Thursday, December 20, 2018

Grinch vs Grinch

 The other night one of the tv channels started playing a movie for the holidays, it was a take on the Grinch who stole Christmas, the one with Jim Carrey as the Grinch. I started watching it but I just couldn't take it after a while, to be honest I'm not a Jim Carrey fan and his portrayal of the Grinch just reaffirms my dislike for him. I didn't find it funny, annoying actually and considering there would be children watching, I thought the jokes were not appropriate at times. Also can anyone explain to me why he would make the Grinch sound like Sean Connery? In fact when you consider how long this story has been around, they could have improved the humour quite a bit. Like fingernails down a chalkboard, the movie got under my skin and I had to turn it.

 Later I sat down to watch another channel and the original cartoon of the Grinch came on. It's interesting to watch and be impressed when you think that this story was thought up out of the blue. The little jokes, the catchy tunes, the animation without the help of a zillion megabytes, plus being smart enough to have James Earl Jones singing the main song before people knew who James Earl Jones was,  all show real talent and creativity. There is also the nostalgia factor, I can remember when we were kids being excited the day after it would air, especially the boys because we loved the song, we would laugh and laugh at the "sea sick crocodile" or the "thirty nine and a half foot pole" references.

 The movie version made me feel annoyed, bored, a little offended, irritated to the point of no longer watching. The cartoon on the other hand made me smile, giggle, sing along at times, think about the bigger picture in life, fondly remember Christmases past, for a brief moment even remember what it felt like to be young again. In the battle of Grinch vs Grinch, it's clear to me who wins!


  1. Sometimes it's a mistake to try to "improve" things, isn't it.

    1. Debra, I agree, if someone has a vision of how it can be improved then maybe but usually it's people being lazy and trying to make a quick buck.

  2. I totally agree with you about Jim Carrey. I did enjoy his performance in Doing Time On Maple Drive. It was a nice subdued performance.
    Now for a correction (I said CORRECTION!). That was not James Earl Jones, honey. That was an uncredited Thurl Ravenscroft, the dark chocolate voice of Tony the Tiger. I believe the man should've been credited.

    1. Deedles, oh that stupid spell check, every time I type in Thurl Ravenscroft it changes it to James Earl Jones...... ok oops but in my defense I often heard it was James and didn't think to double check.

    2. P.S.
      I also liked him in Doing Time on Maple Drive.

  3. I agree. I dont know why Hollywood feels the need to remake every damn movie. Very seldom are they so good or better.

    1. Maddie, yes they are usually not better, I think it's a lazy way to make money.

  4. I'm not a fan of Jim Carrey either.

    1. Richard, I see why, you seem like a grumpy person... lol ;)
      He gets on my nerves.

  5. Good grief. Congratulations, you have all become old people entrapped in nostalgia. Why would you be watching some dusty old cartoon that did not give proper credit (and no doubt proper royalties) to voice actors? Without fresh, modern retellings of our cultural myths our culture grows stale. If you don't dutifully watch these remakes you will be depriving Hollywood executives of the revenue they desperately need to keep up with their cocaine habits.

    I bet you all prefer the 1951 retelling of A Christmas Carol to the 2009 one, too.

    1. Actually, funny you should mention that Lurker. I actually prefer the George C Scott version, of his very good ball busting crank portrayal.

    2. Old Lurker, like fine wine and classical music, it doesn't mean you are old if you enjoyed these. I liked them from the time I was a child.

  6. I'm not much of a jim carrey fan either. the cartoon Grinch was just fine.

    duchess deedless is correct about tony the tiger.

    1. Anne Marie, in my book you and Deedles are grrrrrrreat! :)

  7. Duchess Deedles is correct about many things. Most things, even.

  8. Well, I do play a mean game of masturbatory Trivial Pursuit (nobody will play with me). Now for this old thing, OLD Lurker, no one else up in here is using that particular descriptive. I don't watch any holiday programming anymore, but if I'd have to choose A Christmas Carol it would be the Mr. Magoo one.

    1. Deedles, Mr Magoo yaaay! Lol. As for the other stuff, I wouldn't touch that with a thirty nine and a half foot pole!

  9. I wish Hollywood would stop playing the remake game. They actually lose the magic that the original has. It sucks that it's all about the big bucks.
    BTW, Carrey is a has been that can't even paint much less act his way out of a plastic bag.

    1. Leenanna, I agree with everything you said here, case closed!

  10. The only Jim Carrey movie I like it’s Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. In anything else he gets to me. And you are all right about remakes: don’t do them. The Grinch remake is the perfect example of that no-no.

    1. Sixpence, I haven't watched that film, if I get a chance I will give it a try.

  11. Why yes, Old Lurker, as a matter of fact I DO prefer the 1951 Christmas Carol movie with Alastair Sim! And in black and white too, thank you very much, none of this colourized nonsense! LOL

    1. Debra, I totally agree, the black and white version captures the, poop your pants spooky aura of the ghosts the best!

  12. Not even colorized? Boy, you do like living in the past. You probably watch A Muppet Christmas Carol on an old B&W TV too.

    Duchess: It's my name! Don't blame me for it! Blame my parents. Also, just because I am old doesn't mean you all can't be old too. At least I am not crotchety.

    1. OL, you are not crotchety? I must have missed that memo.

  13. OL: Of course you're not crotchety! I would NEVER call you that! You're more of a lovable curmudgeon. I don't suppose you have twin siblings named Pete and Repete do you? I've heard a pair of parents did this to their kids.

    1. Do you two need to be alone? What about the child who was named nauseous, I am afraid of the following child's name!

  14. When Steven finally settles down and has kids I expect he will take the George Foreman approach to child names.

    1. OL, now I will have to google that. My kids are all named Hay Ewe.

  15. First off, I'm with you about Jim Carrey.
    Secondly, what Debra said.
    Plus, cartoons, by nature of being a cartoon, seem fun and funny and, yes, at times, scary. Live action, even with a Grinch seems too real and too frightening.
    I'll take A Charlie Brown Christmas any day!

  16. Bob, Charlie Brown Christmas is where I learned to dance, just like the characters!

  17. There is a bit of irony to it all. Mr. Grinch merely wanted peace and quiet from all the noise noise noise of christmas. Now he has become part of it.

  18. Dr Spo, lol you are such a clever man, ah but did he really want to be left alone or was he actually lonely.
