Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Man turn offs.

 The buzz this week is over a certain singer who sang with his shirt off during the halftime show at the big football thingy last Sunday. I don't care about his nipples, I was grossed out by the walking tattoo nightmare that he has become. I liked Maroon5 twenty years ago and probably wouldn't mind seeing him shirtless back then but now it made me think of that relative that eats at the table during family gatherings with their shirt off, making everyone feel uncomfortable.

  I was thinking about the top five man turn offs for me. Things that immediately deflate a boner like one of Tom Brady's balls.
 1) Tattoos all over a guy, especially face and neck. Makes a guy look dirty to me. One or two can be hot but more than that is a turn off for me.
 2) "Woman butt", sometimes I see a really cute guy walking towards me, then I notice that he has the thighs and a butt like a woman does. It's game over for me when I see that.
 3) Long hair, especially long hair with a man bun. That shuts off the attraction button for me.
 4) Piercings all over, particularly I can't stand any on the face. The lip, nose, eyebrows or cheek makes me feel like I'm talking to a pin cushion. Earring or nipple done is ok for me but please no jewelry on the wee wee!
 5) Wig or some kind of hair piece, it creeps me out. If done really well then ok but most are not and end up looking like a raccoon crawled on top of some guy's head to die.

 There are more but I notice these the most when doing some man watching. Just like with window shopping, it's ok to watch and drool every now and again. ;)


  1. LOL man watching is my expression of the day!
    And oh, I feel you with Adam Levine. I don't really mind him. He looks like every other dudebro who hangs around a Starbucks. I can see how he could be attractive (he's fit, dresses ok and seems to be moderately smart) but you just KNOW he can be douchey.
    As for the turn offs, I'm with you with the piercings all over. Ears are ok but when they can set off metal detectors or they are placed precariously I'm out.
    I like men with long hair, though. Hairpieces are a no.


    1. Sixpence, I generally don't like long hair on a man, there is always exceptions, even with the man bun, I have seen guys where it works for them. It is however (lol) a young man's fashion mostly, after thirty five the bun falls off most men. :)

  2. A Prince Albert or Jacob's Ladder actually would turn my stomach. The thing about tats and hardware is not the ew factor but the pain I would imagine receiving a needle. And who has that much time to sit for all those tat needles? And then I imagine the cleanliness of the tattoo parlors I pass.

    1. Mike, the ewww factor and the eewwbarrrrrrf factor as well, hahaha!

  3. Beards. I wish I could grow one. My father once told me my beard looked like a baseball game, nine on each side. Amish beards are disgusting, Any beard or moustache that looks like it can't get out of the way of food and drink turns me off. I don't understand neck beards.

    1. Mike, I like the younger guys with the neatly trimmed hairstyles and beard, just not the wild man beards of the 70s and 80s.

  4. While I have six tastefull tattoos, I am not riddled with them like Levine ... or a Chipotle bag. Take a gander ....

    And I agree with the rest of your list, though I do love a man in a man bun if it's done in a laissez faire kind of way. I don't want a try-hard-poser of a man bun.

    1. Bob, there are exceptions for me, some men look good in fashions that don't work for most others, this is only what works for me however, I'm not judging.

  5. The man bun is a turn off for me along with hairpieces. I'm not sure I understand the woman butt. I may need a picture. A little ink is okay with me but they have to be artful and tasteful and not look like prison tats. Going shirtless at the dinner table was forbidden when I was growing up.

    1. Richard, my mom was the same way, she would be grossed out if a man went around shirtless, the dinner table was a no, no.

  6. You must be my twin. Especially piercings like PAs and navel.

    1. Hello Frank, welcome! I agree, plus I think a navel piercing on a man just looks so, so wrong! Lol

  7. Turn-offs: full body or total upper body tatts, Man buns or hair past the neckline, long unkept beards and mustaches, body odor, strong colognes, unbathed and unwashed oily hair, wigs, body piercings, mommas boy type, fat butt, overbearing know it all. and lastly one with the manners of a pig.
    Turn-ons: a couple of well-placed tatts on the biceps only, Mandrake beards and mustaches, Polo cologne but not bathed in it. Impeccable manners, conversations in coffee bars or tea houses in low sexy voices.
    I'm guessing we all want the same things of our lovers. We just can't always find it.

