Tuesday, January 1, 2019

It's 2019, really? Already?

 Happy New Year... yup blah blah, new beginning, blah blah, fresh page blah blah things are going to be different blah, starting over blah blah blah. The main difference here will be the new calendars that I will put up today. My family never celebrated the new year, I don't see it as anything special, to me it's another day that followed a different day that will be followed by tomorrow. It's 2019, seriously, really? Yikes I better get busy! What happened to the 80s, even the 90s for Pete's sake! The year 2000 has been gone almost twenty years, that seems unbelievable to me! I remember it like yesterday when the computers shut down and all the planes fell out of the sky!

  I feel that 2009 was probably my worst year ever for many reasons but mostly because of helplessly watching my father die. This means everything hits the ten year mark, that's startling to me, ten years. This year (2019) will neither be good or bad, as long as nothing catastrophic happens, the year can only be what I make it to be. I am not pledging to make any changes, I either will or I won't and no amount of dramatic promises to myself and others will affect that. My one new year wish for everyone reading this blog is something that my parents always valued and that is good health, if you have that or at least close to having good health, then everything else can fall into place, they used to say without it, nothing else matters, so I wish good health to everyone in 2019... that still seems crazy to be writing... 2019.


  1. You're right about good health. May you and all of us have that in 2019!

  2. Same! I decided all those resolutions amount to nothing cause we don’t stick to many if any.
    Happy (and healthy) 2019!


    1. Sixpence, true most people don't stick to what they promised to do... after talking our ears off about it!

  3. eh, one day at a time. I'll think about tomorrow when I wake up tomorrow.

    1. Anne Marie, sounds like a plan that we can stick to!

  4. New calendars, huh? Let me guess: your local firefighter charity calendar? The one you got with your Playgirl subscription?

    I hope that by the end of 2019 you are giddy in love the way you were at the end of 2008.

    Also: Sixpence is still waiting for his extended movie review.

    1. Old Lurker, no it's the nude young farmers calendar, it's a thing, google it!

  5. Yes, it is hard to believe it is 2019! Hope yours is good!

  6. Well, that good health hope ship sailed a long time ago in these here parts. I'm with Anne Marie on this one. Thanks for the thought though.

    1. Deedles, that's why I said or close to good health because I know some of you are struggling. How about good-ish health to you. Plus maybe a lottery winning, not one of those little lotteries either, one of those big mo-fo lotteries and you remember who gave you that wish after you win... Lol!

  7. I'm with Anne Marie. Go figure!

    1. Bob, you're with Anne Marie??? Won't her husband get upset? Won't you be in hot water yourself at home??? Yes.. I'm a smarty pants! ;)

  8. Tut! A new year means you can have a new opportunity. I hope your 2019 is your best year yet !

  9. Dr Spo, so what I hear you saying is that if the year goes bad it's all my parent's fault?

  10. Not only am I aware of that calendar, but I was thinking of linking it in my response. But I did not want to make you blush.

  11. Old Lurker, people should know how to google stuff by now, lol.
