Thursday, May 23, 2019

Divine Intervention.

 Yesterday I received help with my internet addiction from a higher power, it was clearly divine intervention, the all mighty... phone company had a glitch and my service was down last night, so no online time at all! I was ok, the world didn't end. I think if I wasn't on this quest to curb my usage I would have been really upset (sounds like missed) but I did some other things that needed to be done.

 I got home late because I was visiting mom, I felt really really tired so I snuggled into my la-z-Steve chair and fell asleep. I woke up at 3 a.m. and went straight to bed. I'm taking the advice of setting a limit, I like structure so that will work for me. The big test will be this weekend to see if I resist the urge to "just check a few messages" or listen to the little voice that says, "stay away from sites called Straight guys with their shirts off... together... wrestling". Yes... so anyway we will see.

 Lurkey poo part of me saw the humour in your comment but part of me felt empathy for what you were saying, this is my second battle with an online addiction, my first was before I met Dan. I missed a couple of huge opportunities because of getting sucked into the online world. Meeting Dan was what pulled me out at the time. It will take a bit of intelligence to get you out, don't get a big head over this but you have that ability.


  1. What helps me with my semi addiction (I know, first step, admit there's a problem) is just not turning on my computer. It's the first thing I do before taking my five a.m. pee. TMI!! I feel the need to check in on everybody. I don't do that with people around me, for crying in a bucket! It's a good thing I don't use my phone for this stuff (it's usually off) and I only use my tablet for reading. Take it one day at a time, sugar.

    1. Deedles, you can say "pee" I can't say anything regarding TMI after just posting on having the runs... lol. I think that's the key, one day at a time. :)

  2. Is it the internet that's the problem or porn sites?

    1. Debra it's the internet, if I cut something out like YouTube, or adult content then I just drift somewhere else.

  3. "I snuggled into my la-z-Steve chair" - we have one of those too; it's called a "la-z-todd" at my house.

    1. Anne Marie, lol... go Todd! I have one of those snuggly blankets that can zip up around you, it's so soft and comfy to wrap up in and relax. Especially out of the dryer, that's out of this world.

  4. I never turn my computer off. I just restart every few days. Andy Cohen says, "Google is for porn". **excuse me while I Google something**

    1. Jimmy, what... you can find porn with Google? Now you guys tell me!

  5. I set time limits with an alarm clock for my online time. I spend a total of 4 hours. I hour to blog and check other blogs and then another hour to read online magazines and newspapers. I save the last 2 hours for research time or email time. When I'm not online I read, clean house, walk Lucy, call relatives. I heard that too much time online or watching TV interferes with sleep patterns. It has to do with blue light waves. So I read or do something else so I don't get the internet or TV bug biting on me. It helps to have a small daily routine set up so you can cut your time on the net.

    1. Leanna, I think that is the way to go. Time limits are the solution because I need to have the internet for my work.

  6. There was little humour in my comment, unfortunately. Please arrange for your Higher Power to take away internet from my home, too.

    Good on you for visiting your Mom. Good luck with this weekend, too. If I notice you responding to comments too quickly I will nag you.

    1. Old Lurker, maybe when you were asking upstairs to smite the internet, he/she got the wrong house due to so many people asking to have their favorite sports team win.

  7. So cool you visited your mom!
    And to tell you the truth, I think I’m also comfortable with some structure. If I’m home I basically try to do everything I need to do before I go online.
    When are you coming to the states? You should drop by Chicago this summer and I promise I’ll take you to boystown.


  8. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy looking at porn, but to be honest I never really floated my boat. Most times, I want the real thing to satisfy me, or my hand with very good fantasies I can create in my head. Online is now mostly down to blogging, reading blogs and email.

    So nice to see your mother. Hope you had a good visit.

  9. Sixpence, I think I use the internet to avoid doing work... lol. I'm coming to the states after your next election, depending on the outcome lol.

  10. Maddie, well yes I would rather be starring in my own private porn than watching one, lol. I do like looking at men however, why yes I do! ;)
