Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Back in the closet?

 This long weekend, I did a little closet cleaning out. Some was mom's stuff from her room, many items are out of date and too small for her now. Mostly this time it's my stuff, I can't throw out clothes, especially comfortable clothes, it's one of my weaknesses. The great thing about living on a farm is that when a shirt, coat, sweater or comfy pair of jeans becomes worn looking but not actually worn out, you can use them around the farm. The bad thing is they can be around for years.

 The oldest piece of clothing I have is a sweatshirt that was given to me for Christmas when I was fifteen. Mom actually gave me two and she got them in a man's small because she figured I would grow into them. I did grow into them but never grew out of them. Last year one of the shirts disintegrated so I finally threw it out. The one I have left, I like to sleep in when the nights are cold. The shirt is worn so thin you can see a tissue through it. Lol.

As I write this, I realize that I am wearing the second pair of jogging pants that I owned, which I bought myself back when I was nineteen or twenty. The material is also paper thin on the legs but oh so, so comfortable. ;)

 I tossed anything that I didn't like to wear, there are certain shirts that just never feel comfortable. This results in me wearing them less and less, so why bother keeping them. I tossed old shirts of dad's, he had some nice dress shirts and work shirts but they have already earned their keep, time to go. I tossed one old flannel shirt of his, it was made for Sears. I still can't believe that company is gone and sadly I heard it was completely due to bad management here in Canada. There are so many memories of buying gifts for mother's day, father's day, birthdays and Christmas gifts at that store.
  This shirt was well used, first by Dad and then by me. Getting the extra use out of them makes me feel like I'm recycling the clothes in my own way. Some also make good rags to wipe windows etc but I don't want to start sounding like Martha Stewart. The problem is that I need decent looking clothes for work and I can't keep hoarding the old ones, so I have to donate what I can and throw out the rest. Except the sweatshirt, after all these years it's just getting broken in! :D


  1. Oh my god! SAME!
    It’s just such a chore to get rid of clothes for me too! What is it about super comfy, well-worn T-shirts that are so awesome to sleep in in winter? But living in a farm, it makes sense to have ‘work clothes’ they’re practical!
    And Sears is gone in Canada? I heard of their struggles with bankruptcy ant the such. I think I have a sweatshirt that’s from sears. And some thermal underwear. Super comfy.


    1. Sixpence, I love that you get me! Lol... Yes work clothes, a perfect way to recycle-ish clothes. Unfortunately Sears closed in Canada about four or five years ago.

  2. I am the opposite.
    I can purge a closet like no one's business.
    Sadly, Carlos is the opposite and still has shirts that were big in the 80s ... for about a minute.=)

    1. Yeah Carlos!!! Lol :)
      What's wrong with clothes from the eighties... hahaha!

  3. I'm with Bob (again). My husband says my favorite phrases/words are 'pitch it', and 'basura'.

    1. I'm with Bob, too. My pack rat husband drives me nuts.

    2. Jimmy, tsk tsk tsk, shame on you! Nah just kidding, it's nice to see the empty space after.

    3. Jennifer, pack rat runs in my family, I'm pretty good not to let it happen in other areas.

  4. I tend to hold on to clothes too. I have a grey cashmere sweater with a moth hole that I wear around the house. It is soft and comfortable which makes me feel good when I wear it.

    1. Richard, I thought you would be the opposite, although one sweater doesn't make you a monster! :)

  5. When I do a good sort out, I almost always take it to goodwill, or a consignment shop, or give it to friends who are having a jumble sale. I too have alot of cashmere sweaters. And has long as they get dry cleaned and shaved with a sweater shaver, I'm have lasted years.

    And just how see thru are those swearpants?!?!? Do you go commando wearing them? We should do movie night.

    1. I see you as the princess type with something new each week, or at least I see you dressed up like a princess lol.
      No I don't go commando, I never go commando and I would wear extra underwear with you around! HA!

  6. My husband is terrible. He refuses to get rid of clothes even if they will never ever fit him again. Things he wore when he was twenty and thin could never fit over his head. He has a sweatshirt that he wore on his first day at work that he can't wear now. He says it reminds him of the time when he was young. I can see that but take it and put it in a space bag and put it on the shelf.

    1. Leanna, I have a bunch of new, never worn pants that are two sizes too small, I CAN'T LET GO!!!! Maybe one day I will fit in them???

  7. I clean my closets out every summer. If I haven't worn it in a couple of years, I donate it.

  8. My goodness. The oldest piece of clothing you own is like 10 years old?

    I also demote clothes until they are only suitable for farm work, but then sometimes I wear them anyways.

    1. Old Lurker, why... sniff sniff :(... that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me before.

  9. I keep old clothes around for awhile. You never know when a painting emergency may arise. After painting my bathroom nekkid, with oil based paint, I now know to wear clothes. I looked like a Jackson Pollock piece of art, only with hair. Little, hard to remove, lavender dots all over my butterscotch body. Honey, throw what needs to be thrown, so you can make room for other clothes and the circle of life continues.

  10. There's Deedles, I've been wondering where you were! Sweetie... TMI... I actually need my kitchen painted, you could do it while I'm at work, you would probably shock a few of the neighbors if they dropped it but their lives need a little shaking up! :D

  11. Princess?!?!? I'll have you know I only shop once a season to get any replacements I might need. Don't make me get all butch and take you across my knee. I got butch once already today,spit, and grab my crotch... and I think it tuned Deedles on.

    1. Ok ok don't get your panties in a bunch! Yes... you're right, I'm being bad... you have no choice but to spank me.

  12. Kiddo, that wasn't TMI. That was a PSA! A warning, if you will. Water based paint, get nekkid! It's easier to clean off of the skin than cloth. Oil based paint, wear clothes then throw them away!
    I would give your neighbors a collective heart attack! Nekkid, and from a rear view, I look like two Sharpeis from the waste down! Now THAT, dear padawan, is TMI!

  13. Ooops! I meant waist! Freudian? I think Maddie getting all butch did kind of turn me on, if I recall what that is.

  14. Deedles: As a reminder, Maddie getting all butch means he is wearing wedges instead of stilettos. I am not surprised you got turned on; sensible footwear is attractive as all get-out.

    1. Ok now see what you guys did, you got Lurker up from his snark napping, at least the target was Le Mistress.

  15. Lurkster, I've seen that man in just his tight assed drawers (well, pictures anyway) and believe you me, it ain't his shoes I'm looking at! Although I do find a nice sensible shoe to be quite attractive...hmmm...

  16. Deedles, I never look at Maddie's undies pics, nope not me. ;)

  17. Steven, you little liar! You want your nose to grow too?

  18. Deedles, there's probably a fetish for that somewhere!
