Saturday, December 29, 2018

My gift to ME! :)

 One of my friends jokes in a "dark humour" kind of way, that she has to buy her own Christmas gifts because her Santa died. I joke back and say that my Santa got Alzheimer's and I have to buy my own Christmas gifts as well. My sister and her partner started something similar this year, they bought all their own gifts this year and then gave them to each other to give back on Christmas. This way they explained giggling, each person received exactly what they wanted and in the right size. No hassles, no returns, no unwanted gifts. They did however; throw in a few surprises, just to keep things exciting.

 I forgot to get myself something this year, I didn't think of it until we were opening up gifts at my sister's place. No big deal, there will be sales all week plus less crowded in the stores. Today I had to return some items and run a few errands. Then I decided to buy myself something. Looky what I got myself for Christmas!!! :)

 I'm pulling on my new lounge pants, getting into a snuggly sweater, making myself a huge cup of hot chocolate (the real stuff) and some homemade cookies and enjoying this. I wish you could join me. Movie review tomorrow... lol.


  1. I'll bring the caramel popcorn and a bottle of wine!

  2. Fantastic! Oh the feels that movie gave me!
    It sounds that you’ve got everything needed to enjoy it. Sounds like the perfect Saturday chill. I’ll be back to read your review. I’m curious,

    And next year I’ll make sure I’ll give myself some Xmas gifts. It seems like the start of a great tradition.


  3. I didn't know they even released that movie in VHS. Lucky you.

  4. Hot chocolate, homemade cookies . . . what, no peaches? You'll get that reference after you watch the movie. By the way, I hear they're making a sequel to it.

  5. I would love to join you, but I'd hate to come between you and your peach.

    Jokes aside, the movie gives me chills. A sweet story...brings back some of my own fond stories.

  6. Lovely film, enjoy it, and the day!

  7. I haven't seen any movies since this summer.
    David and I are a strange couple. We tend to think on the same wavelength. I'm guessing because we are both Libras. Anywho, that man will bring home the exact thing I was thinking we needed, whether it's groceries, home goods such as a pillow or for some reason he knows exactly what I want without me having to say squat to him. For our first Yule present that we were supposed to give to each other, he bought a Foodsaver System. I never told him, I never mentioned it once in passing. He just went and purchased it a week before Yule started.
    If you ever come across somebody that thinks just like you do, Marry that person, in a heartbeat. I mean it.

  8. Ok. I'm dying to read what you thought?!?!?!!? Are you busy making peaches jam, are what?
