Saturday, January 5, 2019

Toy Unwanted.

 Tomorrow is the sixth of January, many of the old timers used to call it little Christmas and didn't fully remove all the decorations until then. It is also Christmas eve for Orthodox Christians. I like to leave my decorations up until then because I enjoy them and because I'm lazy so I want to maximize my decorating efforts! While starting to put things away, I suddenly realized a funny Christmas story that has constantly been staring us in the face for years.

 There is a doll that stands in a corner of one of the bedrooms. It has been standing in a corner literally for about forty five to forty six years untouched, unwanted, unloved. Back in the day there were these dolls called Suzy Walker dolls, I'm not sure if they still make them but they were large and walked if you held their hand just right. My sister did not like dolls, she always pleaded with people not to get her dolls for Christmas. Instead she preferred boy's toys, she would ask..... ((gasp)) for toy guns, toy cowboys and Indians native American people, sports equipment etc, etc. She also had an artistic side and enjoyed paint sets or something to do with drawing but most definitely not uuugh... dolls.

 This of course lead to people trying to shove dolls and little dresses down her throat, mom gave up trying to do that almost from day one and warned others not to push it. One year my sister's godmother saw one of those Walker dolls, that actually looked a little like my sister at the time. Against my mother's warnings she went ahead and bought it as a Christmas gift. I will never forget the look on my sister's face as she pulled off the wrapping paper. I can only described it as the look just before a dog bites somebody. She then looked at my mother with complete disgust. Mom, quietly said "we will just set it up somewhere, don't break it". That doll's existence was in jeopardy but she did understand not to be disrespectful and so listened to my mother.

 It's funny how people will try to push the norms on children even if it makes them completely unhappy. They feel it's better to ruin Christmas or a birthday party, just to satisfy their ideology. Many times my aunt would ask, "does she play with the doll"? We would say no, and so she finally learned to buy the right gifts.

 That Christmas evening after we came home from my grandparents, my sister carried the doll upstairs and stood her in a corner, there to this day the doll has stood waiting for someone to come play with her... because that's what happens when you buy a hockey playing, fort building, horse back riding, future lesbian in the making... a doll.


  1. All I know is, I hope once we're married, that thing will be donated to a child and not in the house. I don't think I'd get any sleep with that creepy thing. It's as scary as my worst fear....ventriloquist dummies.

    1. Maddie, awww poor Suzy Walker, still unwanted, I thought you would love to play dress up with her since you like mannequins. That's too bad because the only problem she causes is the pitter patter her little shoes make when she runs around during the night.

  2. I always wanted building toys (like erector sets). I always got stupid girl shit, like clothes.

    I'm not saying I'm gay (said in a scott thompson as buddy voice), but I have always liked making things, whether it be knitting or baking. I like trains and baseball too. people should stop assigning gender roles!

  3. That is one scary doll...especially when she starts coming at you in the night.

    1. Bob, oh no.... too late... Suzy is angry with you Bob, Suzy is very angry with Bob! O.O
      As long as you keep certain drawers locked, most nights are uneventful, most nights.

  4. Shades of the Twilight Zone! I think I had one of those, or something close to it. Creepiest thing I ever possessed! Sometimes it's eyes would open on their own. I used to put a blanket over her face! Critter gave me nightmares. Six girls and we were all bi-toyal.

  5. Deedles, one of her eyes seems to be losing the ability to stay completely open so sometimes she looks a little tipsy, lol. The funny thing is even though it's not in direct sunlight, the front has faded while the back of its clothes remains the original colour

  6. I hope your sister took the guns with her, I think I saw Suzy Walker online earlier....

  7. Mike, what were you doing looking at dolls!!! Lol

  8. Steven, I loved reading this post. It brought a smile to my face. My daughter never liked dolls, nor my sister really, but they always got them for Christmas as it was the stereotype. (and I guess still is) It is funny that you still have it!

    And as for your last post, glad that things are better with Adam...

    1. Michael, I asked my sister if she wants it, she said,"ugh that stupid thing" however I convinced her to take it as one of her Halloween props.

