Thursday, December 27, 2018

Happy Me Day!!!

 Yesterday was boxing day, it was named for the fight you will have while trying to shop for deals. That is an alternative Christmas fact. A couple of years ago I tried shopping on boxing day for the first time in my life. To be honest I didn't get any great deals, I had actually gotten better deals leading up to Christmas that year. I think it would have been different if I wanted a tv or computer, something along those lines but as far as shoes or clothes I found it a giant waste of time, I decided never to do that again. I was feeling cabin fever yesterday so I did go to a mini mall near me, I wanted to get out of the house. There is a fair sized discount type store there. I went in to see if I could get chocolates etc on sale. I like to bring a box of chocolates with me when I go to visit family and friends over the Christmas holidays, at least I am not coming to the house empty handed. Unfortunately people must have been there at six in the morning and bought everything that even remotely referenced Christmas. I know that I probably should have went earlier but I am not interested in the boxing day rush. When I went in, the shelves were completely empty. The only thing left on sale was cans of peas and green beans, I have to confess they were a beach to wrap but the look on people's faces was my reward enough.

 At this store, you can't get any nice clothes there but you can get good functional clothes; however they were the same price as before Christmas. I did get some comfy lounge pants, great for watching movies and eating Christmas cookies while relaxing over the holidays.

 I also felt I needed to buy myself something because it was "me day", yes it's true, yesterday was the feast of Stephen it's a day where everyone is supposed to give me gifts and food, it's a proven scientific fact that people named Steven or Stephen are really cool people, especially Scorpio Stevens, those are some of the best Stevens, you are blessed to know a Scorpio Steven, that's why the holy men and women everywhere got together and created a special day for us.

 There is even that old song, I think it goes something like...

There's this kinky kind of guy
and his name is Steven
He likes his pizza not well done
just right and crisp and even!

I am not sure of the words but something like that I believe. I forgive you for missing the day because like I said, most Stevens are awesome! ;)


  1. Um, uh, er, hmmm. I got nuttin'! Enjoy your "me" day. You are one of the most awesome Stevens I sort of know! I think I only know three. One goes by a pseudonym when he blogs (looked him up). Have fun, hug a bunny, destroy a raccoon, or whatever blows your skirt up! I'm going out to look for more Cella's chocolate covered cherries.

  2. Deedles, I think that post shows part of my problem, I stayed up late watching tv and eating chocolates until one in the morning. Sugar rush! O.O

  3. You aren't a Stephen. You are a Steven, and you ain't no saint. Claiming membership in the Feast of St Stephen is cultural appropriation. Instead we should be celebrating Steve Bannon (who actually is a Stephen).

    Did your gift from Santa end up being chocolates?

    1. Old Lurker, I never said "Saint" Stephen, I'm careful like that. ;)
      Steven means "Stephen" in protestant, you have to know these things. My gift was... it was... it was...

  4. I steer clear of shopping days. Especially Black Friday. Is there anything I really need that badly?

    1. RB, we have black Friday around here now as well. I don't like crowds so I avoid them, there are many sales constantly going on and I would rather go then when it's less busy.

  5. It's always all about you, isn't it? So are you planning on getting "stoned" later?
    Get it? Stoned? Feast of St Stephen? Oh never mind. I need vodka.

    1. Leanna, lol I get it, I have a bad sense of humor... so I got it. With pot legal here now I could get stoned but I don't enjoy anything that smells like burning poop! Lol

  6. So you commandeered a real Steven day? I never heard of it (big surprise there).

  7. Deedles, ugh... Good King Wenceslas look out on the feast of Stephen, as the snow lay round about deep and crisp and even, brightly shone the moon that night, through the frost was cruel... now my Deedles must learn this song, for a singing duel! ;) Yup it's a real thing!

    1. How did the Dutchess Deedles never hear that carol?

  8. You do know that the standard iconography for the good deacon is to have a rock coming out of his head. Just saying.....

  9. Okay, I get the song now, thanks. Not having celebrated the holidays since I was seventeen, I hope you can forgive my lapse of memory. You are a clever little Steven, aren't you? Heh, Little Stevie Clever as opposed to Little Stevie Wonder. Alright, I just slipped into stupidville.

    1. Deedles, nope not stupid, you just made me think of a bunch of his songs and now they are playing in my head... so cool :)

  10. How lovely that the stores all hold Big Sales on Your Special Day!

  11. Yay for ‘me days’! And next time you visit my blog, make sure you check the Pages section, Steven. Especially if it’s during a ‘me day’ 😉


    1. Sixpence, I'm not sure what you mean by pages section, I probably see the site different than you do but I try to nose around. I suspect that I'm missing something.

  12. I'dlove a 'Me'day ...I need to search for one,or start one!

    1. Hmmm, saint Bob day, I really like the sound of that!

  13. As a Steven, dont tell my mother because it is spelled Stephen on my birth certificate....we will have our day. I say let's go celebrate!!!! I noticed you threw in were both scorpions! We'd be a dangerous hand full wouldnt we?. And hey...I never claim to be a saint. As Joan Crawford said. "If you want the girl next door, then go next door."

    1. Maddie, you are no girl next door type! The Bishop "told" my mother she had to spell my name the Catholic way with a "ph", so mom being mom, it's spelled with a "v" lol!

  14. Maddie, I've heard the carol, I just never paid attention to it. I've never, ever sung it and never had any desire to. I love the name Steven, no matter how it's spelled. It's a very strong name.
    As far as names go, if anyone else who meets me starts to sing "Me and Mrs. Jones" I'm going to scream bloody murder! I've loathed that song long before I became a Mrs. Jones. Tangent Alert! Tangent Alert!

    1. Deedles, it's ok that you didn't know, myself being one of the high priests of the Stevens, bestow forgiveness upon thee good lady, all is forgotten. Peace, love and cookies.

    2. Or is it peace love and hair grease????

      Now you got me thinking about RuPauls beauty parlor song Back to My Roots.

    3. Maddie, hair grease? Ewww? Actually you have that cute guy next door look.... that is until you have the look of the trampy lady from the other side of the tracks look! Either one works for me. :)

  15. Anne Marie, I guess that's the attitude to have lol! :)

  16. Ohh so you found them! Woot woot.
    Yep, there’s more to blogger than meets the eye.


    1. Sixpence, you're a little naughty, I really like that in a blog buddy! ;)

  17. Richard, I got peas on sale so you can't get better than that! :D

  18. If you’d turned up at our home with a tin of peas I’d have thrown it at you. Just sayin.

  19. JP, good to know, so it's the green beans for you guys then! :)
