Monday, February 11, 2019

Gays in snow.

  I didn't get the memo but apparently there was a winter gay pride parade on the weekend. Naturally there wasn't as big of a crowd, since it was freezing with a nasty wind chill factor. People had to trade in their feather boas for knitted scarves. That's an interesting idea, I will have to google to see if it was the first winter pride parade ever held. Wouldn't that be fun to take part in, can't you just see a big fabulously dressed drag Queen with snowshoes on and a large fake icicle on the end of her nose, hmm maybe a costume idea for next year... not.

 Unfortunately the news said that there was also a protest against pride. I was surprised that something like that happened in Ottawa. It's unsettling that people hate us so much that they would take the time and effort, to go out on a freezing cold day to heckle us. Their hate was drowned out by people chanting, "love, is love, is love". I was furious when I heard this. I wanted to find out who organized the idiots, that protest just didn't "happen". As usual the media was trying to make a mountain from a mole hill, turns out it was only eight people. What the heck are they protesting anyway, do they think we are going to turn straight? That is like me waiting for one of them to become intelligent.

 All the feelings of being upset were washed away this evening with a story about a goalie in the NHL who has amongst other things, a rainbow flag painted on his goalie mask. He did it to show support for gay friends and to help gay people feel welcome to the sport of hockey. Tonight or tomorrow night, the local team (Ottawa Senators) are having a pride night at the game, to make gay fans feel welcome. Now I know what you are all thinking... "gay people don't watch hockey"? You are forgetting the thousands and thousands of Canadian and American lesbians who love the game and could check your judgemental butt right through the boards. Joking aside, there are a lot of gay and bisexual men who watch it religiously as well. A huge majority of the players in the NHL are actually very open, friendly, decent people. The players are always helping out with children's hospitals, mental health, sports equipment for low income families etc, so I am not surprised. I'm just waiting for the invitation to the showers after and then I'm in for sure!


  1. Oh, there's always some die-hard idiots who protest Pride. It gives them a thrill.

    1. Debra, why can't they get their own parade for stupid people, they have them in the US, they are called Dump rallies... oh it was too easy.

  2. Oh, you know there are always some attention-starved xtianists with a martyr complex who date-check any gay event to go and protest. They have no lives outside of their little bigoted minds and love showing their self-righteous pinched little mugs every time gay people celebrate anything.
    And I believe you about the tons of gay and lesbian sports fans! My one friend lives for college basketball and live tweets every game he attends. Yep.


    1. Sixpence... you only have one friend! Oh that's so sad, you seem like a really cool person...tehehe! :D
      The lesbians I know are mostly jocks and can tell me everything I need to know about hockey.

  3. we have a gay day at the baseball game in philly. gay people watch sports.

    1. Anne Marie that's really nice because we're usually really nervous surrounded by straight people with baseball bats!

  4. There will always be haters but then there will always be people like a hockey goalie stepping up and taking his pro-LGBTQ stand.

    1. The haters are starting to be bolder now that they have a leader.

  5. I have a gay friend who has season tickets for the Colorado Avalanche hockey team.

    1. I have been to a few hockey games, it's a lot of fun with a group of friends.

  6. I think you are burying the lead. The real story here is that you skipped Pride AGAIN??

    1. Old Lurker... ha! You didn't get me this time! I never heard a word about it until Monday on the news after it was over! If I did know I would have blogged about going and then I would have made up some excuses and not went, only to blog later that I should have went... hmmm, I kinda see your point. :\

  7. Just like straight people, gay people come in all shapes and sizes!

  8. Michael, only sexier and much more fabulous! :)

  9. Well if you are not going to Pride, could I interest you in some Mumbai escorts?

    Now you can't claim ignorance in the future. Also if you don't go see Monique Heart then Mistress Maddie might disown you.

  10. OL, I don't know who that is, must google search her.