    1. Leanna, I have decided to let you find a boyfriend for me lol, judging from your response you are fully qualified! :)

  8. First of all, Steve (may I call you Steve?) I would like to commend you for the turn offs being something that are choices, except that women's butt thing. Really?
    I love long, clean, thick hair on a man. No man buns! Buns should only be worn while cleaning house or cooking food! No comb overs or long hair springing from around a bald pate. Cut it short, or shave it.
    I hate most piercings except I do like one earring on a man.
    No tribal tats unless you look like you belong to a tribe. Jason Momoa comes to mind.
    I like facial hair if it is clean and snot free. BH had a mustache at one time. I loved scraping my teeth over it. Then allergy season came along. Bye-bye mustache. I dislike that little patch of hair right under the bottom lip and no where else.
    I'm going to stop now because this is already too long. I agree with Anne Marie, mostly.

    1. Deedles, seriously? Can you call me Steve... you can call me Steve, Steven, or whatever you want, just not something like sh#thead or along those lines. Awwwe why did you have to point that out and make me feel bad. True woman butt is not the man's fault; however I am not saying we should eradicate men like that, I am just saying it shuts off the gay button, that's all. Now you have created a dilemma in me, going forward do I blog honestly or do I become extremely politically correct and worry about hurting someone's feelings. Woman butt is a real thing, so for me it's a turn off but I'm not saying it's a negative thing, for straight guys and certain LGBTQ men and women it's probably a total turn on. Still wuv me? :(

  9. I come from the generation where you didn't hang a colored bandana from pocket unless you knew the code. The large, straight bear next door has one earring, a small diamond set in gold. Classy, I kinda like it. When I first saw it I asked him. 'Does left ear mean bottom or top? I can never keep,it straight.' He didn't laugh then or when I told him most of the men in this gay resort area would consider him a bear. Tell me someone, what is it with the black, overcoat-button sized earrings?

    (Studying for the exam required for getting back my gay card)

    1. Mike, once you reach a certain age the LGBTQ community forgives all mistakes. Just tell them that you are losing it and all will be fine. ;p

  10. There goes Steven, objectifying men again.

    Deedles makes a good point about lifestyle choices vs inherent traits.

  11. Old Lurker, well I suspect you pass my criteria completely so why are you complaining? :P'''''
    Deedles always makes good points, that's why I'm thinking about banning her for life from this blog... hahaha, no just kidding, I would miss her so, so, so much! The truth is we all probably have a deal breaker that is a physical trait, I know that I have often been on the rejection end of it. She made me think too much, I have a headache.

  12. Oh, sweetie! I wasn't judging you, really. I was just wondering what in the world is woman butt? I've heard of flat butt (I myself suffer from noassatall courtesy of dear old mostly white Dad), bubble but, high butt. I even have a front butt. One brother-in-law has a juicy butt and thighs that my sister is partial to. Is this what you're referring to?
    I don't usually get turned on by looking at someone. Of course, there was that time in Hawaii when Balder Half told two Polynesian uber hunks (behind my back) that I was too shy to ask for a picture. I ended up squashed between them while dear old hubby took pictures while laughing his small round bubble butt off! Personality turns my crank. I am a bit shallow about eyes though. Beady ones don't do it for me initially, but if he has humor and brains okay. Woody Allen is a major exception to that rule! Ewwwwww!
    I was never a dater so I should probably keep my big running mouth shut.

  13. Blaaaah Woody Allen! Ah ha!!! So you did know what I meant the time I blogged that a lot of white men lost their bums (& wee wee length) when our ancestors left Africa! Hahaha!
    See how devious I am Deedles, I asked if you still wuv me and put a sad face :( because I knew I would hook you, I'm rotten eh?
    A lot of women have a round bum and their thighs are much different from a man's. I will have to try and find pictures to explain, it's not something bad, just not masculine. It's like if Adam Levine pulled off his shirt to reveal a set of double D's, I wouldn't be attracted but a lot of people would. :D

  14. Stevie, heh, IIIIIIII will always wuuuuuuuuvvvvv yooooooooooou oooooo! All apologies to Whitney Houston and/or Dolly Parton.
    I would appreciate it if you would leave Balder Half's homegrown moobs out of this!
    You know I'm just playing with you right? Sure you do! If something doesn't appeal, it doesn't appeal. However, that can change with the knowing of a person. Balder Half used to like dark skinned big breasted women and ended up with light skinned flat chested big personality/ brained me! Humble too. I grew, so did he. When he takes off his shirt, his torso looks like a gray pelted Snoopy. I love the extra weight, so cuddly. Boy, I'm so manic right now I can't stand it!
    So, I still wuv you, but there are times when I want to put you over my knee and spank the living daylights out of your smart ass! Is that so wrong?

  15. O.O spank me... m ma ma maybe a little wrong!

  16. Ha. Thank you for playing, sweetie. Good night.

  17. Dr Spo, well... okay you kinda caught me, only now and then... throughout the day. ;)
