Sunday, April 21, 2019


 Was cleaning the bathroom this morning and the handle of the toilet brush snapped off. The only thing worse than the handle snapping off... is where I have to get the brush part out of. Ewwww!

 Finally got through to my sister, I have been leaving phone messages and emails trying to see what she is doing for Easter... today! She said that she is not having a meal. Thanks for letting me know. At least she is going over to see mom. I won't be going today as she is in the city now, far from me. I will go tomorrow. Family can be weird, if my sister did have a meal and I didn't go... she would be so angry with me. I just want info people, is that so hard. Ok so laundry it is then!


  1. I hear ya. She could have sent a text if she didn't want to talk live.

    1. Exactly, I could have just drove to the city not realizing that I wasn't going to have dinner. I feel a little sad actually now that I spend the day alone.

  2. Replies
    1. John, lucky you, my garden is still covered in snow. I can see a few onions that I missed last fall, starting to stick up through the snow.

  3. Pull out your old Prince albums. He died three years ago today. Or, put a tiara on and celebrate Queen Elizabeth II birthday. Or, you can listen to Prince while wearing a tiara and celebrate my birthday.

    1. Jimmy, wow three years already. Is this your birthday? Happy birthday if it is!!!

  4. Family - if it weren't for them I'd be out of a job.
    On the other hand it is rude to leave people dangling with plans.

    1. Dr Spo, that can be typical for her; however if the shoe was on the other foot, then oh boy! She looks out for me though so I can't complain.

  5. I knew it! Jimmy is actually Queen Elizabeth II!

  6. I did a load of laundry, put out the recycling, got chinese food for lunch. and ate several small chocolate coconut eggs.

    1. Sounds like a plan, I'm doing laundry and cleaning up.... booooring lol!

  7. LOL
    I agree with Jimmy: do your own party! You know how family can be.
    Like you, today it was laundry and cleaning and getting used to having a pet. Yep. I think I'll be pet-sitting for awhile....


  8. Sixpence, well of course you would be invited to my party! :)

  9. Family expect you to be mind readers. Then seem surprised when you’re not.
