Sunday, March 3, 2019

Nothing's wrong but...

 I think I'm going to take a little time away from blogging, nothing is wrong but I find that I often get caught up in the cycle of feeling like I should post something, wanting to see if anyone liked it, replying to them, reading other blogs, letting them know that I enjoyed their blog... having my comment disappear... more than once, screaming at my phone, well you get the picture. Maybe not a total break, I may post but definitely less often for now, not to worry, all is fine.

:(... I'm ok, nothing is wrong, sniff sniff, no seriously just kidding, it's all good, I just need to focus elsewhere for now. If you need me, just follow my trail through the snow.


  1. I've always liked your posts, and the comments between you and a couple of the people who frequent here. I will miss your clever humor.

  2. I blog and Instagram and Im lousy at both. I enjoy reading more...but seems blogs are disappearing one by one again. A very cool picture, is that one you took?

  3. I've fallen into a break by just not posting. I'm not sure I want to continue posting. It may be time to end to Corporate Slave.

  4. Do what you gotta do, honeybun. This must be exhausting trying to keep up with your fan base :) Just back away from the blog and recharge and get back in touch with real life. OH GAG! I can't do sap! I'm going to miss your humor, and your seriousness, but mostly your humor. Boy, that makes it sound like you're dying! Take some hugs with you so that you won't molest the critters. We'll be here when you get back, if that is your decision.

  5. Blog breaks can be refreshing so enjoy yours!

  6. I shall miss you. I always read even though I don't always comment. Take care. X

  7. Awww
    Just take your time. Remember that blogging is basically... for you. Yes, we read you, but unless you get paid by the word, blogging should be fun, not something you HAVE to do.
    Read you soon!


  8. This happens to us all....usually 48 hours does me well..

  9. We'll send the Texas Rangers out to get ya. Never fear. Oy! It's cold!

  10. D: D: D:

    Oh, who am I to talk? I have fallen into bad blog habits too. Focus where you need to focus (PIE) and then please come back!

  11. Have to agree with Sexipence Nonethewiser. When it becomes an obligation then it's time to take your fingers off the keyboard and regroup. We'll still be here and still get notifications.

  12. Does this mean your making pies and doubling down on extra porn?

  13. Blogging can sometimes feel like a full time job. Enjoy the break.

  14. Hey, bud, not to be a whiney bitch, but have you found yourself yet? Just kidding. I think I'm going through withdrawals. This is my problem not yours. Just sending you a little chuckle (I hope).

  15. I suffer sometimes from magical thinking: did my week's hiatus away from blogging wither you away?
    For selfish reasons I hope you return soon.

  16. How have TWO WEEKS passed by so slowly???

  17. I'm sorry Old Lurker but I'm not checking my blog, I'm trying to break free of... oh... wait... crap... busted... ummm, this wasn't me, just ignore this comment, never happened.