  9. Figures doesn't Anne Marie got an ERECT-OR set.

    1. Maddie, sometimes you channel your inner woman, this time I think you are channeling your inner kid... you brat!

  10. Are you upset because you didn't get dolls for Christmas?

    It is a shame that Suzy has faded. She would probably been worth some money on Ebay if nobody had ever played with her.

    1. Old Lurker I did get dolls, G.I Joe, Steve Austen (6 million dollar man) and a bunch of cowboys and soldiers. They worked hard, saved the world from bad things and when nobody was around they loved to French kiss each other.

  11. All my big baby dolls suffered the same fate and eventually got given away to girlier cousins. Those dolls never interested me in the slightest.

    1. Debra, I just knew you were going to say that! Actually one of my lesbian friends loved dolls as well, she even collected them into her adult years.

  12. The doll is probably a collector's item. Have you thought about selling it on eBay? In Denver, it's a tradition to keep your exterior holiday decorations up until after the stock show which starts next weekend.

    1. Richard it has faded at the front and there is no box which makes it worthless.

  13. @maddie - ERECT things have always held my interest.

    @sooo - buddy cole! I could NOT think of the character's last name this morning! I loved "the kids in the hall"!

    1. Anne Marie, erect things, I hear you sister!!! :)
      I loved The Kids in the Hall, there is a book out about them now because it's been 30 years... 30 yikes!!!

  14. Dolls give me the heebie-jeebies

  15. Dr Spo, tell me about this irrational fear you have regarding a child's play toy? ;)

  16. @sooo - 30 years????? FUCK NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

    so your action figures liked to french kiss, eh? talk about "action" figures!

  17. Anne Marie, YEEEEEES, I know right, whaaaaa :(.... that was a shocker to me.

    Yes they loved to French kiss, maybe that's what made me gay lol. G.I. Joe and Col. Austin sometimes even stripped down to their plastic undies and French kissed for some skin on skin action. They stopped there because I didn't know that there was actually a "something else"! :)

  18. Steven, if G.I. Joe and Col. Austin were built anything like Ken there wasn't anything they could do "something else" with! Now they know how Barbie must've felt! Well, she did have Midge, her "best friend" back in the day. See, you've reduced me to doll porn!

    1. Deedles, I don't know what a Ken doll looked like but my guys had permanent plastic underwear on, so that's as far as they could go. Like I said however, I didn't know that thay actually could go further... wink, wink!

  19. In contrast, several of the WWF wrestling figures released in the 1980s sported noticeable bulges -- Hulk Hogan in particular (and after the notorious sex tape that brought down Gawker, I guess we know why). Sure, their wrestling trunks were still painted on, but there was lots of skin-on-skin action happening.

    1. Very homoerotic don't you think Old Lurker? There are many "straight" guys who like to wrestle in a very grope-ish way.

  20. I have it all tootes! As Noxzema Jackson said....

    " A transvestite is someone who dresses up in women's clothes for their sexual kicks. A transsexual is someone who gets the little snip become the opposite sex, and a drag queen is someone who has WAY TO MUCH fashion sense for one sex. And you are simply a boy in a dress."

    1. Maddie, I had to go back and see what you are talking about lol. Are you mad at me, I can't tell? The only thing I ever wore close to a dress was my robe when I was an alterboy.

  21. And another thing Steven...if we would ever meet and you offer me something and I turn it down and you then ask if I would like "something else", does that mean what I think it means????? Bwhahahahahaha-haaaa ha!

  22. Maddie, I have seen you in your hot undies, I probably would offer you the "something else" first! ;)

  23. LOL!!!!! No I'm just being campy again! Now Im going to go slip on some underwear! wink wink!

    1. Maddie, oh no! I have heard of slip on ice, slip on a wet floor, even slip on a banana peel, but never slip on some underwear!

  24. Well, Steven, if those two had on permanent plastic underwear on, it was probably because Ken (who wore no undies, plastic or otherwise) got criticized for not having genitals while Barbie had back breaking boobs for everyone to play with! Plastic, unremovable drawers hid a multitude of, well, nothing there.

  25. Actually Deedles come to think of it, they remind me of my last boyfriend.... oh snap!
