Sunday, May 12, 2019

Me Mudder.

 Today is mother's day, I won't go and see mom because of the distance and also because I know that my sister and her partner are going. I was going to go but I realized I was going mostly for myself. I will see her tomorrow and if I go today it will take up my Sunday with traveling and I need a day to recharge. Plus sadly, she will not remember that I came to visit the moment I leave the room.

 I won't go on and on about mom because by now everyone knows how much I love her. I will say that I never realized how lucky I was until I moved to the city. I had known of a few people with crappie fathers but for the most part, everyone I knew had a mother bear firmly in their corner like I did. While living in the city, I made friends with people who were raised by their fathers, grandparents or aunts and uncles. I was shocked by the stories of neglect and general unconcern for the wellbeing of their children. Even to the point of mothers being barred from weddings etc. That made me sad but it also made me appreciate mom more.

 People often say to me that I'm a good son the way I look out for mom. I feel embarrassed by that actually because I feel that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, it's what she would be doing if the rolls were reversed. I also feel that I am giving back what she gave to me. I think also that she kept me out of trouble most of my life because there were times when I would think, "mom would be so hurt if I do XYZ".

 Thank you mom, I know now that I won the lottery regarding mothers, I couldn't ask for a better mom. Thank you to any "moms" reading this, you are the real backbone to any society, it's one of those truths that nobody talks about, yet we all know it's true.


  1. "if the rolls were reversed"? Parker or Kaiser? Heh! My mother kept me out of trouble too. I would think " mommy would so hurt me if I do XYZ" ! You are a good son even if you're just doing your duty, so to speak. These days there are quite a few who wouldn't lift a finger.

  2. I am glad you will see your mom tomorrow. She might not remember you but I bet she appreciates the company when you are there. Do you ever see her during the week?

    I would be one of those who will not lift a finger. I do not wish my parents ill but I divorced them some time ago, and I gave explicit notice that I will not be dealing with their funeral arrangements, etc. You still think I am one of Jesus's favorites?

  3. I am in old lurker's camp. my "parents" were and are toxic; I "divorced" them in 1990 and I have no regrets. this is part of why I never became a parent. my cats gave me a book for mother's day.

  4. She might not remember, but you will. And that counts for something.

  5. Wow, are we harshing mellows today! Put on the Rodeo Song, stat! Old Lurker, where exactly in the world are you? Just general location, not an address :)

  6. Unlike Anne-Marie I have lots of regrets. But the last time I tried to open the communication lines with my parents I ended up handcuffed in hospital, so...

    Deedles: I live in Lurkville. I don't get more specific than that, although this is kind of a sham; I do not practice good opsec when commenting, so anybody on whose blog I have left a comment can narrow that down significantly.

    I agree that we are harshing some mellows. Happy mother's day, Steven. I hope you have a good visit tomorrow. Happy mother's day to all the other commenters (and moms!) over here.

  7. Lurkster, I don't know what an opsec is, so I'll let that one go. It seems to me that Lurkville is somewhere between The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits. I could be wrong. It might actually be Whoville adjacent. You have now entered my fantasy island of imaginings. I'll throw in some island hunks for ya.

  8. that was a loving tribute; good for you.

  9. Sorry for the jargon, Deedles. Opsec stands for "Operational Security". It is a computer nerd term that means covering one's tracks -- taking precautions to make sure you do not inadvertently reveal information you want kept private. In my case I wish to compartmentalize my online identities, but I do not do a great job of it.

  10. I never thought about the impact of my actions on my parents. I did what I wanted. I did a lot of risky things. Thankfully, I never got caught. Clearly you had great parents. They raised a good son. It makes me a little envious.

  11. You will see your mom anyway. The significance of 'Mother's Day' may be lot to her at this point, so you won't be doing some unforgivable social faux pas if you don't see her when Hallmark tells you to.
    Not that it matters, but I think you are a good son and you give your mom time and attention when you think she needs it. And that should be enough.


  12. Lol all that wasted time she put into me, hahaha!
