Thursday, January 17, 2019

That moment of, uh oh!

 Today was really cold, -31 Celsius, in Fahrenheit that's blah blah go google it because I'm too tired to do the math. Anyway I dressed up nice and toasty warm, a little too warm. They had the heat turned up at work and the lab was warm. The shirt I had on made me start to sweat at times and then after lunch, I hit that moment when you think to yourself... uh oooh... my deodorant has stopped working... crap!


  1. Have you forgotten how to deal with winter? L A Y E R S.

    1. OL, I did dress in layers it's just that one of the layers was a little thicker than I realized. You have to remember I'm used to being called a fruit, not an onion!

  2. Ha! Been there. Done that. But yeah, Layers. Sometimes i feel like an onion.


  3. I love layers. Especially when I can help peel them off a guy. Here, let me help you with that.....

    1. Maddie, did you want to give me a bath as well? ;)

  4. so ya stink a does everyone else. group shower, everyone?

    1. Anne Marie, group shower huh? Okay but when you check out my goods (because I know you will) please remember that it's really, really cold, right... it's really cold so...

  5. Replies
    1. Richard, of course you would, the more I get to know you, the more I realize what a dirty boy you are... I just knew there was something about you that I liked but couldn't put my finger on! :)

  6. Oooh, layers! Cakes and parfaits, yum! I'm from San Diego, originally, what do I know from layers? I had to be taught these things. Given the choice, I'll go with Anne Marie's suggestion, too. The dirty little carebear!
    Steven, love, I haven't hassled you in a long time about those extra 'u's in your words, so the very least you can do is translate that Celsius crap! Humor me!

    1. Deedles well I was... umm hmm what? Sorry you distracted me by saying cake! Minus thirty Celsius is "Eeeek" in Fahrenheit or -23 Fahrenheit lol.

  7. Deedles, I lived in the San Diego area until sixth grade. If you're as ancient as me our paths may have crossed. Given where you live now, you shouldn't have to worry about temperature conversions! My shorthand is 0C and anything below is cold, 10C is 50F, 20C is about 70F, 30C is comfortably hot, and 40C is meltthedashboard hot.

    Steven, I have one word for you: Mitchum. 48 hour protection unscented. Changed my life.

    1. Mike, I will try the suggestion, I can't get the deodorant I used most of my life, the stick ones smell awful but don't seem to really work.
      Lol, I agree with anything below 0 Celsius is cold. For Americans just remember water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius so anything below zero is below freezing, so just imagine 20 or 30 degrees below the point of water freezing, ouch! :)

  8. Thank you, Mike! I tried looking up the conversion charts. Math! ACK! Those charts confused me more than ever, but from the looks of things it's been getting into the 0Cs at night up in these here parts. I don't know how ancient you are, Mike, but I'm close to 63 chronologically. I'm 106 bodywise and 19 mentally. Sometimes, mentally, I'm a 12 year old boy. Go figure.

    1. Deedles, here is the 12 year old boy test. Art, Virginia, computer. If you giggled at any of these words or proceeded to think of the following words, fart, vagina, game(s) you have some mentality of a 12 year old boy! ;)

  9. I hate winter at work. Sometimes it would be cold in the hospital lab and I would be freezing because I didn't have a sweater. I would bring a sweater and the heat would be turned up. I had a sweater for 4 months in my locker thinking I would need it. Winter is over and I took the sweater home, come back the next night and it's freezing because the AC is cranked high. Ridiculous!

  10. Leanna, I think we have the same facilities people running our building! Lol

  11. Well, you got me there, Steve. I thought, respectively, Fleming, Mayo and crash. I'm old!

  12. Deedles, allow me to help my friend Deedles, your darn spell check changed "I'm a mature person" to "old", oh that crazy spell checker, it always ruins what we're trying to say in our comments. ;)

  13. Spell checker, huh? Well that explains those superfluous 'u's. Stevie, you're sweet, but if you've paid attention to the bulk of my comments here and elsewhere, you will note that maturity is not one of my assets :)

    1. Deedles, my immature self says... tehehe... you said ass...ets!

  14. I never refuse an offer. We can play that game. You just sank my submarine.

  15. Maddie, yes we can hot stuff, first however I dropped my soap, umm can you pick it up for me? ;)
