Sunday, January 20, 2019

This is for Debra, the seeker! :)

 Debra, no need for seeking, if you like unicorns then prepare yourself for a sugar unicorn rush! Hope you enjoy this.

I will post later about "stuff".


  1. Debra the movie is called Legend, it came out in the 80's starring Tom Cruise, Mia Sara and Tim Curry. I loved it at the time and watched it obsessively, oddly enough the best version of the movie is a made for tv version. I watched it recently but it's not my thing anymore.

  2. but those unicorns don't have rainbow flags and are not farting strawberry scented glitter!

  3. Deedles, this was when he was first starting out and not creepy yet. I think that's part of what ruins it for me. Like I can't stand anything to do with Bing Crosby at Christmas because I have this image in my head of him walking off stage smiling, happy, cheerful and then belt whipping his boys after.

  4. I know. I was there at the start. Old...uh, mature, remember? I've never liked the budgie looking wooden actor that he's always been. I've enjoyed some of his movies but not him. Weird huh? I also have a hard time with Tea' Leoni. I love her, but she looks just like him only prettier.

  5. Thank you, Steven. My life is complete now! Hahahahahaha! For sure this is going in my next unicorn post!

  6. Mrs. Jones, why defame budgies???

  7. Sorry, Mike! What was I thinking? Your revenge is now I can't get that stinkin' Billy Paul song out of my head! Love you, Mike. Kisses.

  8. That song keeps coming up on my old standards playlist. Good news, it reminds me of you. Bad news, I'm starting to hate it too!

  9. I have no idea what you two are talking about and I think that is for the best! Lol

  10. Steve, don't you read your own blog? Blame the snow and polar vortex. LOL

  11. Now I have both you and Mrs. Jones mad at me.
