Thursday, March 28, 2019

Mental 2X4, ouch.

 At lunch I was talking with a group of guys that I usually sit with. One of guys is new, I'll call him Mark, he started only a few months ago, a nice young guy, tall, dark haired, handsome very smart and easy going. Mark and his wife just had their first child. He will be turning thirty in a few months.

 We were talking about television shows and I was saying that since I don't have cable or satellite, I am completely out of the loop when it comes to tv shows. I only get two channels and one is a government station.... so... not much on.

 I mentioned many of my friends are always talking about shows like Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead and so some of the guys started explaining the shows to me. I found the idea of a weekly show that includes a cast of zombies really odd. Then I said that I shouldn't judge because I used to be a loyal fan of the show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", I went on to say it was the humor in the show that I loved. I noticed Mark giving me a puzzled look as if he had no clue as to what I was talking about. Then suddenly it dawned on him and he said, "oh that's the show that used to be on when I was a kid, I wasn't allowed to watch it".

 That was a total mental 2X4 across the head, I was stunned for a second and didn't speak as my head did the math, this grown man with a house, career, wife and child, was a child himself when Buffy was on, how is that possible. He acts very mature and I forget how young he is, I forget how young I'm not. To me shows like Buffy were recent. I googled the show and  I was shocked to read, that the show first aired twenty two years ago, time where did you go. Funny but not funny.


  1. Join the club, honey! My sons turned 42 and 41 this year. I'm only 30+, so I should be getting some money for those miracle births! One day you're nineteen, turn around and you're sixty.

    1. Deedles, I have sweaters that old... does that count? :)

  2. Join the club, honey! The first Star Wars movie came out in 1977. Fight Club and The Matrix came out in 1999. Disney's Frozen came out in 2013; there are now teenagers who are feeling nostalgic for a movie they saw when they were seven years old. There are children in university who do not remember 9/11, and many players in the NHL who were not alive the last time the Montreal Canadiens won the Stanley Cup (not the Leafs -- the Habs.).

    1. OL, Leafs winning a Stanley cup, bawhahahaha! I love your sense of humor!
      I heard a kid say, "not daddy's Star wars movies but grandad's star wars movies.

  3. Join the club honey! I just wanted to say it too.

    1. Maddie, I can't totally see you saying that... honey!

  4. Gotta love it, though.
    But think about it: most of the music and tv shows we like have an expiration date if we compare them to what people are currently watching or listening to. Something that was absolutely in vogue ten years ago is nostalgia now. Ten years. Time flies.
    And yes, Buffy was the shit. Angel, too.


    1. Sixpence, it's unsettling lol. Time just seems to have shifted into high gear.

  5. I remember when JFK was killed. yeah, I'mma 65 AND fabulous. sue me.

  6. I heard they're making a sequel to Buffy now? You can relive your youth!

    1. Debra, nothing makes me feel older than when it's been long enough to bring something back as nostalgia.

  7. Mark needs to be horse-whipped..

    1. Bob, that sounds a little harsh, how about a light spanking, bare bottom.

  8. I often forget that I'm in my sixties until I look in the mirror.

    1. Richard, I know the feeling, especially after a long day at work, I look like.... my age!

  9. Oh, Mark is so cold blooded. But yeah, that was a long time ago. We grow old without thinking of it. I can't even remember my 20s thru my 50s. I think I was comatose while I worked. Hell, I don't even remember the last 17 years that I've been married.

    1. Leanna, the last ten years for me deserve a speeding ticket!

  10. I never watched Buffy so I don't know how many decades or generations ago it was on TV. Did the TV have to warm up first?
    When I buy six chicken breasts and four pork chops, the butcher always asks me if I need help getting it to the car (the little fuck wad).

    1. The show came on in 97, doesn't feel that long ago. I remember our first colour television, my sister and I were so happy that they couldn't fix the black and white tv anymore.

  11. Bob has the right idea!
    @ Jimmy, I'd totally forgotten the old warm up the t.v. thing! And when JFK died it was on all three channels! I was seven and pissed.

  12. @Deedles, I was twice your age when JFK died. I think that makes me Jurassic.

    1. Jimmy, no don't worry, only if you actually remember the Jurassic period should you worry.

  13. It is amazing how time flies. Scary actually. I gauge my years by school time, and we are already in the last 1/4 of the year. It seems like yesterday it was September. Yikes.

    1. Michael, yikes is right! I always take note of when kids go back to school, I hated that time of year, I can't believe we are in the last three months already. Scary indeed.

  14. Dr Spo, today I joked with an elderly male friend, that we are all getting older and falling apart. He said, "yes I know but I don't like my alternative".
