Saturday, February 2, 2019

February blahs!

 Goodbye January, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out! This winter is bad, really bad, there is a never ending, well below normal temperatures, constant freezing your butt off weather pattern here. Plus to make matters worse, it's constantly snowing. Normally if it's arctic temperatures, it's also usually sunny... not this year. I'm constantly getting texts from friends feeling isolated and trapped. At least with February we know we are on the home stretch. I'm thinking about turning on the outside lights again just to make it more cheerful. I've heard of Christmas in July, I would probably be committed for starting a Christmas in February trend. I'm going to search around for another fun holiday to culturally appropriate, it's worth a shot.

 I know in this area when they asked the groundhog to come out and check for his shadow, he said "you're joking right"?


  1. Might I interest you in some Mumbai escorts to take your mind off the cold?

    Let's all remember this harsh lesson when complaining about the heat wave in July, hrm?

    I hope you are able to visit some of the lonely and isolated people. It is nice they are reaching out to you.

  2. Old Lurker, yes lol what is up with that, are you getting those to? I don't mind the heat, looking back you would see I complain about the humidity, it's because I have trouble breathing sometimes. We can get extremely high humidity levels here. I like the heat.

    As for the people reaching out, I told them to suck it up and stop being a bunch of snowflake babies! No just kidding. I know how they feel.

  3. Hating heat or cold is not necessarily mutually exclusive. I hate them both, but I love the somewhere in between one gets in spring or fall. Sun makes me happy, dreariness makes me hibernate. I find enjoyment in both nowadays.

    1. Deedles, sadly we don't seem to get the in between anymore, it goes from Antarctic thirty below freezing to mosquito infested plus thirty above in a week or two.

  4. Steve, are you getting any spam in your comments that says Mumbai escorts? If you are, report the URL to Google. I reported them for sex trafficking and the spam stopped. I was hoping everyone wouldn't be getting that spam anymore.

    1. Leanna, yes I'm getting them and yes I report their slimy asses to google immediately. I had them before, I find it takes reporting them at least twice before action is taken, so far so good however.

  5. At least the days are getting longer which means warmer weather is on the horizon.

    1. Richard, yes I have been noticing that as well. Another two to two and a half months of winter left for us.

  6. currently 5:20p and still light outside; FABULOUS!

    1. Yes Anne Marie fabulous, today the sky was so cloudy that it was dark by five but I was out because it was a good temperature today.

  7. Debra, I confess that I often say that when I get up and it's snowing.... again!

  8. You could cekebrate celebrate Super Bowl Sunday, if you hurry. We're going to a party for four at the neighbors. I hate American football but I make an exception for this one day. It's fun teasing the Bear nextdoor (straight I think) about the sport and its ridiculous rules. I only wish the halftime show were in the locker room!

  9. Mike, I usually try to watch the half time show. I don't like M5 anymore so I'm going to skip it this year. I'm going to celebrate the fact that American football will no longer fill the entire weekend on the only channel I get out here!

  10. M5? Is that a thing? I've never seen a halftime show I enjoyed. Even Lady Gaga (where do I surrender my gay card) whose singing I love. Acrobatics and absurd costumes not so much. If your art depends on multi million dollar hydraulics, stunts and lights, maybe you should rethink your art.

  11. Mike, M5 is a thing when you are too lazy to type the full name lol. You are sounding like a grumpy old man, "kids these days and their music"! :)

  12. I have noticed the days getting longer myself. I remember when I lived in Northern NY, it seemed as if we went from winter directly to summer with little to no spring.

  13. Michael, we used to have nice long springs and falls. Now it's just freezing our nuts to roasting our balls! Hey that rhymed lol!

  14. Grumpy old man, guiltynas charged! I'm so old I remember when stadium extravaganzas were put on only by fascist and communist regimes. How about a marching band that doesn't require prerecorded music blaring from a bad sound system and displayed on the orgasmatron hanging over the middle of the field?

  15. I still think you should come here.
    Javier the Javelina did not see his shadow on 2/2 indicating 6 weeks more of no snow in AZ.

  16. Mike, I remember having a black and white tv!

  17. Dr Spo, ha ha ;p. Just you wait kind sir, there may be a knock on your door one of these days.
