Thursday, February 14, 2019

Hmm, that grass looks greener!

 One of the quirks of my personality is I often feel that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Having been around cows, I understand that statement better than most lol.   Today was Valentine's day and one of the things that drives me crazy about the day is that when I'm single, the day means a lot to me. I feel left out of the holiday, I am envious of all the happy couples who have celebrated this day with love and romance. When I am dating someone however; I ignore the day and think it's a gimmick to sell flowers, gifts and evenings out at a restaurant. It's nothing special, just another day. I'm such a dork.

 My favorite Valentine's day was my first with Dan, he came over to my apartment and I made him supper. I remember feeling a little nervous about giving him a card, I wasn't sure if he would think I was immature or worse... being too clingy, too fast. I remember after I gave him my card, he had this smirk on his face, went to my hall closet, pulled a card and a little bear from his jacket and handed them to me.

 Maybe if I make a promise to Cupid that from now on I will try to keep Valentine's day, he will draw his bow and send me my true love. If he even does that anymore, maybe he just swipes right.


  1. But of course it's always greener! It's human nature to think that.
    And I learned something from some girls I was talking with yesterday: I wished them a great Valentine's and they said they were having a GALantine's. They were all going out together in the afternoon to have cupcakes and conversation. I thought it was the most darling thing.
    We always think other people are having more fun, are prettier and never have problems. Boy are we wrong.


    1. Maybe we should start a Gaylentine's day then? For single gay people, sounds like a plan! Lol

  2. Hey . . . GALentine's Day . . . I like that! For obvious reasons!

    1. Debra, you have a partner, you're excluded... hahaha!

  3. I have never been one for Valentines Day because it feels like I'm being told to love and tell the one I love that I love him.
    But I do that every day, so, you know, keep your Hallmark Holiday.

    Now GALentines day sounds cool,you know, for the gals.

    1. Bob, why do they keep calling it a holiday, nobody gets the day off, and like you say, is it a holiday to celebrate the malls?

  4. I started to say I'm glad I've never celebrated the holy-day but then I remembered.... In grade school we'd have a week or more of it. We made post office boxes out of milk cartons (ugh, I hated milk even back then) with our names and slipped love messages into them when no one was supposedly looking. What exactly was the school promoting? Later in life I decided to find out why there was the word saint in front of his name. Valentine was a bishop of the Church of Rome who left little pieces of himself all over the world in the form of holy relics. Kind of a boner killer. Give me Cupid or Aphrodite! Still, your cards and Dan's bear warmed my stone cold heart.

    1. Mike, reading this I can't help feel you have some unresolved issues, you need therapy! :)

  5. I don't have a favorite Valentine's Day memory but I'm glad you do.

    1. Richard, I think you were too wild to celebrate the day... just a guess! :p

  6. Something you might try altogether, stop looking. I did just that after close to 38 years, I stopped looking. I figured if no one wants me then why should I really bother. Then out of nowhere, all these guys started buzzing around me and then David happened. That was almost 17 years ago. I had given up and wasn't looking for him and somehow we found each other and clicked right away.
    What I'm saying is that maybe you should stop looking for a little while. Let guys see you are alone but not lonely. They will eventually come to you as bees come for pollen. Give it a while.

    1. Leanna, I spent all my life waiting, it didn't happen. I am not looking anymore to be honest, I've given up more or less.

  7. Why can't Valentine's Day be both?

    This is a good time to stock up on Valentine's Day cards, send them out to arbitrary men, and claim they were delayed in the mail.

    1. Old Lurker, I can't believe you, only you could think of something like that, what a brilliant idea, I could do that while buying the chocolates that are %75 off from not being sold.

  8. Anne Marie, I don't... except for now that I'm single.. I kinda do-ish.

  9. You are my blogger valentine. Do not dare to question this.

    1. Dr Spo, blushing blushing, awe that's so sweet... just send chocolates!!! :)
