Monday, February 4, 2019

Ass biting Karma.

 I just love it when karma comes calling. A woman in Canada won a small lottery of 50 thousand dollars. Now it's not a million but 50k is nothing to sneeze at. When the woman went to claim it she was told no, that she is not getting a cent. You see the woman likes to steal from people (dirty and used a stolen credit card to buy the ticket. According to Canadian law you are not allowed to keep any profits resulting from a crime, that includes writing a book about your past crimes or having a movie made about your life of crime. Also includes lottery tickets that you bought with a stolen credit card. I'm sure this person hasn't learned a thing, I bet she is walking around whining and complaining about how unfair life is to her, she probably feels that she has been shafted. Sometimes you just have to believe someone or something is dipping a hand into daily life. Lol!!!


  1. C'mon, man. If I don't steal the credit card where will I get the money to purchase the lottery tickets?

    Speaking of karma: Sixpence is blogging about you and you don't even have his blog in your blogroll!! Go add Sixpence to your blogroll. His blog is really good.

  2. I meant to get around to adding people but it's complicated on my phone. He knows I read his blog.

  3. So who gets the $50,000? The true owner of the credit card? That would be fair, I think.

  4. Oh she really does NOT deserve that money! Goddess knows one should not wish evil on others, but she's a piece of work.

    @OldLurker awww thnx! ^_^ That's sweet! I enjoy YOUR posts. My adblock fights the cookies on wordpress and now Google+ is going to way of the dinos, but I do drop by!


  5. This is too funny! That woman is not only a thief, but a stupid one to boot! I'm with Debra about the money.

  6. Richard 5, 2019 at 4:46 PM

    She put a whole new spin on profiting on the misfortune of others. There are similar laws in the US.
