Monday, April 15, 2019

I woke up.

 Last night after writing the post Sunday about not misleading myself, I decided to cut ties with a bunch of people. With Tyler never talking to me unless I talk to him, Adam with his ever changing stories or a couple of other guys that seem nice but also have issues, I decided enough was enough and so I cut ties with them. Goodbye, you missed out on having a good friend and boyfriend.

 Except for James, I didn't cut ties with James, he is quirky but at least he is authentic and a really nice guy. I never have to second guess his meaning behind something, I never worry that he is not being truthful with me. I will have to set boundaries between us, mostly because I want to protect him. We will have to talk it out just to be sure we are both on the same page.

 Tyler and Adam both had my cell number, they may have lost it but that just shows how uninterested they were in me. Adam may try to call me, I know that Tyler will not.

 I was saying to another blog writer who is going through the same garbage regarding trying to meet people, we will never meet quality guys on line, there has to be a better way than this, we deserve better... because we're awesome!


  1. Not to say it's not true, but I met my husband online ...19 years ago.
    So, it can happen.
    Don't give up, just thin the herd every so often.

    1. Bob, all the good ones were taken back then. I'm picking through the leftovers.

  2. Isn't it weird how we are all so awesome, yet everybody else on the dating sites are so damaged? What are the odds?

    I hope you are listening to Jimmy and finding a gay car club you can join.

    1. Old Lurker, some of us on line joke about that. I think I can say I'm not like the others because they either have a wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, perverted sex fetish, drug habit, drinking habit, angry with the world, workaholic, couch potato, some disorder, etc, etc. Oh sure I'm odd but I'm not going to spank you with maple syrup.

  3. "we deserve better... because we're awesome!" - FUCK YEAH, I KNOW THAT'S RIGHT!

  4. Of course we deserve better.And of course we're awesome.
    And like Bob said, it's all relative. Meeting men online can be cool and you may find just the right guy for you exploring that option. Just mix it up with some IRL content. Noting like the human touch. I think (was it Lurkie?) someone suggested that we have to kiss many frogs to find a prince. Truer words.


    1. Sixpence, kissing frogs gives you warts. That's a John Grey saying. :D

  5. Yup! Been there done that. Good-bye and good riddance. People are fickle. It's all about them. They treat others like a cell-phone by which I mean, they wanna keep upgrading and keep looking for a new model. Friendships have become disposable. So move on. Keep the good ones. There will be ones who'll call back, stick and do right by you. They're the ones worth calling back.

    1. Walter, I think the this city ran out of good gay men.

  6. I like to follow what Rachel Maddow says, "Pay attention to what they do, not what they say". It works for me.

  7. I think meeting someone online is the way to go. It seems there is an site or app for everything; Gay Nerds, Gay Geeks, Gay Dweebs, yada yada...Yes OL, even gay car clubs. Like minded people want and need to meet.
    Just learn to 'swipe to the left'! :)

    1. Jimmy it seems to be huge in the states to go online, here however it's always the same guys online so not a lot of choice.

  8. I'm so proud of you. Everyone is right. Keep the ones loyal and true to you and you will be happy.
    Incidentally, my husband and I met in a game room online. We've been together for 17+ years.

    1. Leanna, cool that's an interesting story about meeting your husband.

  9. Sixpence: I do not advocate kissing amphibians. That was J. Gray.

    1. OL, so many jokes right here but I don't want you to feel picked on. ;)

  10. Also: I am so happy to see Walter back. Welcome back, Walter!

  11. The whole modern dating app thing is daunting, but I do think it can be done. Just look at Bob! So there are success stories out there!

    1. Michael, I think if you are in a large area, the odds give you a better shot.

  12. Jimmy, how can you tell if a car is gay?

  13. Deedles, gay cars always have fabulous crank shafts and tail pipes.

  14. Thanks, Jimmy! That's good to know.

  15. Deedles, you made me laugh, "Deedles funny"!

  16. You'd better not let JP catch you making disparaging statements about spanking people with maple syrup.

  17. OL, well JP needs to be spanked! He's been a naughty naughty boy!
