Saturday, December 1, 2018

The Season Begins.

 The first of December all ready, every year the holidays come whizzing past faster and faster. It feels like three weeks ago all the news reporters were shocked it was August the first and that the summer was half over. I'm set to enjoy this a little again. I had drifted completely away from doing anything Christmas-ish with the exception of going to my sister's for Christmas dinner. I want a little of that cheer and magic back again. I'm sick of dark days and feeling alone.

 There was a farmer's market held near me, an organic farmer holds one every fall and spring for just one day, he has a huge riding arena and invites other unique organic type farmers, home style bakeries and crafts people to set up booths.

 I found it hilarious that there was a group of chickens, happily walking through the crowds of shoppers, both people and birds picking up what they needed I guess lol, the hens calmly went about their business as if they did this every day. I was thinking about my ladies, they would have headed for the woods only to return that evening after all signs of people were clear. It's sort of a Christmas market, there were wagon rides and dog sled rides, I was glad to see a huge turn out again. The food can be a little expensive but you pay for what you get so it's usually delicious. They have home made sweaters, mitts and hats etc there as well. Plus lots of crafts for gift ideas. I enjoyed myself and bought way too many homemade cookies. I then spent the afternoon at a friend's talking, talking, talking which gave me a great excuse not to clean my filthy house for the holidays.

 This is last year's tree, the little angel is my mother's ornament, it's older than I am so there is nostalgia in decorating as well for me.


  1. I've had hardly any holiday over the last few years. I think I've come around this year. I put up a few decorations and put a garland with lights and ornaments over the mantle in the living room a friend designed me a few years ago. I also cleaned my dirty house today.

    1. Richard, good for you; however I have good news and bad news for you. The bad news first... you are on Santa's naughty list... the good news is... you made it onto Santa's naughty list again this year, you go girlfriend!!!

  2. Ordinarily I would leave some grinchy anti-Xmas comment here, but I think it is good that you are getting into the spirit of the season, especially since you missed all the others this year (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Pride, etc).

    In that vein, Dr. Spo recently discovered a new Christmas carol, which he would like to share with you: .

    1. Speaking of being on Santa's naughty list, hi OL! Just like the Grinch, Christmas softened old lurker's heart as well, it's a Hallmark Christmas movie in the making!!!

  3. Like you, I don’t do too many things considered Xmas-ish. What I like is to use those wreaths/garlands to bring some green into my place. I also love those little white lights here and there. I usually keep it all up until February, because it’s not very Xmas specific. That’s my way of celebrating.

    1. Sixpence, that lights idea is a good idea, I feel like I lost a friend when I turn the lights off for the last time after January sixth. It's back to the winter darkness for another two months... blah.

  4. I am NOT martha stewart, therefore my house is always a fucking mess. and I like it that way.

    I turned on the lights in the windows yesterday; red & green electric "candles". got to next hang the stockings and the door wreath. that's about it. so much bullshit over a fake "holiday"!

    1. Anne Marie, all holidays are fake; however I have come to realize they were created not to stress us out but to have a good time and keep us from going crazy lol. Eat, drink and be merry lol, then drink a little more!

  5. I love Christmas craft sales! I've never attended one with chickens though.

    1. Debra, I love looking at people's creativity but I am not a fan of knick knacks, so I never buy any unless for a friend who is into them. Shopping chickens is all the rage now, just like goat yoga. Lol

  6. I first read 'chickens'as 'children' and the story went a different direction.

    We had a Christmas sale at our local Fine Arts Center with all kinds of handmade items; bought some ornaments and a few knickknacks.

    We do decorate; we have the lights outside, the porch is decorated; the tree, the mantle and a few other spots. It makes for a festive time of year when it's cloudy and gloomy out.

    1. Bob, I agree we must keep away the gloomies!
      It's a good thing I didn't write about fried chicken or eating chickens because you would have passed out!

  7. My mother has the same ornament!!!!! Sounds like a good time to time. The decorating and remembering the ornaments and being out and seeing people enjoy the festive season, is what I enjoy. That's the magic. I was at City Hall and other locations yesterday, and just seeing people ice skating, and enjoying being around others was a enjoyment. With our situation with trumps hatred, many won't stand for it. People seem to be nicer and more friendly. It was nice.

    1. Maddie, does your mom have the set? I still have a few others from that set, unfortunately my mother had two rotten little kids that decided to take the little people out of some of the ornaments... oops. Your day out sounds like a good way to be put into the holiday mood.

  8. I once held a village fete
    And hundreds attended. My children's had a field day bumming food from people eating at the cake stall

    1. John, I am going to assume spell check changed chickens to children's lol, otherwise it actually sounds funnier. When I first moved back home, I brought with me my chickens that my boyfriend kept for me at his place in the village, they loved people. The ones I have now only know me and are a flighty nervous type, I have to keep people away.

  9. What makes an organic farmer so? He doesn't eat any preservatives?

  10. Dr Spo, I had to check the picture twice to make sure it was you asking me this question, I fear you have come under the influence of old lurker and are trying to get under my skin. An organic farmer never wears anything except a straw hat, well at least in my fantasy. Except winter, that's just being mean for a fantasy.
