself.
    Totally off topic, Val Kilmer is my favorite Batman, so sue me! He was gorgeous and didn't have that stupid "I'm Batman" voice. Okay, I've spent more than two cents so I'm outta here!

  2. Deedles, I thought the Val Kilmer character gets killed in the movie, it's been many years since I saw that film, hoo many years is an understatement. I didn't like the movie from what I remember, too straight male-ish for me. Anyway my point is people age and not everyone looks like a model so drop the mean girls act. Who cares, most younger people would say Kelly who? While most older people would say, "I've been moldy for years" hahaha, that's a new one on me. I'm starting to say, "my pages are getting dog eared".

  3. Hey, you're the one who brought up the mold. I'm just not the "Hollywood mold". Val Kilmer played Iceman. He lived, yay! Goose, played by Anthony Edwards, died. Boo! I always get your point, dear heart. My smartassness just takes over.

    1. Deedles, you certainly know more than I do, I probably haven't seen the movie since it came out. Val was hot for sure.

  4. I usually don’t watch Tom Cruise movies. He annoys the hell out of me with his wooden (and not in the good way) performance. But I did watch Top Gun a few years back and Kelly was super cool in it. Very testosterone driven, like you say. Booyahh and high fives and the such.
    Anyway, I think she came out some years ago and has a girlfriend and all that Jazz. It would be cool if she does more moves.

    1. Sixpence, I know right! I got in huge trouble on this blog years ago for saying Tom is the same character in every movie. He did have some good ones but most I find he plays the same person.

  5. Hey! What are you implying about Nazis!?

    When leading men get old and wrinkled they can't get work either (see: Gene Hackman, Jack Nicholson, Clint Eastwood, Sir Ian McKellen...), so at least we know Hollywood is not being sexist. The standard is consistent.

    1. Old Lurker, oh sorry, that's right, I'm supposed to be more inclusive, "there's good people on both sides".
      You just named men who can remember the great depression! They were working long after their female counterparts were put out to pasture. Christopher Plummer is still working and receiving awards. I do notice that most movies will not put in an elderly character unless the scene calls for someone to kick the bucket.

  6. What are you reading? Are you under a dryer at the salon????? I never see, or read this kind of stuff.

    1. Jimmy, every time I turn on my phone it comes up, I hear it on the radio as well constantly.

  7. Lurkster, I hope you are joking. You are comparing actors in their eighties with an actress in her early sixties! When these actors were in their respective sixties they were still going strong. These guys chose to slow down, retire or keep going. Nobody chose for them. Sure, you got some older actresses who are still going strong, but they aren't given the same kind of parts. The women (generalizing here) get to play old ladies, grandmothers, etc.. The men can still play "boyfriends", old wrinkly boyfriends but boyfriends nonetheless. I don't really care, as long as they keep their clothes on!

    1. Deedles... uh huh you go girl, set him straight (no pun intended)! Yeah old Lurker, what Deedles said... oh snap!!!

  8. Joking? Me? No no no. Just think of the plight of all those poor old men being shut out of Hollywood. William Shatner! Harrison Ford! Richard Gere, even! Why, even poor old Woody Allen is having a tough time getting his films financed these days.

    1. Trolly poo, nobody wants to touch a Woody Allen film with a ten and a half foot pole these days! As for Richard Gere, think about all the gerbil abuse! Yeah I went there... sorry.

  9. Maddie, well you are not missing much. I didn't know that about Dunaway, maybe Hollywood should have done away with her long ago. Lol

  10. Thank you Steven. I believe that is my very first "oh snap".

    1. Deedles, then you are most welcome! Have you heard they are making a movie called "The Irishman" and using a lot of the older great actors... that is male actors.

  11. Part of my family is in the film business in Los Angeles. I've heard many stories like this. One 30 year-old actress was told she was too old the play a love interest for Harrison Ford a few years ago. It's always been this way. It's a sad situation.

  12. Richard, I'm not surprised, hopefully things will change.
