Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Nothing's on tonight.

 Nothing's on tonight... or tomorrow night or the next. At some point a few months back, I stopped watching tv. It wasn't a choice I made on purpose, I didn't come home one night and declare that I was never watching tv again. I didn't feel that I was wasting my time and needed to replace those hours by reading instead. Nope, it was the simple fact that I feel disappointed every time I turn the tv on. I find almost every show is predictable and a letdown. I find that I'm bored watching and wonder about the people who got paid to write the garbage. After awhile it's like being in a trance, it becomes easy to just lie there and watch something even though you know it's garbage.

 I became fed up and stopped watching one night, I don't really miss it either. I have the internet and that's enough entertainment.


  1. Reading IMHO is a much more rewarding experience. I do let myself get dragged into binge watching stuff on Netflix, though. With all the fantastic shows they have (mostly foreign, though some American ones are good) I usually just watch three or four episodes in a row and get my fix. I don't have cable, though. Lost interest in cable TV a long time ago.
    Also reading blogs is more fun than watching The Bachelor or some other reality tv trash.


  2. May I suggest a book? I got plenty of recommendations if you are interested.

  3. I completely agree. The 500 channel universe is overrated. Who needs TV when you have Grindr? Then you can be bored and just lie there for other reasons.

  4. I quit the idiot box in 1999. I haven't missed a thing.

  5. There are some good things on amongst the trash, but the trouble is that the trash can be addicting.

  6. I've given up on the broadcast TV and only watch programs on Netflix or Amazon.

  7. Oh well, one man's GARbage is another man's garBAGE! The only reality shows I watch are the baking ones on the Food Channel. Love the Kids' Baking Challenge. They can teach adults a thing or two about good sportsmanship, and giving a helping hand to the competition. I enjoy Bob's take on Project Runway. It's more entertaining than the show, and his snarkiness is to die for! As for regular t.v., I fall asleep even while watching stuff I like. DVR, baby! Now I fall asleep in the middle of fast forwarding thru commercials. Actually, this comment (essay) is putting me to sleep. Reading blogs is addictive, too. Nothing beats a good book, though, no matter what Old Lurker says!

  8. I only watch the evening news to see what is happening in the world but only if I saw something on the internet that I want to follow up on. I do lots of reading in the evening but during the morning it's blogging and reading blogs then I spend my day cleaning, doing laundry, resting, gardening while in the shade outside, and watching the puppies play. That is enough entertainment for this old woman in the country.

  9. Try Netflix. There's some quality foreign stuff. And don't turn your nose up at stuff created for TV. The whole world's not as predictable as most of the garbage from the US.

  10. Of all the shows I watch, 90% are all British or Australian shows. I only watch about 10 shows as it is. Or PBS.

  11. I agree that 90% of broadcast TV is crap but there are some gems in there too! My Rare One and I have a few select, fave TV shows that we record and watch at our leisure.
