Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Tuesday, Tuesday, ba ba.

 Yesterday was a holiday for some of us, it was family day. I hope I don't have to refund it since I don't have a family. It started as a bribe to get a politician 're-elected in Ontario, oh well at least we get something in return. That means Tuesday is my Monday so this week I don't like Tuesday morning since it's like Monday morning for me. I just woke up and now I'm playing with my phone at 2:20 in the morning, yup this thing is not addictive at all. Move over Teddy, I'm coming back to bed. -_-  snorrrr... snorrrzzz... zzz...


  1. LOL yes!
    It was President's day yesterday and you know how I think we haven't had a 'real' president for more than two years now. Still, I celebrated by staying home, catching up with series on Netflix and doing basically nothing.
    So I guess I would have to do a refund too because I didn't have a reason for a holiday either. ^_^


  2. I reach for my phone when I wake up in the middle of night too. It's hard to resist.

  3. Reaching for "my phone", is that what the boys are calling it these days? Since I don't work, when Balder Half is off on a Monday I wait until Tuesday to do laundry instead of my usual Monday wash-a-thon. Life's simple pleasures and all that.

  4. Yesterday I crashed and burned. I got nothin.

  5. I posted a lot of obnoxious comments on some guy's blog.

  6. I had to work yesterday; no holidays until memorial day (may).

  7. When the gentle sounds of Nora scratching at her kennel and Nicky whining awaken me from the sleep of the innocent I stumble my way arthriticly to the ensuite my trusty iPhone clutched in my hand and check all manner of things that may have ensued during my hours in dreamland.

    Here on the Island it was Islander Day which meant everything was closed so we could celebrate being an island I guess. Simply meant there was no early morning traffic on Water Street so I didn't grab for the iPhone until 0800!!!!
